
The World Flipped

This is a story about Reinard, a boy who was a game freak as a result of things that had happened to him. One night the world suddenly flipped and Reinard saw this as another chance to rewrite himself. But fate takes him on a journey without his consent and Reinard slowly realizes there may be more to the flipping of his world and to everything that exist. Follow Reinard and many other characters as they impact this Abeir Toril,( a beautiful world adored by many but untouchable)in different ways MC is not perfect and overpowered from the beginning and world building takes some chapters but later focuses on MC alone.

CephasWRITES · Fantasy
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303 Chs

Prelude to war: The Ranking Fight

Different guilds from different countries had begun to make moves such as recruit earthlings, sending out representatives to different areas to gather information. It was for one thing. The guilds were independent of the kingdom they were located, so they acted on free will.

Many guilds of course chose to fight for the glory of the kingdom that accepted them. But many guilds fought as mercenaries in wars. Thus guilds were preparing themselves thoroughly for the upcoming war and have been recruiting at amazing speed.

However the strongest guild had been silent unlike others they didn't falter, perhaps it was due to the rumour that the first ranked guild has gotten their hands on a powerful and arrogant earthling who was now the center of attention. He was a loner, even in the guild he hardly spoke with people all he did as train and go on missions as if he was thoroughly preparing for something.

"please, call me Kain, we have an important meeting and must he must be present as he is part of the board members."

"please deputy can you send someone else he might kill me if I disturb him."

"what's he doing?"

"he's sleeping"

"ahhh.... even I am scared to meet him, how about you go I'll go get the guild master so he can stop him just before he kills you."

"no no... I don't wanna"

Just then someone entered, the guild master entered with Kain, the guild master looked like someone in his 40s and dressed in kinomo it was a dressing that was had to get but he went extra length to get so he won't forget his japanese way, he was what the whole guild referred to as an otaku, he was obsessed with his Japanese girls and animes, back on earth and even now however no one could rival his strength not even Kain.

He was a samurai to the bones.


Kain glared at the timid guild member who was supposed to go call him.

"I'll... excuse myself sir!!!"

He ran out.

"you dragged me here because you said there's an important meeting... I don't see anyone here."

Kain looked at looked at the guild master,

"come on who said this was the place the meeting would be happening. Let's go to the training grounds the others will be waiting for us"

(not this again)

Kain knew the custom of the guild even though he just joined two months ago, after finishing the tutorial, he had dedicated himself to getting stronger non stop, while others settled down to find source of living or get informations, Kain just blankly hunted and hunted, growing stronger, and luckily stumbles upon a legend rated class. The guild leader had met him during a personal hunt, they had to raid a monster together because it was too strong to handle alone, he liked Kain immediately, Kain's decision making showed that he had been in many combats and is very experience, not to talk of his strength, his ability to calculate his opponent's move, all this inspired the guild leader to forcibly recruit him, so he was a treasure to the guild.

Kain knew if they were having a meeting at the training grounds they would end up having a duel, all the board members, twelve of them would have a duel, he had become lazy since joining the guild and just want to laze around and wait for a thrilling moment. With the war lurking, he was happy, he would prove to Reinard that this is not a game, he would beat him to crap, this won't be called bullying but a fair fight in which he's stronger, that's the reason he had worked this hard. He was sure this lurking war, he would meet Reinard somewhere, that was the only thing that thrilled him.

They arrived at the large training ground, few guild members were training, while some sat the the audience seat, because of rumors that the board was going to have a rank duel.

"ahhaha now that we are all here, I'll get straight to the point"

The voice of the guild master gathered the rest of the board focus to him.

"okay as we all know, war will be happening soon, in fact it might be happening already be happening. This war would be the right time for us to gather fortunes and gain connections in different kingdoms, and as we probably know, not only us would be thinking like this. Other guilds will be on guard too, so even though we would be fighting a lot of dwellers, i believe we'll be fighting earthlings, and we know that we can't afford to be lazy, we don't even know how strong a dweller army commander can be so we mustn't sleep on it. That's why today we'll be having a ranking match, this ranking match is to help us know our weaknesses so we can grow stronger. Also after this match all guild members should directly receive training from the board, as I know that all the board are all above level 200, with that we'll get to business. Challenge each other and start the fun!!!"

Tall, slim, brown haired, black cold eyes Fuchs spoke first

" I challenge you Boss."

"haha..see I know you're cocky and all, maybe even the strongest but why don't you take it easy, challenging me like that might make others think you're weak because I'll finish you in one hit."

"then accept the challenge."

"okay let's do this"

The guild master placed his hands on kain's shoulder,

"if you can defeat this guy here, I'll then fight you."

"....as you wish"

Fuchs smirked,

"He's very strong and has a weird sword style, very weird, if you don't know how to handle it you'll die"

The two stepped forward, Kain looked at Fuchs as he placed his hand on his sword and gripped it, ready to pull it out of its scabbard.

"aren't you going to bring out your weapon?"

"I don't need one at least for now."

"i see all of you are just to damn cocky in this guild!"

The whistle blows, immediately Fuchs dashed towards Kain who stood there, plainly, not even moving an inch, hands still gripping his sword but yet to pull it out.

"(i see openings but why is he not pulling the sword out..)"

As Fuchs dashed further, he suddenly disappeared out of sight, Kain eyes widened, immediately....

[you have received 1221 damges]

He got hit in the back.

"(he pulled the sword the moment he disappeared... No.. He disappeared because he pulled the sword... Whichever way I have to see it a second time to be sure)"

Rein threw his fist backwards to put a distance between the two of them, Fuchs jumped backwards, as well also Kain jumped farther away.

Fuchs return the sword to its scabbard and began to run towards him again, on getting nearer he disappeared, Rein immediately faced back to counter any attack that would come through but instead he got slashed on his chest the moment he turned his face to the back.

[you have received 982 damages]

"... (it's shallow)"

Fuchs jumped backwards to give distance but didn't jump too far.

"(I'm right... He can even attack from anywhere, something like invisibility... Maybe it's almost like the concept of flash skill I saw the guild master use...almost but weak, he even has to pull out his sword, plus he can't attack from too far, there's a distance he has to reach.)....there's one thing I'd like to know"

Kain stretched his shoulders as he began to talk,

"is that a basic attack, a class skill attack or a profession skill attack?"

"i didn't know you were the type to talk during a fight."

"hmm...whatever, that better not be your only trick because I'll be very disappointed, you fired me up so you must give me at least ten minutes of fun."

"hehe..... Its about to start, I love seeing it"

The board members looked at the guild master weirdly as he smirked joyfully.

'no one has really seen Kain's strength, but every one respected him because the guild master said they fought continuously for three hours before he could subdue him... Even i cannot last thirty minutes'

The deputy guild master adjusted his round glasses as he woke up from his thoughts to enjoy the fight.

"you'll still not bring out your weapon...?"

"what are you talking about?"


Rein flicked his fingers, in that instant, a large water fist formed above Fuchs, who was like an ant in beneath the large water fist, he noticed the shadow before he finally looked up.

"you crazy man, do you want to flood the whole arena!"

"worry for yourself first"

Rein flung his hand downward, the fist began crashed down at Fuchs at its maximum speed.

[target has received 3459 damages]

The whole arena began to get flooded, the board members were about to act but Kain clapped his hands and immediately the water iced, stopping the flood. Kain waved his hand as he began to walk towards Fuchs who was now trapped inside a large boulder of ice.

Four iced short, sharp, tiny spears appeared and surrounded the iced boulder, the boulder melted from his head to his shoulder.

Fuchs coughed out water as he gasps.

"you aren't the one... *cough*... to hold back? *cough*.."

"what do you mean? I didn't even use a skill with you yet and you think I attacked you at my full strength."

Fuchs eyes widened,

"then.... that was a basic attack?"

"yes it was"


Kain flicked his fingers again, multiple normal sized water fist formed in front of Fuchs and began to punch his face.

[target has received 432 damages]

[target has received 335 damages]

[target has received 559 damages]

[target has received 476 damages]



He continued to flick his fingers as the normal sized fists punched Fuchs continuously.

"what i only did was infuse mana to enlarge it."

The fists begin to grow larger and finally fuse into three different fist, each one as large as Fuchs face.




[target has received 1579 damages]

[target has received 1455 damages]

[target has received 2110 damages]

[target has entered stunned state]

The rest of the board members looked in awe as Kain played with the powerful Fuchs.

"But boss, what type of attack is that."

As the board were far, they couldn't hear him. A female board member asked.

"hmm as far as I can tell, that's a normal attack, it's basic. And too bad you couldn't see what I wanted you to see, I thought he would at least use it with Fuchs, but seems he's even stronger than when he fought me. He's a person that distance doesn't matter to him, long range or short range, he has no problem taking care of them. Ahhhh... I wish you all would have seen that beautiful water amour that he used with me."

"this guy.... He's skillbis besy against fighting multitudes especially raids"

The deputy added,

"of course he was very helpful in raiding a field boss monster"

"huh only both of you raided a field monster?"

The whole board was surprised, reason being that raiding field monsters was very hard, field monster had the environment to their advantage and the opened air allowed free movements compared to Dungeon monster where movement of the monsters are limited, and the hunter can easily use the monsters habitat to he's advantage.

Everyone looked at Kain as he walked back amidst them and sat down. The eyes of many guild members shone, no doubt many wanted him to teach them.

The leader shouted and got everyone's attention.

"let's continue the ranking fight!!!!"