
Chapter 40

I awake slowly. Remembering I am no longer in the cell but back on the ship. I sigh. We were found. I open my eyes and look over at De'rax. He is asleep in wolf form. The doctors are trying to figure out what Grib did.

I sit up and immediately draw the attention of the doctors. One rushes out presumably to alert my cousin. The others come over.

"How do you feel?"

I wiggle my body starting with my toes and ending with my fingers. "All there and in one piece. Little sore but much better. How is De'rax?"

"We are not sure yet. He had broken ribs, a broken front leg, and many bruises. As for what was done to him we are not completely sure. We drew blood to test."

I nod, understanding that it will take them a bit with the scientists back on Agris. Just as I was thinking about my life and how it has changed the door opens and my cousin rushes in.

"Oh good heavens you're awake. " She hurries overthrowing her arms around me. Hugging me fiercely I hug her back just as fiercely.

"I'm okay Cay. Just needed sleep without having to be on edge."

She starts crying. "I know I know I'm just happy to have you back. Argo is waiting to ask you questions about what happened. Also to update you on what has been happening while you were captive."

"I figured. However, I want to wait until De'rax is awake. Have both of us tell of our experience together. Filling in the blanks so to speak."

She nods. "Good idea." Looking at the doctors she directs her questions at them. "How much longer until he is awake?"

"We can wake him now. We have him in suspended sleep so he will heal. Let me check on his progress and I will let you know."

We wait for what feels like hours but is only minutes before De'rax starts groaning and moving his head. He bolts up quickly scaring the doctor's back a few feet.

I jump onto his lap quickly to keep him from lashing out at them. Wrapping my arms around his neck I whisper softly to him. "Shhh. It's okay. We are safe." I repeat that over and over until his muscles relax and take a deep breath and sigh.

His arms come around me and he hugs me tightly. "I thought I had lost you when Grib attacked."

"What do you remember last?"

"I remember being awoken by Grib. Him going on about how he was a genius and then he tried to take you from me. I lost it."

"Yea you got thrown. I ended up killing him. It seems while we were fighting Grib, our people were the ones attacking the base. They rescued us. Now Argo wants to speak to us about what has been happening."

"After you and I speak first in my quarters. I just want to hold you. Remind me your here and unhurt."

"That would be lovely. We won't be able to skip him for long."

He sighs again his head falling to my shoulder. "Yes, I know. I just need a bit of time to unwind."

Caylee claps her hands. "Yes, you two go. Relax I will come to get you when Argo has lost patience."

I climb off De'rax lap and he stands. "Wait... you are in human form?"

Caylee and I laugh. "Out of all of that has happened you point that out?"

"Well yes, I thought no one else knew?"

"They didn't until recently. I had to shift for them to treat my injuries. The doctors and Argo are the only ones aware though. No one else on this ship has been told."

"Good let it stay that way." He says while glaring at the doctors. "If I hear this get out I am coming after you."

They all nod as Caylee and I laugh some more.

I grab his arm and lead him out the door to our quarters. Climbing with him onto the bed i pull him down next to me and curl up falling asleep instantly.

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