
Reincarnation as a Wooden Golem

Rusel, a young man from earth, suddenly finding himself reincarnated into a fantasy world as a wooden golem. He wakes up in a dark, damp cave, with no memory of how he got there or who he was in his past life. As he tries to move his wooden limbs, he finds that he is unable to control them, and can only move when instructed to do so by an unknown voice in his head.

Confused and disoriented, Rusel stumbles out of the cave and into the bright sunlight of the fantasy world. The first thing he notices is that he is in a dense forest, with tall trees and lush vegetation all around him. He can hear the sound of birds chirping and animals scurrying in the underbrush. As he looks around, he sees that there are other creatures in the forest - elves, dwarves, and other beings that he has never seen before.

He tries to speak, but no sound comes out of his wooden mouth. He realizes that he is unable to communicate with the other creatures in the forest. He is alone and confused, not knowing what his purpose is in this new world.

As he wanders deeper into the forest, Rusel comes across a clearing. In the center of the clearing, there is a large stone altar, and on the altar, there is a small, glowing orb. As he approaches the orb, he can hear the voice in his head again, telling him to touch the orb.

Rusel hesitantly reaches out and touches the orb, and as soon as he does, memories flood his mind. He sees images of his past life, of his family and friends, of his home and his job. He remembers his name, Rusel, and he remembers that he was a normal human being, living a normal life, until he died.

As the memories fade, Rusel is left with a sense of longing and sadness. He wishes that he could go back to his old life, but he knows that it is impossible. He is a wooden golem now, and he must find his place in this new world.

Just as he is about to leave the clearing, he hears a noise in the bushes. He turns around and sees a group of dwarves, armed with axes and shields, emerging from the underbrush. They spot Rusel and immediately prepare to attack.

Rusel tries to defend himself, but his wooden limbs are slow and uncoordinated. The dwarves easily overpower him, and he is left lying on the ground, bruised and battered.

As the dwarves are about to deliver the finishing blow, a voice echoes through the clearing. "Stop! Leave him alone!" The dwarves turn around and see a young elf woman, dressed in green robes and holding a staff. She approaches Rusel and helps him to his feet.

"Who are you?" Rusel asks, his voice still wooden and robotic.

"My name is Aelith," the elf woman replies. "I am a druid of the Greenwood. I saw what happened and I came to help you."

Aelith explains to Rusel that he is a wooden golem, created by the druids of the Greenwood to protect the forest from the dark forces that threaten it. She tells him that the druids imbued him with magical powers, but that he must learn to control them in order to be effective in battle.

Rusel is hesitant at first, but he knows that he has no other choice. He agrees to join Aelith and the druids of the Greenwood in their quest to protect the forest.

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