
Killing A Monkey

In the deeper part of the forest you could see 2 silhouettes crouching near a bush, one was a tiger and the other was a human with blood red eyes. They where Anthony and the scared to shit less Fuck You Bloodfang.( I'm really proud of the tigers name.)

"Okay now Fuck you, I shall teach you how to hunt. Now you should crouch under a Bush and wait for a opportunity to come or just pounce on it like a wild beast. Then you can drink its blood." He said with hand gestures. Like a shit dictator. The Tiger really was so unlucky. It just wanted to hunt a rabbit and for into this maniac.

"Now what we shall do is wait for it." He said proudly. He was sure that someone would fall for his trap. He is called his trap Bush trap.

They waited and waited but there is no deer or rabbit that was walking towards the Bush that they where hiding.

"Damn it! where are those creatures." He silently cursed.

Then he heard footsteps from his back. So he was so excited that he immediately pounced at it. But when he saw the creature that he was going to attack was the monkey who injured him, He was immediately enraged. Like a wild beast he ferociously attack the monkey who also saw him.

"Hmp!! Now that we are here and you could not sneak attack me." He said with an evil grin. Brandishing his blood sucker he made the first move. He also learned how to use [Mind Control ] and [Blood Sword]

"Hehe... you really think that I would fall for the same trap again. Hmmp!" He coldly said before he charged through and frenzied attacking the black monkey.

The monkey also made an enrage roar, It was so load that shook the nearby trees. It also charge to Anthony while using its long broad sword to hack him down into pieces.

Anthony stop his tracks on mid air and let the broad sword past him by an inch.

"Phew... that was close. " He said coldly while he stared at the big monkey who was again rushing towards him. Brandishing his sword he made a strike but was block by the big black monkey's broad sword. The sound of metal hitting metal pervade into the surroundings where they battle.




When He got close enough to the monkey the monkey's advantage was gone since it could strike willfully when Anthony was in each range of attack. But once Anthony got very close to it, it immediately. lost its advantage.


A sword hitting a flesh was heard when Anthony strike closely to the monkey. He hit the lower chest in which the stomach was located.(I'm not really good at describing boys parts)

The monkey immediately made an enrage roar and tried to retreat so that it could take back its advantage while dragging its injured belly. Since Anthony injured it fatally the monkeys speed became slower.

"Hehe you think I would let take back your advantage. Dream On!" He sneered coldly while he gave a chase to the injured black monkey.


Another sword cutting flesh was heard in the surroundings of the forest where Anthony and the monkey was fighting. But this time Anthony was in advantage since he was in close combat while the black monkey was in disadvantage since it was heavily injured by Anthony twice. But this time the monkey decisively counter a track not defending its left leg which was Directly hit by the blood sucker.

"Baam!!" Anthony block the broad sword since the monkey's speed was affected by its injured belly, so he still have time to block.

Although he block the attack he still got thrown away by the force. Spitting blood in the process.

Upon seeing that it's pursuer was thrown away by its attack the gigantic black monkey immediately flee out of the fight.

But Anthony would never let it flee out of the fight since he will kill it to sooth his revenge. He madly chase the heavily injured monkey.

This time Anthony did not want to be impulsive so he just stalked it like a predator preying on its prey.

When he saw how the black monkey was slowly putting its guard down he did not immediately attack but wait for it to rest, that is when he is going to make his move.

-Five minutes - Later

The black cave monkey was resting and licking its wounds on a huge tree. Not noticing a shadow was leaping on the trees nearby while it was tending its wounds by licking it.

Anthony was like an agile leopard silently closing to his prey.

(I got the aspiration, because I was watching national geographics)

Still the monkey did not notice that Anthony was on the neighboring tree where it was tending and recuperating its heavily injured body.


Anthony made a huge leap using his spell blood sword he jump to the direction of the wounded monkey like a puma ambushing a rain deer.

It was too late when the monkey notice it the blood sword was already 2 meters away from it's big head.


The monkey still tried to dodge but was block by the blood sucker. The sword nailed the head of the monkey on the big tree.

[You have killed Dark cave monkey elite(grandmaster)]

[+1190 exp]

[+11 silver coins]

[+3 Black cave monkey fur( blue)]

[+ 3 blood sword exp]

He then check his spell blood sword and he was surprise that it can be upgraded to SSS as long as found the complete one.

[Blood Sword]( ) incomplete

[Level 1 3/ 14 exp]

The Monkey did not disintegrated like most Games like dota creeps. He can harvest its meat.

When he was about to harvest its meat he then remembered that Fuck You was still in the Bush that he was hiding before he killed this black monkey.

He left the dead monkey and started finding Fuck You.

He thought that Fuck You was a name since Winston keeps calling Fuck You or Fuck me.

"Fuck You ! Where are you?!!" He shouted at the. top of his lungs.

In the inner region of the forest a tiger was silently walking through. When it heard the shout, it immediately felt a chill down its spine. It immediately started running at its most fast speed.

Thinking: ' Damn it the psychopath is going for me again! ' He silently cussed.

Anthony was searching for fifteen whole minutes before he found Fuck You hiding on a cave. Staring nervously on the entrance of the cave.

"Haha found you!" He said excitedly to the terrorized tiger.

"He then hugged the scared to stiffness tiger like the tiger was a domestic cat. Before saying:

"Don't ever do that okay. Muwaah Muwaah " He kisses the tiger's forehead." Now let's make you cool like your big brother." He said proudly and excitedly at the same time.

He then carried the tiger who was scared shitless on his back.

When he got back he saw that the monkey body was. still intact which means that no beast have found it yet.

He excitedly put down Fuck You and he gestured him to go on eat that it's very very yummy. Even though he have not tatse it.


Sky_Dragon_Slayercreators' thoughts