1 Chapter 1

My name is Luna Renae, and this is the story of how my world crashed and burned. It was a cold and windy fall day, all I really wanted to do was spend it with my girlfriend at home. Instead, I was standing in front of a capital building, a picket sign and a pride flag in hand, with thousands of other people waiting on a verdict from the Supreme Court.

The crowd around me fell silent as the speaker system crackled to life. Thousands of people holding their breath, staring at the publicity officer that they sent out to do a press briefing. When he sighed before speaking I felt the energy of the crowd change, we all knew what he was going to say before he even spoke. When the words finally reached my ears, Elizabeth, my girlfriend cried out, heartbroken and began to sob into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and held her there, tears silently rolling down my cheeks. For a moment no one moved, but then the anti-lgbtq+ protesters burst into cheers, hugging each other and smiling, like they had won something. It must have been enough to knock the crowd out of their daze, before I could blink a riot had broken out. I looked down at Elizabeth, her expression was terrified, when I looked back up I saw a large man charging through the crowd towards us.
