
Chapter 2

It was late at night as the humvee returns to Dallas. Most of the outlining buildings were noticeably brought down to use as a make-shift wall. The humvee parked near a large building that read "Academy for the Gifted" and Margaret steps out.

"Hey, Elliot, time to get up now, we're here. You guys go on ahead to the debriefing, I'll get him situated."

"Roger that Ms. Tawney. Thanks for coming with us." replied the captain. The humvee took off as Margaret and Elliot enter the academy. Although he just woke up, Elliot looks wide awake. They approached the front desk, where a young man in a suit sat comfortably with his feet up.

"Ms. Tawney! What brings you here so late?" He exclaimed as he basically launches himself out of his chair.

"New recruit. I need a room for him, found him outside of the wall."

"You're kidding?! He looks kind of young to be from outside the wall."

"It isn't sheer luck that he is alive, I can tell you that much." She replied with a grin. "So, what can you do for him?"

"Well, room and board won't be an issue, but what's his classification?"

"Spirit user. He controls some elemental wolves, so maybe he should study under the magic department?"

"Yeah, that sounds about right, although, from what I hear, the only other spirit user will be studying the combat side."

"Well, I didn't see him physically fight, so I'm not sure he would benefit going close range. He uses fire, so is there maybe a fire user that can work with him?"

"Sure, sure. I've got his room. The mage dormitories are on the east side, he will be in room three twelve."

"Thanks, Rolin. Have a nice night." Margaret said as she walked out the back door. "It'll be another month till the academy starts back up, so just get some rest, and try to make some friends before then. You will always work in teams, so it's best to form one early. You have plenty of experience with the outside world, so be vigilant about your training here to prepare to go back out there."

"What is the goal?" He asked suddenly.

"Excuse me?"

"What is the goal of going out there? Just supply runs?"

"No, that was just our mission this time. Although, I can't say we are doing much more. Only platinum guardians or higher go on the big missions. We can't really spare much more than that with how low of resources we have."

"Platinum guardians?"

"Guardian is the term used for people like us. Although most people can learn the magic or physical powers, most are too afraid. We are trained to fight outside the walls, which, as I'm sure you know very well, is a dangerous job. Texas was unfortunate to have the four fissures intersect in the middle of it. Not only do we have to deal with the undead, but we also have to deal with pestilence, which are those diseased rats, the war horsemen, which are the war beasts, and the famine horsemen, which are like monsters out of a scary movie. Honestly, the fact that Dallas still remains is a mystery." Elliot just looked at her in astonishment. "Anyway, this is your room. I'm sure if you have a roommate yet or not, but try to keep it down for now." She embraced him in a hug, which Elliot obviously enjoyed.

What is this feeling? He thought to himself. Margaret said her goodbye, and walked back down the long hallway. As Elliot walked in, he could see a living room, and a kitchen in the back of the room. The room itself wasn't big, but it had two bedrooms labeled 'A' and 'B'. His key said 'A' so he opened the door to see a queen size bed and a bathroom. He couldn't remember the last time he was in an actual shower. He opened his small backpack, but all his clothes smelled.

"Mr. Rolin, is there by chance clean clothes I could use? I'd hate to take a shower, and then put back on these clothes." Elliot asked once he reached the front desk.

"Ah, yes. Follow me." Rolin walked over and opened two large doors. Inside looked like a department store. Elliot entered and look in awe."Grab anything you need. There are shoes in the very back." Elliot nodded, and began looking around. He found a black hoodie, orange t-shirt, and some black sweats, along with undergarments, and made his way back up to his room. "Elliot, if there were shoes you wanted, I can help you carry some stuff if you need me to."

"I don't wear shoes, thank you though." Elliot replied and continued walking up the stairs. Rolin watched him as he left, his face full of confusion.

The next morning, Elliot woke up with just his sweats on. He was a handsome boy, brown hair, and around five foot eleven inches. He got dressed and headed downstairs. When he entered the cafeteria, it was quite empty, with only a handful of people inside. One of those people was a large man sitting by himself. Elliot grabbed his food and decided to sit by the man. The man was alittle scruffy, with very tan skin, and a well shapened haircut.

"May I sit here?"

"Sure, kid. Haven't seen you before. When did you get here?"

"Last night."

"Well, welcome. My name is Juan Ramirez, what's your name?"


"No last name?"

"Don't know it."

"Where did you come from?"

"Bonham, Texas. A patrol unit picked me up while looking for supplies."

"Did you live alone there?"

"Yeah, for about ten years."

"Ten years?!" Juan dropped his fork, Jae dropped. "Kid, that's insane! How old were you when it happened?!"

"I was six." Elliot continued to eat his food nonchalantly while Juan stared at him in bewilderment. This kid really survived alone all that time? Juan thought to himself.

"So, what did they classify you as?"

"A mage."

"Mage? There is no way a mage could live that long with just magic."

"Oh, I'm actually a spirit user. They just don't have a spirit class or department or something like that."

"That's pretty dope. What kind of spirits do you control?"

"I don't really control spirits, it's more like they help me when I need it. They are wolf spirits. One allows me to use fire, the other allows me to use shadow magic." Elliot finishes his food and prepares to get up.

"Well hey, let's go do something. I'll show you around."

"Sure, that would be cool."

They put away their dirty dishes and began walking around the campus. It was obvious that most of the fellow students haven't arrived yet. The place was practically empty. They saw the training gym, a couple of lab looking rooms, and the fake town set up behind the academy.

"What's that town used for?"

"Training, I suppose. I'm sure it's a test to see how you would maneuver through a small town."

"Juan, how old were you, when it all happened?"

"Me? Twelve. My parents brought me to Dallas, but at the time, people were pretty violent. Fear caused mass panic, and it was dangerous to leave your home. We didn't have a home, yet, since we were refugees, so it was a fight to survive."

"But, there isn't any undead here?"

"Yeah... turns out the living is just as terrifying when it's life or death." Juan stood there a moment, as if lost in thought. When Elliot looked up at him, there was somebody standing on Juan's head.

"So, some fresh blood has arrived." The girl's voice spoke from above. She jumped off Juan's head, and suddenly, she disappeared. "So, what trash did they bring here this time? Kind of scrawny, so can't be much of a fighter." She said from behind Elliot.

"That's enough Louise. Leave the new kid alone. He might be more than you can chew off." Juan said sternly.

"Oh Juan, there isn't anyone who is too much for me to chew on. I'm on top of the food chain." She said with a smirk. "Now then, boy, what do you say to a little ranking? So there's no misunderstanding later on, of course."


"Louise, you're taking this too far. Back off!" Juan was beginning to look very angry.

"Ignore him. Ranking is where you spar to see who is stronger, basic jungle rules. The strong controls the weak. You get it, right?"

"Sure. Are you the other spirit user?" Louise looked at him with utter... disgust.

"Other?!" She said through her teeth.

"Yeah, I'm a spirit user as well." Her short blonde hair was practically standing up looking at him. The sound of metal clashing grew louder and louder.

"My... huff... lady..." An exacerbated templar came running up, struggling not to fall to the ground.

"I just can't lose you, can I, Tin Man?" She said, almost annoyed.

"For the last time, my lady, my name is Theodore Rumpkin, Templar of the high order. Please, stop running off without me."

"Hmph. Meet me in the gym, I'll crush you, and make sure you know who the true spirit user is." Louise said with a cynical look in her eyes. She began walking back to the academy, the templar right behind her.

"She is a total brat." Juan said with an annoyed tone in his voice. The templar looked back, and it was almost like a red light shined through his visor. " That guy is so creepy, too. Obsessed with her."


"I think it's cause he is obsessed with cats. He basically doesn't talk unless it's to her, or about her."

"You sure know a bit about him."

"Yeah, well, he is my roommate."

"How old is he?"

"Don't know, bastard refuses to take the stupid helmet off. I just ignore him, he ignores me. It's part of the blessing of being an adult. Don't have to talk to each other."

They began walking to the gym, where they saw, what seemed to be, most of the tenants of the academy. As they approached, the crowd quieted down.

"Is he really going to fight HER?!"

"That's what she said. Poor guy."

"Always got to put new people in their place."

"Hopefully, it ends here and she leaves him alone after."

The crowd was a bit over excited. Elliot and Juan walked into the building, and saw Louise sitting on Theodore, with him on all fours. She smirked as Elliot approached.

"Good, doesn't look like your spirit animal is a chicken." The crowd chuckled at Louise's words.

"You do this pretty often, right?" Elliot asked.

"When I feel it's necessary. Something bout your smell made me want to tear you to pieces. Besides, I can't have another spirit user around. You could make me look bad, or cause me problems later. Which is why, you'll drop out of the academy if I win."

"My smell? And that's fine, I just won't lose."

"Yes, you smell disgusting. I wanted to stomp you out, maybe the dirt will cover the smell. You are quite the fiesty one, wonder how long that'll last before you are calling out for your mommy." She said, smiling, and showing off her fangs.

"That's pretty accurate. What's really funny, is that I think you smell horrible, too. Since my nose is super sensitive, your smell gives me kind of a headache." Elliot smiled right back, showing his fangs right back at her. This was the last straw for Louise. She lunged forward, but disappeared again. As if Elliot already knew where she would come from, he swang his leg around and kicked her across the room. Her body rolled and smashed into the wall. When she looked up, you can see the blood thirst in her eyes. She is pissed.

"You're going to fucking die, you worthless piece of shit!"

Next chapter