
Chapter 5

'[Passive Skill - Wind Step] Acquired'

It was a delightful sight to behold. Just those words gave me a sense of accomplishment.

"Sister, what in the world are you doing looking up at the sky and smiling? Have you gone crazy?" - Brother

"No brother, I'm just relishing at the sense of accomplishment." Me being something like girl in titanic.

After doing just that, I checked upon the decription of the skill.

[Passive Skill - Wind Step]

The user stomps the ground 10 times in short intervals to cover huge distances.

Proficiency : 1% (100 out of 10 000 steps)

A pretty good skill, and proficiency included it is possible to improve it. In other words, level up would it? But, that number is ridiculous.

I guess, stamina is needed? But I have energy, but how about once it is depleted? I would be running on solely my body then.

Stamina training it is, but I love the way things are going somehow or another. The speed of absorbing energy, the skill acquisition, and more to improve... doesn't it seem like games?

But I know that this isn't a game, I was born from my mother and I've witnessed the birth of my brother so this isn't a dream.

Anyhow, I would like to improve more.

"My sister is making that face again..." - Brother

"Come on now brother, just shush okay?" How come he is so noisy? I guess he was born like that or I may be just so quiet.

Ring, ring, ring.

"Three bells for the call." As we said that, we ran as fast as we could towards the sound. But how could I lose in speed when I have my passive skill?

Stomping the ground 10 times in short intervals, I was able to cover 5 steps ahead when I am normally running.

"That's unfair sis!" - Brother

Oh brother of mine, you should always keep in mind that speed defines the winner when fighting with me.

'Proficiency +1%'

Oh there it is, its finally counting. Problem is we are here already...

"Shiro, you and your brother should come sit down. We must pray for the food." - Father

"That's right, come and sit down honey~." - Mother

"Thank you." As proof that we are indeed twins, we were perfectly in sync when it comes to food.

After eating and the prayer, we were told to eat.

"Fish?" I asked.

"Yes." - Father

"Wait a minute, I'll cook something to spice things up." And getting ready to stand up, I was stopped by my brother and whispered to me, "Don't, its mother that cooked the meal."

Understanding what it implies, I sat down and thanked the food again.

"Shiro my dear, I see that you have something new that you have discovered." - Mother

"A movement suited for that is all." Proudly said by yours truly.

"Suited... so it was self-created. Congratulations, you have taken the second step into being a Master." - Father

"The first requirement being able to absorb energy from the sorroundings, second would be your own skill, and then comes improvement." - Mother

"And to improve, one needs self-reflection to know which is lacking." - Brother

"Eh?! Brother you know? I understand Father and Mother but you?!" Trying to crack a joke in this heavy atmosphere.

"Ya sis, watcha mouth. I know you din't expect it from me but I still know some things!" - Borther

"Hahahaha! Well, nothing we can do about your sister. She is indeed the most knowledgeable in our family." - Father

Stop with the flattery please.

"Honey, a small tip for you. Always stay humble and always do your self-reflection oksy~?" - Mother

"Thank you for your kind advice Mother." But suddenly I saw a flash went by my peripheral vision and heard, here's a gift from your Father for taking the second step to becoming a Master."

It was a sword, a weapon of the knight class. I asked why and Father answered, "You major in speed right? I suggest you use a foil, sword, or staff maybe even a dagger would do."

I already have the "Dagger of Origin" but I need it for assasinations. A sword would be better when I am outside.

"You can both go to the school of your choice. I recommend that you two stick together. After all, you are twins. You don't need to come home, you are to stay within the campus dormitories. All school are required to have dorms so there is no school that doesn't have one." - Father

"Rest assured, we will be fine~." - Mother

"Decide on the school where you want to attend by tomorrow noon, we'll be departing by 14:00." - Father

So we have to decide on which school to attend huh. Looking beside me, I saw my brother dropping tears to the ground.

"Tomorrow would be the last time I'd see Father and Mother." - Brother

"We'll still be able to see them, once in a while. I'll do my best so that we can return home anytime okay? So you should also do your best." Me trying to console my brother should be a feast to the eyes of many.

Chapter 5 : Schools

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