
The world filled with colors

Was it a sudden of fade that brought them together a heavy feeling but also a feeling that gives relief. The story of the loneliest girl who just wanted to be warmed and loved with parents who are so busy who couldn't even be with her on dinners. But suddenly fade gives her a change to experience the life she always wanted but with a time limits.

Azi_beypi · Teen
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13 Chs

The warmed bread

It was morning Mona was awake a little to early as she gets ready to go to school she goes to the kitchen and cook herself breakfast.

She sat down alone on the table she pray and start eating her breakfast. After that she goes upstairs to pack her bags as she was almost done a notification comes on her phone.

It was again from her mom she ignore it and take's her bag but she didn't realize that she have forgotten to pack one of those copies that she was working on late night

Mona was never a child who will do bad things to grape attention, she was a child with no word she rarely ever speak, she just wanted someone to talk to someone who will listen to her.

She reach her class it was dirty clearly left by her classmates as they know she will cleaned it up. And without a word she start to clean it. It was early so no one was there as she was cleaning. Then suddenly someone opened the door it was a boy who in her same class just in section B.

He grins when he see's her and says

"I hope you have did your work properly this time "

When Mona see's him her eyes lights up and she clumsily walk to her table and give him his notes that she was working on that night as she was about to greet him.

He suddenly snatch the notes from her hand and walk out of the class she was not sad nor angry as it have happen many times.

The class when on smoothly until it was lunch Mona walks in her favorite shop to buy her favorite lemon bread. Which she liked very much because it makes her feel warm inside.

As she was walking out of the shop when she suddenly notice her classmate (whom she meet early in the morning ) was walking towards her she got confused and happy thinking that he wanted to talk to her as he stand in front of her she offered him one of the bread she buy.

But suddenly he slap the bread out of her hand Mona was in shock the smile she was showing was still there but her eyes were wide open he says.

" meet me after school on the third floor on the stairs.

And then he walk inside the shop. She pick up the bread and dust it off she find a bench on the school yard as she sat down she could feel the cold in her body she saw the beautiful plants and butterfly.

The bench the close to a tree which was giving her shade she could feel the cold but as soon as she took a bite of the bread the cold when away.

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