
Chapter 2

*sounds of a baby crying in background*

So noisy... why am I even hearing sounds noise like these?

I am not even in the hospital... can I open my eyes?

As I opened my eyes, what I saw was a scary looking giant head smiling as if it just saw a human and ready to smash it into smithereens.

"Sir, the child is supposed to be carried by the mother..." A nurse I think?

"Meh who cares! I'm still her parent you know? Hey honey, tell this nurse that fact." The man carrying me says I'm his daughter?!

"Honey, you should give me the child. Look at her being scared of you." I like that soothing voice it was like an angel came down to Earth just to get me.

Wai--?! WHAT?! Child?!

"Uwaaaaaahhhh!!!" What is happening?! Am I dreaming?! What happened to me?!

I reach forward and saw my baby looking hands. I'm really a child? Seriously?

"Honey look, you made the child cry..." The angel-voice told the scary giant looking man.

"Was that my fault? Sorry sorry, just got a little bit excited. Here you go." And the man gave me to my mother-I-suppose.

"Look at you cutie... you are like a doll. What should I name you?" My mother asks.

"How about Alex?" And then I saw a basin flying through the air and hit the head of the man my father I suppose.

"Think of a better one. Else I throw you out of the hospital window."

Looking at this scene, I was undoubtly surprised that my mother can do that just after giving birth to me.

"Uhm, ma'am please don't do sudden movements... the other child inside you may get worked up and cause unnecessary damage." The nurse says.

"Yes yes honey, you shouldn't." The man says.

Dad, you should just get out of the room to give my mother a peace-of-mind.

"Get out of the room please." Mother says.

Until then I was put unto a towel and I'm guessing it was soaked into hot water because it feels really comfortable.

"Oh? My daughter likes hot towels I guess." Mother says.

Its not like mother, its love. And as I was thinking of that inside my head, my mother was in the process of giving birth to my little brother or sister.

I guess I should just rest... wait I want to see my little twin be born...

As my eyelids were heavy and all, I just saw something weird that made me wake up.

'Wait a second... what was that I saw?"

I closed my eyes and saw a message...

'Would you like to access the UI in your eyes even when your eyes is open or not? Y/N'

I was surprised by this message, a UI in my eyes? Isn't a UI supposed to be in gadgets only?

I wanted to press 'Yes' but my hand just phased through it. Then maybe think of it?

'You selected "Yes", confirm?' Of course.

'Very well, access to UI anytime set to "True". '

After the message, I opened my eyes and I saw what really amazed me.

Isn't this like a game?! Stats, Inventory, Map, Settings, Shop and others.

'Welcome to the UI, I am Navi and I am to teach you how to use the UI. I can be disabled through the settings. I suppose you have the knowledge of the basics?'

Yes, of course but I prefer to be taught from the very start.

'Very well, I shall start the tutorial. First, let's move your mind from the hospital."

As Navi said that, I saw dancing lights and it felt like I was riding a bullet train through the tunnel.

'So welcome to the tutorial grounds. Here I will teach you the basics. First off is we have the Stats panel. If you want to open any of the panels, you may say the "panel name" or think of the panel.'

So if I want to open my Stats... oh!

Name : ? | Age : 0 | Race : Human

'As you can see, it only the most basic info on you. Other statistics can be unlocked once you are a year old.'

"I see there are restrictions."

'It is simply because humans are unpredictable.'

"Continue to the tutorial."

'The tutorial was simply to teach you the way to interact with the UI. Anything else needs to be discovered by you.'

"Gives me the thrill, thanks."

'It is sinply my job.'

After that conversation, my mind was transported into the hospital and it was just exactly the time to see my twin being born.

"It is a male Ma'am" The nurse says.

"Really? I expected them to be both female." Mother says that to the nurse.

"Well nothing can be done with it, we can just make another one" And there goes dad laughing himself out.

Nothing can be said to him but the nurse put my brother beside me and he pushes away the towel.

You don't love cold towels huh.

Chapter 2 : Birth

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