
I Already Fulfilled Your Dying Wish My Old Friend

" Why do you really have to offend Emir. Can't you not be in trouble just for th st elven Woman!" The Lion said in a sad voice before falling into silence. " But Draco why do you really have to set your eyes on her!.Her hatred for vampires were already to her soul but you still courted that kind of selfish and Boobd only woman." The Godkin Lion made another long sigh. " Because of that you provoke Emir, although he have already warned you.to not play around you with that boobs Princess... and yet you still fall in love with her!" The Godkin Lion said in deep sorrow as he withdraw on the green trees.

" I have already Fulfilled that dying wish of yours Draco... now I have nothing to do or responsibility on what they are going to do in the future. "

" My disciple since your Blood Fang clan's remaining descendants were still on my territories... I shall help you one last time." As that mystical and magical voice was heard almost simultaneously a deep loud roar sounded out!

In the Planes of Morith where Winston and the rest were running for their life against the rampaging Blue eyed wolf . The wolf have already killed seven of them. And while they were still running for their lives.


"ROAR!!" A loud and an ear piercing roar was herd on the forest where they exited. It was soo loud that it generated some whirlwind that blown some tall and sturdy trees and even the tall grasses were uprooted!

And then a miracle happened Winston and the rest where not hurt or their eardrums burst from that loud roar but the opposite. And where they turned around to look at the Rampaging wolf, they were shocked. It was bleeding on its seven orifices.

Northern Blue Eyed Dragon Wolf ( Level 45) (Elite)

Health: 4000 / 45000

Mana: 0 / 1000

STATE: Heavily Injured (Cannot fight back)

" Nice!! It was already injured guys avenge pur comrades!!" Winston shouted loudly ad he was the first to rush to the lying on its own pool of blood

Northern Blue Eyed Dragon Wolf .

"Attack!!" Anthony also didn't dally around and also charged straight towards the Northern Blue Eyed Dragon Wolf who was now already heavily injured.

He was also in pained when he saw seven of his kins dying at the hands of this furry thing. But what can he do! He was still weak at this moment! He was very helpless and what made him more frustrated was that even though he was the one with the highest level in than the rest he could do nothing to stop the

Northern Blue Eyed Dragon Wolf. He could only reluctantly watch the seven of them being killed by it.

When the wolf saw them coming towards him like a tsunami tide it was immediately filled with despair. But it immediately calmed down and as its blue eyes swap towards them, this time it's eyes does not have despair but mocking eyes and disdain, it was still proud even though it was going to die on its preys hands. Then the wolf made a cold smirked as it howl for the last time before Anthony's sword pierced it's chest. Killing it immediately.

Anthony immediately leveled up to level thirty as he kneeled towards the dead wolf as he said seriously.

" Brothers I have avenge your deaths!"

The other vampires also knelt down and showed some pain since their comrads died indiginantly and injusticely.

" Let's go !" Winston shouted as The sun was already Sun was about to be extinguished by the dark cold night. " We don't want to be their supper right? "

Winston then walk towards some small trees and broke its twigs making crack sounds as he kept them in his inventory and walk back to the kneeling crowd. Without any sound he ordered Erick to get some tying thingy from those big trees on their north.

When Erick handed him those things he immediately started to tie them like a cross to honor the dead, as he commanded them to dig ten feet above the ground to burry this remaining parts of the dead eaten vamps.

" He also made some Catholic prayers to them before he commanded the others to start their journey towards north. which was like full of plane grassy land, just like Africa, ( I think the Sahara type plane ) but what made them feel so tired was not Sun which was already engulfed by the night sky two hours ago, but the darkness. They have to be cautious all the time or else they would be like the other seven vampires. What was even more frustrating was that even the seven moons that was colored, pink, Green, Blue, Black, White, Purple, and Orange was shining deemly as the clouds covered them, looks like they are going to be soaked by rain.

" We should immediately try to find a place to stay before this clouds excrete their waters towards us." Winston shouted loudly as they started to walk faster.


It took them full seven hours before they found massive mountains protruding on the land. The mountains were majestic piece of art. Green trees, abundant animals and beast and some wreckage of swords, spears, axes, arrows, flags, dead people th st you could really not describe as people since they have long ears obviously they were elves. The other ones have a green armors and skin like zombies in Minecraft, pointy ears but not like the elves, and what made them look special was that they all have a mark on their necks that even Lich who was from the dream could not read. It was obviously a Battlefield but judging on the blood it mostly happened five hours ago.

" Damn... what happened here?" Clara said while inspection some useful weapons. Although she was a proud noble woman she still have to lower her head when Anthony commands.

" It's a Battlefield of course! " Winston said in annoyance. If not for the fact that only the girl hostage was still alive he would have already left Clara a long time ago.

" Oah! ( I was trying to convey like an understanding thing. but since I really hate describing things I always fuck up so I have to think about it for a while)!"

She paused before looking at Winston, and cling on his skinny figure before saying: " Then can you tell me Your Majesty?" She really tried to do her best just to sip some knowledge.

" Later I'll explain when we're done but first loot faster, since maybe the enemies were going back. Bring as many as your can and go to that mountain there ." He pointed towards

a certain mountain that only have stones. It was like a mining project.