
The Word Change chapter 2. The countdown.

Tom had arrived at Minerva University. The daily lessons tended to last a minimum of 2 hours generally, with one day the university gave approximately 7 lessons, where obviously students depending on their economic situation tried to go at least 3 lessons, which coincidentally suited my case.

I had a part-time job that was where I got to contribute to the purchase of my Ra Proxi X. However, it was possible that depending on what takes the next four months and maybe increase or eliminate hours of work, although it depends on the alignment I do with my friends.

I had agreed with my friends to meet them on the roof, in the second period, since in the third and fourth period, I had lessons. They would have preferred us to meet in the last periods of the night, but I have to work.

Something creepy about this university, from the first day I arrived here, I always felt as if at any moment I was going to be attacked by zombies, since I swear to God, that this university is the exact replica of the anime school of Highschool of the Dead 2006.

The land is the size of 4 football fields, it is built as a box, it has an internal cement field, which unlike its external areas, it are surrounded by green areas. It was a 4-story building with 4 faces, which points to the cardinal points, where each face is surrounded by green areas and several sports centers such as: the swimming pools, the gym hall, the karate dojo, among others.

The campus is surrounded by a fence just like the anime. What fueled this feeling of déjà vu very strongly, and the uniforms we used is exactly the same as the anime, in addition the girls uniforms, they are miniskirts that made my mouth dribble.

So I listened to the hidden message that the builder of this work sent me. Because of this, I studied, I worked, I trained hard, to be ready for any eventuality.

I carried a mace with metal support, which I carried daily, the first months. However, little by little I was leaving the paranoia and leaving the 20-pound mace in the lockers that are at the entrance of the camp building.

I am not saying that I stop training, in any way, because every day when I come on the road, I come waving that Mace, as if it were baseball bat and I know that people look at me weird but I do not care. 😁

But let's go back to the girls issue, I have to say that some of them really had to avoid them, because they believed the last bite of the mango, then to avoid strange problems with them, I went up the emergency stairs, which obviously had a view of the Principal gate.

I forget to tell you my classroom. it is in the 3 floor.

And unlike the main characters of that anime, I already have my escape plan ready, and I have no ex-girlfriend to save. 😀

Upon reaching the last floor of the university, one could observe in a corner like in the anime:

"The Observatory", where people could gather to see the stars. In the Observatory we could call it a fifth floor, but unlike the anime, the stairs were made of metal and not of cement .

Another difference from the roof of the anime, in this place we find ourselves in the middle of a small park of trees, air conditioners and some benches.

Here the students, take advantage of the ample space, and they used for PvP which is when a player faces in combat against another or other players, they used the Ra Proxi to transformed into creatures or beings of Retsuken Word.

When I arrived here I began to look at everyone, those who were on the roof, and I could see the name or alias of most people, since it floated above their heads with black or white letters, within a background box green. This function can be partially turned off, which hides the name or alias of the person, but where it is only floating the box, with any of these colors: white, green, yellow or red. What show the alignment of each players, and that explains the behavior of that person.

Knowing what each color means can save us from uncomfortable situations, so I will tell you at once what each one means to be alert:


White: means that they are a neutral player, usually it is NPC, that they are people or a being with artificial intelligences.

Green: they are people, NPC or monsters that are not your friends or your enemies.

Yellow: Any person or NPC or monsters that are enemies or hostile, that have this color.

Blue: The people, pets, NPCs or monsters that are in your team.

And finally the Red: Usually these players, monsters or NPC, their main activity is to kill other players or people, so they are known as PK or Player Killers.


The roof was surrounded by a fence that prevented anyone from killing themselves or accidentally throwing themselves. I calculate that there could be about 200 people, at that time in different groups and I think that the maximum capacity of the roof was maximum 500 people.

My 3 friends were: Carlos Mendoza, Relay Frost and Zhong Zi, who were standing a few meters from the Observatory, halfway there was the access to the roof that closed with a red metal door, which closes inwards.

After the access passed I saw a couple, who were kissing very passionate, where the most ironic thing was that their player names were ERomeo and JulietaX. I laughed inside and wondered if it is possible to create the character with a name and change it later.

Then I saw a black boy with no hair on his head, taller than me, his name was Sixpuss and he was showing his muscles to: a lot of girls, where the most beautiful girls were one of Alias:

"American Girl" and who was a girl white with short golden hair, that if it weren't for the breasts that came out of her boy's uniform she could perfectly can you think she is a boy, the other one was a Asian girl that her Alias ​​said:

"Yue Èmó", who had a face of a mischievous girl probably might not have over out of the bunch of girls.

I think the girls paid attention to this boy because he was wearing the jacket of the U football team and not so much for his physique. But for a second I saw that the alias of Sixpuss began to turn yellow, when he detect that I was looking at the girls, he was trying to intimidate me, so I quickly followed my path.

When I arrived where my friends Carlos Mendoza, he was the first to greet me, his alias of Player was:

"Mendoza Supremo", his age is around 17 years old, he was a Latino boy of 1.75 he was a little fat, black eyes, he used glasses to read , his hair was long to the shoulders, dark brown and he liked guns, so his character in Retsuken is a Fire Sorcerer, I think it's level 15.

Next to him was his friend of childhood, Relay Frost her alias was:

"Alien Hunter", she had long hair up to the waist, brown color, she measures about 1.80, brown eyes, she was more pink than white, I think she is a swordswoman and I think she carries a huge sword, I think she is level 20.

Zhong Zi was the next to say hello, with a big hug, he was an Asian guy, his hair was black and his hairstyle end in a tail, his eyes were green, his height was 1.83 meters and I think his weapon is an Ax and his alias It is:

"Voldemord", his level was 27.

"Have you thought what kind of character are you going to create?" Zhong asked.

Suddenly when I open my mouth to gave him a answer, my face was hit by a viscous liquid, which entered my mouth, looked up, and I saw that the sky turned red and a blood red rain gushed out, the worst thing is that I was sure that It was blood, because I could taste the metallic taste in my mouth. But the horror did not stop there, the sky began to fill with red squares, which said emergency.

"Can not be!" someone said. I watched in amazement as a red carpet grew out of nowhere, with the shape of death in the air.

"BOOM!" The figure exploded in a celestial flash, where the figure of a goddess appeared, she was a beautiful woman, she had red hair and green eyes, she looked briefly at the players, who looked like sheep in the slaughterhouse.

She looked like she could see all the people of the world. All of us who were there were frozen looking at her, then she said:

"My name is: Lara Connor, I have seen the future, so I deactivated the Earth's protections and activated the Super Hero and Super Villain System!"

All the Ra Proxi transformations were deactivated, so we were all stained with blood, like Carrie, from the Carrie movie, from 1976. While from the sky began to fall small celestial spark, which pierced all things, all people. Then in my hand I felt a strong itching under the wrist, as if something was trying to get out.

I started scratching under the wrist, suddenly a circular screen like a clock began to sprout, which instead of pointer had a nuclear radiation symbol but in white and light blue. Simultaneously, a windows was floated in front of me that said:

"The end of the World is near, with the Omnivaiz, you can create a new character, with all the super powers and form that you are capable of imagining, with a limited time!" While in my vision in a corner I could see countdown running .

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