
The World Administrator

Feng Ye is a hardworking young adult who works on a grueling 996 schedule to provide for his family, which now consists solely of his younger sister. After a lifetime of hard work to support his family, Feng Ye is faced with his own mortality. As he takes his final breaths, he is presented with a strange offer from a cold, mechanical voice - the chance to be reincarnated. Without much choice, Feng Ye accepts the offer and finds himself staring into the sunset of an unfamiliar world filled with a different kind of vibrant energy. Traveling through numerous realms and different worlds, Feng Ye levels up, plunders resources, and begins to uncover the many conflicts and hidden undercurrents that exist both within new worlds and the one he left behind.

WanderingQi · Fantasy
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5 Chs


While heading back to the confrontation, Feng Ye fully exchanges his cloak with the bandit's cloak. Putting on the dark hooded cloak, he equips the bandit's dagger.

In this case, it is to his benefit to circle back further away from the unknown squatter that he noticed previously. Understanding this, he picks up the pace and takes a longer detour within the forest and circles to the conflict but ensures that the squatter in the ferns cannot notice him. While he gets closer to the battle, Feng Ye dashes out and runs in an incredibly distressed manner.

The nearby bandits notice a distressed individual dressed in their robes run towards them. The bandits here besides glancing at him don't pay any further attention. Only a fool would run towards them in this manner, they have already concluded that Feng Ye was one of them. As a bandit, there isn't a lot of camaraderie. Most people don't want to be a bandit but their situations might have forced them to do so. Others need a backer or want a shortcut.

Feng Ye dashes towards the bandit leader. The bandit leader is easily identifiable with his sword which occasionally reflects various colors. As he approaches the bandit leader, two bandits who seem to be higher ranked question him. One was taller than the other.

"What is it?" The taller one shouts.

"Boss! There's an unknown individual in mage robes squatting in the ferns nearby!" Feng Ye replies while indicating with his eyes the approximate location of the suspected mage that he had seen before.

"Okay. But I don't think I've seen your face around here before?" The taller one continues to investigate.

"I've joined only very recently."

The taller bandit knits his brows and turns around and quickly runs to report to the bandit leader a few meters away.

"Boss! We got news from the newbie that we have a mousie hidden in the ferns there. Looks like they might be a mage class!"

The bandit leader listens to the report. After a few moments, he nods and sneers, "It might be worth checking out. We have caused a large sound already, it definitely would attract visitors. Lead a squad to flush them out. There's probably only one especially if they are hiding waiting for an opportunity."

"Yes, boss! What about the newbie bandit?" Referring to Feng Ye nearby, the taller bandit asks.

"Take him with you as part of the squad. Monitor him."

"Yes, boss!" While replying to the bandit leader, the taller bandit nods and turns back to head to Feng Ye. "Come with me, newbie. Boss acknowledges your news."

The taller bandit informs the shorter bandit nearby that was idling next to Feng Ye to recruit a squad of five more bandits. Five bandits assemble quickly.

Nearby the adventures that are currently still defending the corpse notice these changes. One of the tanks inquires the female dressed in mage robes," Hey Anne! The bandits seem up to something, any chance you can throw out another explosion?"

The female called Anne that was previously sitting and recovering mana next to the cleric has stood up now. She replies, "I have recovered some mana but it will deplete quickly. The bandit leader seems to be near the back though, so the spell's strength would be costly! I think we should wait and see. I'll continue to use other spells to hold the fort and buff you guys!"

"Okay!" The rest of the adventures nod.

Meanwhile, a squad of five bandits plus Feng Ye and the taller bandit has formed.

"Follow me! We have a mousie who has not kept their eyes open." The taller bandit sneers as he takes the lead and directs the squad toward the hiding location of the unknown squatter nearby. Feng Ye and the rest of the squad follow quickly.

Feng Ye's expression is still one that is quite serious. However, inside -- he is chuckling. Success! His stratagem was to split the bandit's forces and use the bandits to both force the squatting mage to expose themselves and reduce the pressure the adventures had. In the best-case scenario, everyone dies and he can pick up the loot. This case is pretty improbable. The second best option is to thin out the forces of the bandits while wearing out the adventurers. He can choose to help either camp afterward.

Feng Ye and the bandit squad dash in the direction where a patch of ferns has grown. The bandit squad is quite spread out. Due to their previous experiences getting blown to the skies by the female mage's explosive spells, they learned to spread out. In this case, it really was the best decision.

The male mage with brown hair and blue pupils swears in the ferns. "WTF, how did they detect me? It was definitely that bandit! Well, I can cope with this squad…" The male mage brandishes his staff. The rune carved onto it started to glow a red color as magical power surged through the staff and pools near the top to the crystal-like decoration.

"Fireball!" The male mage stands up from the ferns as the bandits come closer and casts a fireball spell. This fireball is a projectile thrown around the diameter of two basketballs that are side by side.






Pointing the staff at the approaching squad of bandits, the male mage casts repetitively while running in a clockwise direction towards the bandit encirclement where there are the fewest number of bandits attacking the adventurers. Numerous flaming fireballs are blasted toward the squad.

"Disperse and continue to go forward. Mage class has low self-defense and low close combat ability!" The taller bandit yells as he brandishes his dagger and avoids the numerous fireballs as though it was a competitive dodgeball competition.


The adventures notice the squad breaking rank from the bandits and this sudden turn of events.

"Opportunity! Cover me we can potentially break through" Anne yells as she brandishes her staff in a circular motion like a helicopter blade above her head. After a full spin, Anne points the staff at the section of the encirclement where there were the most bandits.

"Earthquake!" She casts. The ground rumbles and tremors. The entire battlefield shakes violently as the ground gets disrupted and the ground splits open.

The bandit leader yells, "Diseperse from the earthquake and charge!" They had to go all in. This was the turning point of the battle. Whoever grasps the initiative can be victorious.

Anne follows up and casts a flame wall east of the side she cast the earthquake and split the ground. "This should hold them off for some time! Did you extract the monster core and important parts already yet" she asks the cleric.

"Yes! Ready to go." The cleric responds.

"Great, let's break through in one go! We just need to spearhead and go all out in the direction where there is no fire or earthquake. It will be in the same direction where this unknown mage is approaching. Go!" The tank yells.

All the adventures charge in one full effort at the section of the encirclement where there are the fewest bandits.

The unknown male mage contains to cast numerous fireballs at Feng Ye and the bandit squad but also started to cast toward the encirclement in front of him. With a pincer attack from both sides, the bandits in this section of the encirclement ring are met with bad luck.

The conflict has now evolved into an all-out battle as the bandits and adventurers clash while the bandits also chase down the male mage.

Feng Ye avoids a few fireballs. This was light work and easy with his enhanced sensibility and awareness. At this point, the battlefield is in great confusion, and this is the best time for him to act. With his dagger, Feng Ye stabs the taller bandit in the back and pummels him to the ground. He then dashes towards the bandit leader.

This was his opportunity now. That sword definitely the bandit leader uses is definitely uncommon. It is to Feng Ye's liking.

It's hunting time.