1 The School of War

What is your Highschool? Whether you've graduated, still behind the bars of school or haven't started yet, what is your highschool experience? I have a feeling that the one we're about to tell you, is ALLOT different.

Firstly, our school doesn't just teach humans, it also teaches Werewolves (Humans with fluffy ears and tails and enhanced, wolf-like senses) and Meif'wa (Humans with cat ears and tails and other cat characteristics).

Secondly, our entire school is split into gangs. The number one gang rules the school and is greatly feared and respected by everyone.

Gangs come in a variety of sizes,ages and can contain a variety of races.

The top gang in our school is called the Wolf Pack. It isn't the biggest gang in the school but contains the strongest werewolves in the entire school. The two Alphas are the most powerful people in the entire school (and they're not even the oldest).

The top gang is usually decided by the Gang Games, but 2nd place can sometimes become 1st if the top gang has a shocking reputation loss.

The Gang Games is where all the gangs compete in a series of events on a yearly basis. These events test strength, brains and your ability to be cunning and always have a plan, like an entrepreneur.

The gang that does the best in these events gets crowned the number one gang of the school and it's their job to keep it that way, at least until the next games.

Every single person wants to be part of the the ruling gang, but the Wolf Pack is very closed and has super high standards.

It has been unchallenged since it was first created in the Alphas starting year.

The Alphas are like the King and Queen of the popular kids. They rule their gang with an iron fist but aren't nasty like some other Alphas. Everyone in that gang was happy with how things were run.

But then everything changed...

A new year came and the Wolf Pack was still number one. However, something was different. Cameren, the Alpha Male was allot more dominant towards everyone, especially the Alpha Female. But it wasn't just him, all the Alpha Males became like this. Most just accepted it, but the members of the Wolf Pack weren't happy.

This is where our story begins.
