
chapter 1

Well, this is an awkward situation.

I was currently looking down at a blonde haired man who's fist was against my gut.

"uh... sorry?"


Ruby and I stood in front of her house.

"alright! I'll call you in once I've spoken to my dad!" I watched her walk in to her house. "Dad! I'm home and I brought a friend!" I heard people talking about something but then a blonde haired man sprinted out and punched me in my stomach.

I did not flinch.

*flashback end*

I looked down at the blonde man and picked him up by the back of his collar, like a child.

"I'm... not... bothered... its... fine..." He breathed a sigh of relief as I put him down, but Ruby appeared and started hitting him.

"dad! He saved my life! Don't just attack him like that!" I watched the odd sight in confusion.

'I wouldn't say I saved her life... but are they truly related? Those who share blood often smell similar, but he smells nothing like Ruby.' A long haired blonde wearing a tank top and shorts who looked like she had just woken up walked out as Ruby was hitting her 'father'.

She stared at me, obviously confused.

"hey Ruby! Is this hunk a friend of yours?"

"Yang! He saved me from being burnt to a crisp! Don't just call him a hunk!" She walked up to me and looked me in the eyes.

"I have to thank you for saving her. I'm Yang xiao long, my dad who's being abused over there is taiyang xiao long and Ruby is my sister."

"half sisters I take it?" She nodded, though seemingly a bit sad.

"Well, wanna come inside?" I nodded and Ruby rushed into the house leaving behind rose petals. Taiyang was seemingly annoyed.

"Ruby! I told you not to use your semblance in the house!"

"sorry dad!" I let out a soft smile at the casual talk as I followed them into the house.

"would you mind taking your coat off?" He politely asked me.

"I have no issues with it but I'm not wearing a shirt under this. I would rather not make your daughters uncomfortable." He sweatdropped.

"that is a problem. We don't have any clothes your size, that... im sure of. Um, I suppose you'll have to keep it on unless the girls are okay with it." I nodded and walked into the living room. Ruby was sat on the couch with a remote in hand and was watching a video of someone making cookies. Yang sat on a separate chair to the left of the couch so I sat on the one opposite her.

"my oum, how tall are you?"

"7ft1." Her mouth dropped.

"you're like a giant!" Crunching could be heard and I turned to my left to see Ruby munching on cookies.

"ishnt it hot..." She realised that was rude and swallowed her food. "With that coat on?"

"I'd take it off but I don't have a shirt on under it."

"ooh, I'm fine with it~! What about you rubes?" The devourer of cookies had a feint blush.

"I-I don't mind..."

The blushing Ruby suprised me but I gladly took my coat off and placed it on the arm of the chair.

"mama likes what she sees!"

"Yang, but I'm not interested in relationships at the moment." The blonde sighed in disappointment.

"aww... Well, on another note... what's your semblance?" The flirty blonde asked

"ooh, is it that mist?" The eager 15 year old showed genuine curiosity.

"I don't know... the Mist I've been able to do since I woke up. But, I can also do this." I reached into the chairs shadow, much to their shock.

"ozpin said that he doesn't believe that the Mist was my semblance, and honestly, I don't know what one is or the details on how to get one."

"so you have some sort of amnesia?" I nodded at the mans sudden question. "That's a nasty scar you have there." He pointed at my chest.

"yeah... it... is..." I felt where my heart was punctured, but felt something off. I moved my hand to the other side of my chest. 'Two heartbeats... one on each side of my chest.'

"you okay, Mr günsche?" Little Red Riding Hood piped up.

"yeah... just... thinking..."

"right... i think it's time we all go to bed. Sorry but we don't have a guest bedroom, you'll have to take the couch."

"that's... fine..." He smiled and the three began to leave the room.

"goodnight, Mr günsche!"  I waved to her as she left before standing up and laying on the couch that Ruby was just sat on.

'this world... is peculiar. Every human can have unique abilities that defy logic and the weapons. Upon closer inspection, Ruby's scythe is able to compact and possibly be used as another type of weapon. While useful, its highly impractical. Your entire life could be decided by a single malfunction.' As I pondered what little I knew about this odd world, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Only to find myself back in the snowy forest. I was kneeling as my little sister ran towards me.

'no... not this memory!' Everything slowed as I watched her dress flutter, her smile, her happy little eyes.

I watched as a Bullet pierced through her head.

My eyes froze as I saw her eyes gloss over, her smile faltered, her blood splattered in the snow.

All because I was too weak to do anything.

Too weak to save her.

I was too weak to even save my dearest little sister. I rushed over to her and looked her in the eyes as her smile returned.

"lina! No... not again. Why? Why does tragedy follow me everywhere?" Her little hand rested over mine.

"I... love... you... big... brother..." Her eyes closed and her breathing stopped. I gently picked up her corpse, her white hair fluttered in the wind.

"I'm so sorry, lina."

I shot up in a cold sweat from the couch. I looked to the window and saw it was bright out.

'why am I having these dreams now? Its been a hundred years since then, so why?' I sat properly on the chair and put my head in my hands. 'I miss you, lina. I'd cry, but I have no more tears left to give.' I stood up and grabbed my coat, I looked at the clock.



We were on what they called a bullhead. I believe that's the name but I was stood next to Ruby and yang.

"how come you're here with us hans?" The bolder sister finally asked.

"ozpin offered me a job as security for beacon." I glanced at my shadow. 'The man works fast for sure. He delivered a halberd to the xiao long residence already. Its just sitting in my shadow now.'

"so you'll be at beacon with us?" The shy sister was eager at the question.

"yes, though I don't think I'll be participating in any lessons but I don't know." The sound of vomiting could be heard as a blonde haired boy ran past.

"eww, yang! There's puke on your shoe!"

"gross gross gross gross!" I looked at the boy who had just ran by.

'is blonde a common hair colour? Yang, taiyang, glynda and now that boy.' The doors to the bullhead opened and we walked out to see a large... school? If you could even call it that.

We walked down the path and immediately Ruby started to get hyperactive over weapons, even somehow turning 2d.

"look at all those weapons, a staff, nunchucks, swords!" Before she could continue, yang pulled her back into the right proportions.

"calm down sis, they're just weapons." Her nonchalance annoyed her sibling.

"just weapons! They're apart of us!" I placed a hand on her head, much like I would...

"calm... down... Ruby..."

"fine..." a pout of annoyance spread across her face.

"this seems like a good time, so sis... gotta go bye!" And she was gone in a moment.

'not a great idea just to dissapear leaving your sister alone.' I looked around and Ruby had already sped off.

'really?' I saw ruby had bumped into a white haired girl. A magnet for trouble.

I approached the duo to hear Ruby was being lectured, the girls voice was pompous and grating but still made her annoyance clear.

"do you know how valuable these are? Do you even know who I am?"

"uh, no?" I reached my hand down to help Ruby up off the ground, she took it and jumped to her feet. "Thanks hans!" I'm surprised she could reach with the height disparity.

"aren't you a bit too old to be here? Bastard child of willow schnee?"

"I'm not a student, I'm security. However, I don't know who willow schnee is."

"then is your hair dyed? If so, I demand you change it!"

"it's natural. But, why are you being this rude at out first encounter?" The rude girl struggled to come up with a response.

"do you know who I am?" Ah, trying to use family names for leverage. I recall others in my.... community, trying such things.

"weiss schnee, heiress to the schnee dust company. Known for its controversial labour policy's towards faunus."

'white snow. A fitting name for her appearance.' I noticed ruby was about to sneeze and saw a vial in the girls hand, I quickly pulled the rose back as she sneezed.

Accident successfully prevented.

"thanks." We both watched the heiress angrily stomp away. "Why can't I make any friends?"

"you can, but these things take time."

"yeah, you're right! I can't expect to make friends so quickly! I can't get sad now!"


After a particularly unenthusiastic speech about how the students are all wasted potential, they were all sent off to a room where they would all temporarily stay.

'suppose I should train with this halberd of mine.' I crouched down and pulled the halberd out of my shadow.

It was an ornate halberd with what seemed to be a golden axe head, the flat side being white with semi-circular engravings. The pike was similarly white as was most of the pole arm except for a part in the middle which clearly showed metal rings. It clearly separated the two places where a person should hold. The bottom of the halberd had a golden pommel.

'this is really... fancy looking. A bit much.' I swung it with one hand. 'Well balanced.' I placed my other hand on the shaft.

With both hands, I used an overhead swing and buried it into the ground. The ground broke from the impact and I was lucky that it was just dirt. I pulled it out and inspected the axehead.

'not even a chip. Such fine craftsmanship. Let's see, attacks that are like that will be fine against non humans, however, against human opponents I'll have to hold back like usual.'


I was currently at beacon cliff but for some reason i was lined up with the students. Though, my voice is far too weak to protest.

"today, your skills will be tested within the emerald forest. However, our security guard will also be going with you as a test of his abilities. But he is not required to obtain a relic." I noticed that students were being launched by the platforms under them. My halberd was tied onto my back and as I noticed the blonde about to ask a question, I had already been launched.

The wind bombarded my entire body but this was nothing new, its just like running.

'now, how am I going to land?' I looked around and with what I had on me, the best option was to just turn to Mist. Although, there is the possibility I lose my halberd so, I just have to hope my legs can take it. If not, well... they'll regenerate. The ground was fast approaching and so i braced my legs for the impact.

It didn't hurt.

My legs ached from the impact but luckily, they didn't break. Seems more damage was done than I thought. I heard growling around me and shadow like animal creatures emerged from the forest.

"so... these are... grimm..." I pulled my halberd off my back and swung for a bear looking creature which was split into two with one strike. 'Not very durable are they? Though, allegedly they're attracted to negative emotions. If that's true, then I'm going to have to deal with a lot of grimm.' I tightened my grip on my halberd.

'I'm a beacon of sorrow after all!' With this thought, my emotions had become focused and the grimm started rushing towards me.


Next chapter