For some reason, the void doesn't mind things from beyond the Void but things created not by the void inside its rule are a problem.
Lucifer is already in hell when he rebels due to corruption.
Until they find a way to free him, Lucifer and God and Nature worked out Rebelions to heal him once every 500 Earth Years.
Chuck and Amara were created by void energy and the combined power of the Archangels. They are Low-Multiversal Beings.
God and Goddess created the Endless, Gods, Horsemen, Souls, Magic, and Monsters to collect more void energy.
The Void gets 78% of its power free creating demons, monsters, corrupting deities, Daedra, dimensions, realities, planes, worlds and so much more.
Chuck and Amara are equal to the combined power of the 2nd generation of Archangels while Chuck's Children are second to low old ones in power.
The Old Ones are low to Godly Old Ones in power
Low old ones can destroy buildings while Godly Old Ones match Raquel.
The powers that be are equal to high-low old ones and high ancient old ones.
The Endless are above the second generation but weaker than Raquel the Archangel of Energy.
The First is equal to God and Goddess.
Hell Lords are equal to Dominion Angels or Chuck's Archangels.
Hell Wardens are equal to the 3rd Generation of Archangels and the 2nd Generation.
Hell Kings are equal to the 2nd Generation to Gabriel and Raphael.
Hell Emperors are equal to the First Generation ( Amenadiel is slightly under Lucifer and Michael in power) to Lucifer and Michael.
Hell Gods are equal to God and Goddess in power.
Hell Titans are equal to All of Heaven and Hell including God and Goddess
Hell Primordials are equal to creation.
All are children/creations of the first that are corrupted by creation.
The Source is a collection of power from Fallen old ones.
Archangels and their parents are constantly fighting to survive and keep creation in check.
With the multiple of Heaven lords to God, they match the first.
Dimensional beings are either or.
Horrors/Eldritch Gods are rare but when they do come from beyond the Void the amount of power they have is always random.
Edom is under the Command of Lillith who although corrupted by Lucifer is seduced by a Horror which is the title of the Eldritch Gods making her powerful enough to rule a Hell Dimension.
Lillith's Demons and Monsters are those that the Mortal Instruments World Fight at least why they were created.
Slayers are as powerful as four mid-level Shadowhunters or one High-Level Shadowhunters at the start and can grow to that of a Throne Angel.
Buffy in her prime is equal to Clary Fairchild in power and Jace in Experience.
SPN Lightbringer is named Hei'el and when he falls he takes the name Lucien Starbringer.
There will be so many different groups and organizations to defend Humanity that they overlap countlessly.
Chuck and Amara are but one of the God and the Darkness written in the Bible but by attempting to conquer this world they didn't create or destroy everything that was spoken of in the bible they hold power over the domains of Light, Life, Death, Creation, Destruction, Hunger, and nothingness but they are not the Only Heavenly Creators. Multiple Heavenly and Hellish Lords and Gods created different aspects of existence.
Amara, Chuck, Death, the Horsemen, and those that would become the Primoridals claim three Dimensions, 7 Hell Dimensions, and 8 Heaven Planes which they turned into Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory.
Demons and Angels as they grow in power can match a Hell God.
The Princes of Hell and the 3rd Generation of Archangels can match a Banished Hell God.
The 2nd Generation of Archangels and the First Lady of Hell match a Deadra Prince.
Gabriel and the Grand Prince of Hell match/ Hell God.
Raphael and the Sovereign Prince of Hell match 10 Hell Gods.
Lucifer/Michael Match 50 Hell Gods each.
Amenadiel/ Horsemen Pestilence/ Famine Match a Low Old One.
The Horsemen War matches 3 Low Old Ones.
Death Matches 12 Low Old Ones.
Chuck/ Amara are the God/Darkness of the Bible but they aren't Lesser or The True Creator they equal 30 Low Old Ones Each.
Amara was locked away by an ancient old one who controlled Chuck's vessel.
Chuck has spent Eons trying to free Amara who knows the truth.
Vessels affect the personalities of angels, demons, horsemen, and deities.
Lucifer of SPN isn't as bad even though he had the mark because Gabriel convinced Lucifer to go after Enemies of God.
The Garrisons of Heaven and Factions joined when Chuck, Amenadiel, and Michael noticed that Mark was increasing his negative emotions and strengthening them with the fact he as an Archangel was made for Battle and Leading not doing nothing and so.
They sent their armies and Chuck allowed the other Archangels, Angels, and saints to make war against Molag Bal and Hell Gods.
The War kept the Negative Feelings at bay with Lucifer conquering Hell after Hell until he gained 666 Hell Dimensions and took over as King.
Lucifer's Demons were made during this war from the dark energy of the defeated Hell Gods and Deadra along with Dark Souls.
The Dark Energy forms the Demons from Dark Souls while the Dark Souls are tortured and punished. The only other demons made from Dark Souls are Humans who made Deals, Children of Faded Parthenons and Pagans, and Dark Souls tortured and turned by the Hierarchy of SPN Hell.
Lilm are the species of the children of the Hierarchy.
Lucifer and Chuck's Lillith and Eve are the Parents of the Most powerful Lilm.
The Sixteen children of Lucifer and either Lillith or Eve equal the 2nd Generation of Archangels to Dominion with Muloch Lucifer's and Lillith's firstborn equal to SPN Lucifer without Hell.
Lucifer's and Eve's Son Beelzebub is as powerful as Gabriel and Raphael SPN.
Constantine/Sandman/ Lucifer Comics/Show- The First Creators
Mazikeen was as powerful as Lucifer when he fell but before he claimed Hell.
Yahweh is equal to the combined power of Chuck and Amara.
Lucifer rebelled for Freedom but he's not like the Comics in that he's trying to escape his siblings or father. In this case, he is more similar to the Lucifer of the Show where he wants an apology from his Father but he also wants the freedom of choice as much as Humans.
Lucifer and Yahweh both miscommunicated their desires.
The Lucifer of this version is powerful enough to create a dimension or destroy one or destroy/Create a Universe.
The Higher and Lower powers Created billions of Dimensions, Realities, Planes, and Universes they are constantly fighting for control.
Each side gains power differently.
The Goddess is Nature.
Under the Control and Will of Nature aka God's Wife
Gaea the Elder Goddess rules in her name.
The TVDU started with a group of Demigods claiming a Dimension and using their unique power to turn the dimension into Peace, Punishment, and Limbo.
The Demigods are children of Banished Hell Gods who got Arrogant and called themselves Gods... they are the Slavic Parthenon.
When Ben the Child of the King God of the Slavic Parthenon begged for help from his father he was given Magic to heal his love himself.
When 500 Powerful Clan Children earned Ben magic they made a deal with a local Ancient Demon who offered them power.
The Humans attacked Ben to take the Magic but Ben was too powerful to just kill so they placed a curse that would make him be hunted by animals, demons, and monsters causing him to die once a day and be reborn at night.
That curse allowed them to gather the power and use it to connect the magic to the Earth.
Gaea and the Slavic punished the Earth Magic users with becoming Servants of Nature causing their magic to be bound to the will of Gaea herself.
Ken, to protect his son as much as possible created a Powerful Eagle that is an Animal, Demon, and Monster all in one to hunt his son, one that matches his son in power allowing it where his son had only one beast to combat the eagle can be reborn if fallen. That sadly had the side effect of many monsters in some way being able to be reborn from death.
Ben and Jen were told of Ken's protection and what little he could negate the curse.
Aracadius was born in the year 5900 and died in 5876 BC.
Time went on until Inadu created the Werewolves from her death and the soul of a Cursed Demon Wolf she had captured in the year 1900 BC.
Silas and Qetisyah about 100 years later created immortality and the other side.
Helen and Paris of Troy the first Doppelgangers were born in 1200 BC the war of Troy was between 1179-1169.
Esther used power from the Nexus and a Dead Low Old One Skull along with her other ingredients to create TVDU Vampires; the power of the Nexus and Old One offered the Originals and Vampires a ton of abilities.
The Nexus of magic from which all magic users who are bound to this type of magic was created from the body of an Elder Old One who fell in battle the blood and energy seep into the earth spreading magic throughout a select group of Animals, People, Monsters, Pagans, and Demons.
The Source is a collection of Powers and Souls made one that exists by possessing the next vessel.
( Greco-Roman, Norse, Egyptian, Celtic, Hoodoo, Voodoo, Persian, Celtic, and various other Parthenons are descended from the Primordials)
The Gods and Titans are children of the Primordials.
The Primordials and Chaos the Oldest Primordial created laws that they enforced to prevent war between their children and allies and to protect Humans against the Old Ones.
Tartarus, Underworld, Netherworld, Otherworld, Avalon, and so many other worlds are dimensions claimed and conquered by Primoridals.
The Wizards and Witches of Potterverse are descendants of Earth Witches and Nexus Users who wish to free themselves from being servants of Nature/ the Nexus.
They had the help of a Powerful Banished Hell God and many powerful clans to be created.
For a long time, The Wizards/Witches have been against Nexus users and Servants of Natures thanks to arrogance but both sides kept them at a standstill until peace was signed now it's only dislike.
The Creatures of Potterverse are descended from Nexus Magic Creatures, Earth Magical Creatures, and Demons.
Ley Lines are available to all but they are the combined power of Gaea, Chaos, Erebus, Nyx, Pontus, Chuck, Death, and Amara.
God of War
Gods and other Immortals can die, but many are connected to Tartarus, which heals them and allows them to be reborn.
Lord of the Rings
The Valar are children of the Power Eru and his many creations to aid the war.
Arda is a Pocket Dimension the size of the planet.
Elder Scrolls
The Magic, Divine, and Deadra are all from a Dimension that Fracture and combined with 8 Million destroyed Dimensions and planes.
Archangels and Demons of Princes of Hell and Less are Skyfathers in power.
Alternate Michael is destroyed with Dean keeping Michael's Abilities and Memories because Michael was in the cage. At most Michael and Lucifer the two most powerful Archangels can destroy 17 Systems at once. All of the Archangels combined are Galactic in Power. All of the Heaven and Hell Hierarchy is Dimensional matching Death of the Horsemen.
One Above All is the Presence.
Yahweh is a Dimensional Level Power but he is not a Dimensional God.
Yahweh's Angels and Demons are Galactic-level Powers alone.
Yahweh's Archangels and Princes of Hell are Dimensional Threats.
Yahweh/ Chuck combined or Merged with Amara Match in Power.
Skyfather to Galactic Power-level
Low Demons- Vampires start here.
Mid-Demons- Weak Monsters.
High Demons- Master Vampires.
Elder Demons- The Mayor ( Sunnydale)
Ancient Demons- The Beasts.
Banished Hell Gods- Glory/Zeus/Minor Angels/Minor Demons
Deadra Princes- Molag Bal/ Kronos
Master Demons- Wolfram and Hart/ Minor Primordial Gods/Major Demons
Hell Gods-Major Primordial/ Major Angels SPN/ Marquis of Hell
Low Old Ones- The Source ( The Source of all Evil is not the source)
Mid-Old Ones- Avatars ( The Night King, Jasmine)/ Individual Prince of Hell SPN/ Elder Primordials
High Old Ones- The Old Evil/Minor Archangels SPN/ 2 Princes of Hell
Elder Old Ones- Illyria/Elder Old Ones/ Antichrist SPN/Jesus Galactus Heralds/Thor
Ancient Old Ones- Godly Old Ones/ Amenadiel SPN/Odin/ War/ Famine/ All Princes of Hell SPN
Demon Old Ones- Titan Old Ones/ Leader of the Weak Powers that be King Old Ones/Powers that Be- Old Ones called Gods by the Old Ones/ God Old Ones/Combined Might of 1000s Powers-' Lord'/ 'Devil' ( Chosen rule of all of Hell)/Pestilence/Gabriel/Raphael SPN/ 3rd Generation of Archangels for Yawheh/Grand Prince of Hell
Creator Old Ones/ The Lesser Council of the Powers/ Lesser Council of Heaven/ Odin wearing the Destroyer Armor. The Elder Gods. Lucifer/Michael SPN Alone without Heaven or Hell nor their true vessels/ Oldest Archangels of the 3rd Generation for Yawheh/ Sovereign Prince of Hell
Elder Gods
Lucifer/Michael but not Combined or in their true vessels but with Heaven and Hell/ 2nd Generation of Yawheh's Princes of Hell and Archangels
Major Council of Power that Be
Major Council of Hell Lords
Gaea, Set, Atem, Oshur
Hundred Years in the Sun- Superman
Galactic/ Universal Power ( Able to destroy thousands of Galaxies at once at the weakest)
Weakest Darkseid.
Failed Celestials
Avatars of the Phoenix Force.
Dimensional Beings
Hell Lords
Hell Gods
Bizarro Ruler of Limbo
Lucifer/Michael SPN with their true vessels combined with Heaven and Hell backing and powering them.
Universal to Multiversal
2nd Generation of The Presence Archangels
Children of the Phoenix Force.
Lucifer/Michael SPN being in their true Vessels and Merge with Heaven and Hell backing and powering them.
Death of the Horsemen
Demiugious- SPN version of Demiurge
Lucifer 2.0 In Sam
Demiugious 2.0 Michael and Lucifer of SPN in their True Vessels combine.
Multiversal to Cosmic
Darkseid-The True Version
The Phoenix Force
Mistress Love
Mister Hate
The Norns
The Living Tribunal
Lucifer Morningstar/Michael Dawnbringe/Gabriel= The Presence/Nature Children.
Demiurge the Combine Being of Michael Dawnbringer and Lucifer Morningstar
Nature- Mother of Angels and Wife of the Presence this Omnivesal God
One Above All-God of Marvel Omniverse/ The Presence- God of the Omniverse
Omniversal Higher Beings
Omniversal Lower Beings
Omniversal Neutral Beings.
There's more but that's on top of my head.
Pagans/Gods are extremely hard to kill but similar to Mortal Kombat and God of War they can take a lot of damage like Riordianverse they can return from death unless killed by Archangels, Horsemen, Divine, Throne, Dominion, and Elder Pagans.
Humans, Nature Spirits, Monsters, Nephelim, and Demigods can temporarily destroy a God's physical form but it's not as easy as in the supernatural show.
Angels and Demons have a lot more weapons and metals and items that require grace and/or angel/demon blood of the right hierarchy to kill those lesser or equal.
For those without Angel/Demon blood/Grace, the items can banish them back or kill normal monsters meaning no Pagans, Elder Gods, Archangels, Higher-level angels, Alphas, Leviathans, Shdiem, Spirit Monsters, Originals, Higher-Demons, Enhance/Improved Vampires/Werewolves, and Hybrids.
Demiurge Angels
Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel
There were 3 Generations of Archangels
1st Generation of Archangels
Amenadiel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel,
2nd Generation of Archangels
Saraqael, Remiel, Metatron, Sandalphron, Aziraphale, Raziel, Azazel
3rd Generation of Archangels
Jophiel, Arazel, Zedkiel, Cassiel, Castiel, Ibriel, Ariel, Barachiel
Potterverse- Magical
Charmed- Wiccan
TVDU- Mage
LOTR- Istari
SPN- Hex
Constantine can use all types of magic
Riordianverse- Pagan, Divine/ Infernal magic
Scroll Magic- Mana
Merlin- Sorcery
Grimms: Can See and Hear the truth of the supernaturals, are as fast and Strong as a 10-year-old vampire the moment they are activated, and get more powerful and better supernatural and magical resistance the longer they are alive.
Wesen: Are the descendants of the Were Clans such as Wereowl, Werewolves, and so many more mixing together and then mixing with demons and then humans and then finally back together until they became Wesen.
Fandom: Sandman Comics and show, Constantine show and movies, Lucifer Comics and Show, Buffyverse, Charmed, Elder Scrolls Universe, Merlin AU, Potterverse AU, Star Wars AU, Mass Effect AU, SPN AU, Good Omens AU, TVDU AU, Fallen ( mini-series) AU, Dresden Flies AU, Mortal Instruments AU, Riordianverse AU, Gof War Universe, Underworld, Doctor Strange-Freeform, X-Men-Freeform, Inhumans-Freeform, Marvel-Freeform, DC-Freeform, Naruto, DBZ, Teen Wolf, Dracula Untold, Shadowhunters, Vikings AU, A Song of Ice and Fire AU, Game of Thrones AU, Spartacus, Grimms, Lost Girl, Castle, Criminal Minds
The Soul without personal memories, let out a deep breath as he stared down at his Book of Creation as he gave a tiny laugh.
It seemed his personal ROB Master robbed Set and gathered 4 Gifts all of which he gifted him
1. The power of Inkheart with the only limit being that he can only create something from his Book of Creation once.
2. The Grimoire of Magic which holds magic from all his favorite worlds.
3. He has a Body, Mind, and Spirit of infinite Potential starting off with the Body of a Olympian Demigod-Mutant Hybrid aka a God at the power of MCU Thor at full might who if he charges his power long enough can destroy the earth at age 14,000.
4. The Fourth gift was special because the ROB couldn't create or own a Multiverse or Omniverse of his own or a soul and so he stole them from Set and then gifted the soul the ability to create his own Omniverse allowing the ROB to claim it after. He could create a single Omniverse based off a Book he created with the ROB using his Inkheart ability.
'' With these words, I the soul without Personal Memories will this omniverse into existence. Let the Omniverse of the Willverse be BORN''!
I yell as the White Endless space, I occupy lit up and then dim repeatedly as Existence began in this captured zone of the Nothing hearing a roar of rage, my divine eyes turn in the direction of the Nothing which screams in outrage as he's cut off from 10% of his claim area.
Quickly as the Book fades away he shouts
'' With these words, I recreate and merge the capture Omniverse space with my own and make multiple Deities from beyond and the Overvoid which shall hereby be the area where the Omniverse barrier lays''.
Watching those Omniverses flicker and creation begin again in them, I smiled as the Nothing loses more.
Feeling my own existence starting to lessen, I murmur '' Why did I wish to start at the power of Master Demon'' as I faded away right as this area formed the Presence and Nature.