
Dead man (5)

Silver Bind was very powerful.

All criminals could not resist his [Orders] and the brothers were having a hard time against [Silver Bind]. Karlton was living up to the reputation of the 'best of the four Guard Captains'.

"So, it wasn't a false rumor that you can kill a Garnak alone…."

Janya deflected Karlton's halberd as he gritted his teeth. To the Adapters traveling in <Chaos>, the [Silver Bind] of the Sky people was the worst skill to fight against. Janya was barely resisting, but his two brothers were already bound. Karlton's halberd swung towards Janya's neck.

"Your resistance is futile."

Janya gulped.

[We should use Black Cloud.]

[Are you serious? If we do that…]

[The ones who were reinforcing the barriers are all dead. We will all die anyway.]


Janya then knelt and raised both his hands.

"I surrender."

"Wise choice."

Karlton then released the bind and approached. At that moment, Janya laughed.

"You are as naïve as rumored also."