Oh hell this doesn't feel normal oh yeah wait a minute oh well long story short I am on the roof because I came here to confront one of my friends who is having a bad day and now we are hiding from a bunch of others students (sigh) no one said being a freshman would be this hard then she started to get figity and like most of the time they found us. They weren't the nicest of people but they were nice to only those they see fit and me and zia or well that was a funny nickname for her but anyways we weren't one of them so they treated us badly but I could tell zia was not in the best of state of mind. We are talking about a girl I have known since middle school and I know appt like how she has depression and is very appt of other stuff that I shall not say but there there. Then these people looked upset the zia pulled me closer to her and told me why there upset and how they talked about releasing there anger out on me her and three others so I thought to myself well I dead jokingly it's not like I was going to die until one of them pulls out brass knuckles and then that was the moment zia grabbed my arm and jumped of the building

I felt the wind going threw me I felt gravity start to grad me and pull me down to the growned as I fell I noticed how powerless I was. I was falling and there was absolutely nothing I can do about it so I shut my eyes felt the wind and fell from the sky and I woke up in a grass field that seemed to extend on to the mountains then I noticed there was someone sleeping right next to it was zia so I decided to pick her up and start looking for some type of tied or town and although we are a bit different to how we looked back at out own world it's ok I looked tall asian black hair gray eyes my body was mildly muscular light skinned I use to have dark brown hair and brown eyes but I guess all of that is in the past now also a bit shorter but not a lot zia was also the say asian but a little lighter skinned then me black hair light brown eyes and her height well she was still only up to my lip she used to be up to my nose. Well I guess I am on my way
