
Arrival of a Hero

Well here I am perched up on a rooftop. You're probably wondering how a, regular looking, teen like me can be squatting at the edge of a fifty story building?

Let myself just say that I am not a regular somebody. I have a gift, which some will say, but it's more like my powers I get from my bloodline.

In this case I'm special compared to these regular civilians here, but I should be after all I hail from another planet. My home planet is called Arachpid and the rest of my people reside there.

My father and mother are both respectably King and Queen of Arachpid. That of course makes me prince and single heir to the throne. My parents names can comeback at a later date.

Let this handsomely prince introduce himself. The name is Morgan Weber and enough said. Now why am I here and how did I get on this planet called Earth?

It all started from our "wise" pair of elders who foretold of great destruction of this planet and that I need to offer my assistance to save it. These elders I call them Grams and Gramps and why do I even need to save a planet that is not my own?

It's more like they want me to finally step foot off castle grounds and live a little. Is it really my fault I wanted to train everyday since the age I could walk so when the day came my body would have handled my awakening.

Let's just say I lived in fear when my father told me my body would explode if my awakening overwhelmed it. I still get chills all over thinking of that day. Even though after my awakening I found out it was a joke.

Anyways my father immediately agreed saying how it would test and better myself when I take the throne of king. While my mother saw it as a opportunity for me to finally find someone and give her grandchildren she always wanted.

She never let me live that down for the whole sixteen years of my life. The gleam in her eyes when my mother announced her thoughts gave me the cold sweats.

After that I was dismissed from the throne room and was told to pack few of my belongings before I depart to Earth. I was to be sent off in a hours time and not a minute later.

I finished packing few my clothing consisting of black crew neck tees and black knee ripped slim straight jeans in just ten minutes. I know it's underwhelming especially compared to my parents.

My father loves to wear his luxury suits, which comes tailored to his needs. Likewise with my mother, yet for her it is her glamorous dresses. They tend to stay up to date on other world trends.

I pass by, but return back to my bedroom mirror before exiting my room. I take one final look at myself before my departure of "doom."

I stand at five feet and ten inches, with straight silky black shoulder length hair, amber colored eyes and fair skin color with a hint of pink. Within our race we tend to have feminine features compared to other world races.

When our kingdom's males travel to outside worlds they often get confused as females and often hit on. Tragic, but on the bright side it also has a charming affect on females.

Of course coming from the royal bloodline we stand above in looks compared to our citizens. As we only have the amber colored eyes and figures crafted to be gods. You could say our royal bloodline can ravel those so called gods.

As I lost track of time admiring myself in the mirror I heard a knock on my door waking myself up. One of the palace maids announced that I have thirty minutes until I must leave for the transport gate.

I made ways for the training grounds before the end of departure time. I began to recall of all I learned and the powers I attained.

My powers awakened at the coming of age ceremony. I was at the age of twelve, which is the normal age for our race to awaken their powers

We all awaken the ability to climb and stick to surfaces, shoot sticky webs, spit a paralyze toxin, enhanced super body and lastly a six sense. Then what makes the royal family different in power?

Father and mother told me that our royal bloodline is pure as the Spider Goddess when she birthed my parents. Meaning when our powers awoke, we are physically stronger by multiple times compared to the others and also our bloodline continues to grow with us as we get stronger.

They told me we can attain extra powers that the others can not. The regular spider bloodline is stuck with the base awaken powers while the royal spider bloodline continues to unlock more.

I remember asking how'd my parents knew of all this in-which the told me that it was the Elders. Grams and Gramps were fellow companions of the Spider Goddess Roja. Apparently she was gravely injured in battle and decided to create offspring to leave behind her bloodline so they can carry on her legacy.

During the process she created the many others with small impurities and then my parents to able to one day resemble her glory. The process drained the last of her energy and she entitled Grams and Gramps to watch over them until they were of age to rule themselves.

Lastly my parents informed me that all they know of the Elders is that the knew how the Goddess appeared to be and that they're not part of our race and their power and strength are unknown to them.

I look up to see the outdoor clock after I finished recalling past events. The time showing that all I have is ten minutes before I am gone for who knows how long. As I say my final goodbyes I make ways to the transport gate.

I finally arrived in front of the gate keepers and they were informed of my departure. They made way for me and reminded me that everything is covered and will be provided for me during my stay at Earth.

What is or how much is covered during my stay is what went on in my mind as I was transported away. My body was surrounded by white light and I swiftly disappeared from sight.

Now we are here and yeah those brain damage freaks couldn't have transported me onto the ground?! Almost missed the building to land myself but wouldn't even matter anyway but still it gave me a scare.

Long story short, I'm atop a building just as we left off and now where do I even head off to my living space for my time being here?

New to this writing thing and English is my main and writing not my thang. So there might be mistakes along the way. I’ll try my best proofreading. Perfect grammar probably not but readability and flow it should be well. Notice the well? I was about to say good so be proud of me. Anyways happy reading.

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