
World after the fall (9)

In the new year, Jaehwan applied for the military right away.

It was decided on a whim. If he had taken the necessary steps, he would have been waived for military duty due to his ten years of mental consultations, but Jaehwan did not choose that route. Besides, his medical records were all free sessions that did not count as medical issues. He could have gotten help from the doctor if needed, but Jaehwan didn't want to. He didn't want to see the man's face anymore. And above all else, Jaehwan needed a place to trap himself.

He needed a place with strict rules, a place where he did not need to think deeply, and a place where he can push his body to the limit.

Jaehwan was soon dispatched to the farthest region, the DMZ where it was known to be harshest of all military branches and began his military life there. He memorized his duties and stood on patrol. He cleaned places that weren't his to clean, volunteered first to shovel out the snow, and always came back last.

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