
The start

This war has waged for many decades now the amount of people we have lost is astronomical I can't seem to understand how we have even continued to pump out soldiers. The soldiers are now poorly trained from how fast they go through camp they can barely enable hold a rifle let alone hold this front line against the beast.

The beast came from another dimension they tore through the holes in our world like it was butter. We should have never begun those experiments we were told if we tried to play God we would be brought to extinction we should have listened when we had the chance now all that's left is our demise on this wall. The last front for us human our allies have forsaken us our children all died on the first waves of radiation came through but now I just hope we will be able to fight them back maybe even kill them but our time seems to be up.

Men we as the last line have come to understand what this means we are humans the last of us the rest either perished or turned into those montrousities now we must ask are we gonna stand here and cower or shall we join up and fight for our right to live on this planet like how it should be. Now men ride with me into this battle we either win and come back to start a new or die trying for the people that are left. For our loved ones that are waited for the good news for our survival as a human race I say we charge and bring these assholes to their knees or die trying are you with me ?!?!

The loud deafening cheer of the men under my command roared out. With this we finally charge into the unknown on the other side of the wall for our hopeful survival.