
War: The Rookie

Some guild masters took cover, no one had ever seen such a crisis some earthlings even mistook it for a dragon. Some also stood out by trying to rescue as much people as they could while avoiding the wyvern's ice breathe. The Whitevale guild stood out too much, the boards didn't falter and instead were even trying to fight back though it all proved useless as they had one more thing to deal with, Kain engulfed himself in the circle of floating water. He blocked it every time the invisible substance came at him, it killed everyone else it went at except him. It had continuously kept attacking him as if it had a mind of its on, at a time it even changed it attack pattern, Kain couldn't see it but the moment it was about to attack it hit the water shield leaving its traces for a short while that was how Kain was able to deduce it was a sword.

"how awkward.... I'm fighting with a sword that can move on its on" Kain looked around him trying to figure where it could be coming from again.



Eschaton attacked him already. Kain at once shouted "piercing iceshots!".

  Ice shot out of the water in different directions and finally one hit the invisible sword and shattered, leaving drops of water of it. Kain smiled "now come at me again" he drew a circle in the air with his two hands and halfed it " water art set E, water segment! seperate."

As the sword dashed at him a ball of water came out in front of him where he had drew the circle, the ball of water halved, the lower part went lower and the higher part went higher as the sword reached in front of Kain, "Join!" Kain shouted the ball of water closed in on the sword and entrapped it, as the sword floated in the ball of water its silver shining appearance revealed, stained with bloods the sword wriggled and soon stop after awhile.

Everyone looked at Kain in awe and respect, they were fascinated and agitated to see what was killing them was a sword that could move on its own, even though Kain had taken care of the sword, he didn't solve anything as the sword was just a minor threat, the real thing that was killing with speed was still out there.

Kain knew when to give, he looked up at the wyvern "no one here can defeat that thing... Not even guild master, trying to act tough will only lead to my demise. This is the most I can do," ice art set A, ice shelter". An ice cave began to emerge from the floor, he didn't even had to speak. The soldiers began to run into it. The wyvern saw this and began to fly towards the ice cave. It landed on top of the ice cave, the wyvern wasn't dumb and recognized its own attribute, so it knew an ice breathe attack on the ice cave would only make the cave stronger. It flew up and began to use it hind limb to smash the ice from the top. Kain who was sure the wyvern would give up was surprised, he never expected it to be so intelligent, he had fought many monsters and has seen how they reacted to situations, monsters acted according to instinct but what he saw acted out of pure reasoning. Perhaps it was his own fault for first mistaking a mythical beast for a monster, though they may both have an hideous nature the two were a totally different entities. Mythical beast were creatures that came into existence through the will of all existence except humans, from the sands to woods, air... every element expressed their will in a way unknown to humans, mana was also an expression of this will, also mythical beast came into existence through it, however mythical beast began to mate with each other regardless of how they looked like and began to reproduce, one would rarely find the same type of skin on two mythical beast except they were twins. However monsters were born from the imperfections of the world, despair, grief, sadness, envy, maliciousness and all others. Monsters reproduce only from one that looked like them and regarded any other one that looked not like it as enemies. It was common to see monsters of the same kind, in fact they often moved together and would have a leader.

The wyvern lately looked at Kain, it stopped in the air for a moment and dashed at Kain.

"ice art set A, ice wall!"

A wall of ice rose up from the ground but the wyvern easily smashed through, it stopped above Kain and flapped it wing continuously as though it was observing him.

It was surprising Kain didn't run away like others, the wyvern dropped in front of him, right then a large dark purple bolt hit the wyvern by the side. It stumbled away, Kain looked at his right side where the bolt had come from. Jorek walked out from that corner.

"I never expected the Forgan empire to surprise me this way, I mean i knew there's so much unknown about them but to think they actually had a wyvern within their grasps, it makes me wanna explore them more" *kikikikikiki* The mage laughed as he walked towards the wyvern that was slowly getting up.

Kain shouted at him, "what do you think you're doing, that thing will kill you!!"

"... What?! how rude of you to think this little thing will kill me... this thing?" Jorek raised his hand to his shoulder level and tightened his fist as if he was crushing something, dark purple balls that emitted lightening appeared around the wyvern.

The wyvern flapped its wing and got electrocuted by the balls, the balls reacted together and began to roll around the wyvern, the lightnings formed net over the wyvern and it wailed as it tried getting up but was stunned every time.



Jorek's three layers shield broke, at once he jumped away as whatever fell on him burrowed into the ground.

"who the hell is this?'', 'no I should be careful even though it's faint, I can detect that forbidden magic on this rod'




"I have heard a lot about you High-mage sir Jorek"


Keiji-sama stood his ground in front of Nilus who had not moved a bit even after knowing his sword was stuck and his new friend was cornered, he stood there smiling, even as Keiji sama made way for the duke to run away he stood still, after Keiji-sama helped Duke Bryand he sneaked back to Nilus.

Nilus watched him for awhile, they both stood still, the only difference was Keiji-sama's sword was unsheathed and pointing to the ground but Nilus hand was behind his back. The air flow was different, they stared at each other and observed one another thoroughly.

Nilus once again opened his mouth "I'll kill you..."

"don't worry I'll run away once I see that I'm about to die, I just really need to enjoy the fight, even if it's for a short while"

"you want to enjoy a fight at the expense of your life?" Nilus confusely asked.

"it'd be boring and I'll regret it if I don't fight you here, so even if I die fighting you, I'm sure I can't regret it but don't worry like I said I'll run away before I die"

"hmm" Nilus smiled, "then start"

Keiji-sama swung his sword upward, "ginno one sword strike! ".

The air flowed in the alignment of his sword and every thing got silent, at once the air to the ground sliced, it was a feeling of flipping something over and slicing it into half. However just a fragment of Nilus hair fell to the ground, and he was still on the spot he stood before Keiji-sama attacked.

Keiji-sama almost believed he didn't move, "those movements just now how many steps did you take... Thirteen?"

"seventeen, I'm surprised you could see that, you're indeed skilled. It took me seventeen steps to weave that attack... Were you the one that injured Sir Jonas that badly?"

'he's a real monster... How on earth did he move seventeen steps in less than a second'... ''oh was that his name? I heard the Knight are ranked, what rank was he?"


"what rank are you?"

"first and commander of the Silver Knights... "

"ah I see....you're worth it" Keiji-sama smiled, ''I might as well get an award for this''

Nilus stretched his hand to his side,

After a while his sword flew to his hand. He swung it to splash away the water and blood on it. He then held it towards the ground. And continued, "I'll let you go... not because I'm showing mercy but I heard earthlings can get stronger by killing monsters. Go, get stronger and come back only that way will you enjoy this fight, right now you're too weak you won't enjoy anything. You'll die the moment I point my sword towards you"

"how regretful..." Keiji-sama sheathed his sword. "I'll surely come back and then it will be a death fight"

"I don't mind" Nilus smiled again and watched as Keiji-sama used his low level flash-step skill and leapt away. He turned towards where his wyvern had wailed with a distorted face "now shall we see who dares to hurt my Korge.''


Kain looked down at his status as he realized how weak he was from the fight of the man in blue and the great mage Jorek,

[status window]

Name : Kain

Level : 191

Class : Chosen of Mizuchi

Class rating: legend

Profession : Timid Bully

Health : 24300/19870

Mana pool stage : Superior end stage

Mana pool capacity : 17000/15130

Titles : Water lord and 4 others

Titles effect : *completely neutral to all water and ice attributes attack, *ignore target ice and water attribute defense, *crystallize shield when hit by an earth attribute, *+30 water attribute attack power when fighting a fire attribute opponent.

Available stat points : 100

Class skills : Ice art set A(SR)lv.2, water art set C(AAA)lv.1, Ice art set F(S)lv.1, water art set E(A)lv.3, Kill set(R) lv.6

Profession mastery : intermediate lv 2

Profesion skill: successful taunt skill lv 1, weakness reveal lv 4

Strength: 150✪(+5)

Vitality: 300

Agility: 150✪(+5)

Intelligence: 1010

Dexterity: 200

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