
The Wizards Indignation (OLD VERSION SEARCH FOR NEW)

This book is been rewritten and will be re-uploaded soon. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) In a world where magic conceals a dark reality, Kiyan and Raten Teferi bear the burden of a damning legacy, falsely accused of their father's sins. Hunted and hated, they navigate a treacherous path, chased by those who fear the truths they hold. Betrayed by supposed allies, they forge a destiny fueled by the flames of bitterness, mastering their wizardry to become the very monsters the world perceives them to be. Amidst the shadows, they seek elusive peace, constantly changing identities to escape the relentless pursuit. As their powers grow, so does the question: Will they find solace or remain shackled by the relentless chains of hatred? ____________ WARNING!! This book contains violence, murder, lots and lots of gore. If you are looking for a happy book, this is not one for you.

Olivia_Iruoma · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Mana Shell

The twins would go out often to meet with Lecter or just move about Raldon. Eventually, Lecter brought up his issue with breaking his mana shell and they had an idea of talking to Demas about it. They didn't think it will be odd as both Demas and their father have met Lecter countless times now.

Though the boys looked happy, the idea of having Demas help teach Lecter just didn't sit well with Agnar. It seemed as though, Lecter was only using his sons to get what he wants. His sons were a bit upset when he aired his thoughts.

"I don't think he's only using us for this. Even if he is, what does it matter? It will not be the first time we're being used by a person. At least this time we're happy." Said Raten.

"Come on, father. We just want to help out a friend." Kiyan pleaded. Agnar looked over at Demas who sat beside him, he wanted to know if it was okay with him. He would be the one lending a hand anyway. Demas gave a simple nod, indicating it was fine by him. With that, Agnar agreed to it.

Walking to the lake where they last met, the twins were hoping he would be there. Lecter, on the other hand, was already there hoping they would show up with good news. He was glad when they showed up, and even more excited when they told him their cousin agreed to teach him. After making the lake their hang-out, the twins led the way to their home.

Standing in the open field of their backyard, Lecter met with the two only significant men in his new friends lives, he could tell straight away which one was their father before being formally introduced. Though they looked little like him, the way he looked at and spoke to him was the same way Raten would.

Agnar left Demas to carry on and moved closer to the house. He sat on the log of wood which was situated close to it, and rested on the wall. While the twins, along with Lecter and Demas moved a bit further away.

"Boy, before I say anything, I would want to know your knowledge on what mana is." Demas spoke, sitting on the grass with his legs folded. The three boys sat face-to-face with him, with Lecter in the middle. Since he was the one who needed the lesson, he sat a bit closer to Demas while the twins sat a bit behind him.

"Mana is the supernatural force embedded in us, allowing for the cultivation or possession of energy. It is our deeper core, where magic stems from, giving the ability to control our inner and external power." Lecter answered.

"I see you have knowledge about it." Demas started. "Now to be able to harness that power, you need to find the mana within you. To see it, to feel it, to unlock your magic gene. You will get a warm and tingling feeling in your back and chest area. If you focus, you will find it." He shut his eyes and Lecter did the same.

Drowning out every sound, every form of distraction, Lecter began concentrating on the task. He was only getting frustrated as time passed. After what seemed like the whole day to him, Lecter opened his eyes and found no one. Looking around, he saw Demas who was rather relaxed on a hammock tied to two trees in the west of the yard. Besides both of them, no one else was there.

"Why are you not focused on your task ?" Demas asked staring up at the leaves on the trees. He had spoken loudly so Lecter would hear.

"I was just wondering, is this all I have to do ?" He replied. "I seem to be having no progress."

"It's all you have to do, boy, concentrate." Demas said, still not sparing him a glance. Taking in a deep breath, he shut his eyes again.

After a while, in a dark place was where he saw himself, he was beginning to see a faint glow when suddenly, something hit him hard on the chest, he fell flat on the field and opened his eyes in shock and also pain. He sat up abruptly, holding onto his chest.

"What was that ?!" He yelled, gritting his teeth.

"An energy ball." Demas' voice replied from beside him. Lecter, moved away in shock. 'Just when did Demas sit next to him?' He wondered. Demas kept sipping in his tea.

"Why didn't you warn me ?" He asked.

"I didn't want to distract you." He answered with a smile, still looking ahead. Turning his head to what he watched, he saw the twins engaged in combat. Their father watching few feet away.

They were dealing blows after blows at each other, firing energy blasts every chance they got. One of them was getting an upper hand, but Lecter couldn't tell whom. With a fist to the gut, and an energy blast to the face, the one on the receiving end was sent crashing into the tree tied to Demas' hammock. He showed no attempt to get back up as his body now laid on the grass beneath him. He was bleeding profusely, they both were.

"Victory is mine." The victor, Kiyan said and collapsed to the ground as well.

"Just what was that for ?!" Lecter yelled, looking over at Demas. But got no response. He only dropped the now empty cup on the ground beside him.

Agnar walked slowly to where they both laid. He walked past Kiyan, straight to Raten who had picked himself up, sitting with his back rested on the tree his body collided with. Agnar crouched down to his level when he neared. He looked at him and then back at Kiyan.

"Hmph." He frowned. Raten had his head hung low, not wanting to meet his father's gaze. No words were spoken. Standing to his full height, he stepped back. Now between them both, he said

"Get up!"

Dragging their bodies off the floor, the twins were now upright. They staggered while moving to stand before him.

"I think this is enough." Demas said to no one in particular and made way towards them. Lecter just sat confused.

"Agnar, end it here. They can barely stand." Demas said standing slightly behind Agnar. Looking at the brothers, Raten looked like he would soon pass out. Kiyan, on the other hand, was finding it a bit hard to breathe. He might have won, but not without a beating.

Looking at his sons, Agnar was clearly not impressed. "Disappointing." He shook his head and left.

Watching Agnar leave, Lecter then moved forward. Raten was being held by Demas, while Kiyan was down to a knee.

"Oh ? You're still here. Why don't you help out your friend." Demas smiled at Lecter who moved over to Kiyan giving him support as he walked.

They both helped the boys inside. Placed on the beds in their rooms, Raten laid unconscious. Kiyan laid awake, but in pain. Demas then went to work, he began to heal their wounds. He was a healer, a strong one at that. But, as the years passed, he felt less and less willing to be one. Besides, the kingdom had many of them.

Lecter stood by the window of the room observing everything. He still didn't know why they had fought against themselves that hard.

"Would you please explain what is going on ?" He asked, wanting to feed his curiosity.

"It would be best if you ask them. They were the ones fighting in the first place." Demas answered. As soon as he was done, he left the room.

Kiyan stood stretching his limbs.

"Isn't magic great?" He grinned. Turning to the other side of the room, his brother laid on the bed, still unconscious. He would be awake in no time.

They still had blood stains on their clothes and body, but they were now fine. Out of them both, Raten needed rest.

"Good, you're both fine." Lecter started. "Now, the question that I crave an answer to, what was that fight for?"

"That was just a sort of training session." Kiyan answered. They didn't talk much after that. Lecter then left.

On his way out, Demas asked how his earlier task was. Getting blasted made him forget all about it. "Oh, that. Well, I was beginning to see a faint glow before I got blasted. Now I know what I need to do, I can practice at home in my leisure time." He answered and thanked him as well.

The next day, they met at the lake again.

"So, you two just battle each other everyday ?" He asked, still not understanding why they would put themselves through that sort of punishment.

"We don't battle each other. Like I said yesterday, it's a training session we been having for the past four years. Yesterday, we used fists, there are time we used weapons." Kiyan answered.

"We fight against our father most days. Other days, against ourselves. He says 'life is full of unexpected trials, we must always be ready to protect ourselves." Raten added.

The smiles they had on their faces made Lecter uncomfortable. It seemed they enjoyed it. He also had other thoughts bothering him.

His father had assumptions that there was something going on in the kingdom. Now, the twins say their father wants them to protect themselves from the dangers that lies ahead.

This only confirmed that something was definitely wrong. Agnar, he thought, could possibly know the answers to his questions. But, if he hadn't told his own sons, what are the chances he'll give him an answer. For now, things are peaceful. He wouldn't want to waste his time worrying about things.

Walking out of the lake and into the town's square, they returned to the usual spot where kids often had spars with each other for fun. The competitors would stand opposite each other on the small wooden platform, while their friends and onlookers cheered them on from the ground.

This time the twins decided to join in. Both picking random people. They fought against their father and he always said they were weak. To know if they truly were not progressing, they decide it's best to fight someone close to their age whose good in combat.

"Are you sure that's a good idea ?" Lecter queried. "Didn't you both just finish training this morning ?"

"We are fine." Raten answered.

For now, they were just onlookers. Days they spent watching made known to them the strongest ones. They both picked whom they wanted to fight.

Raten's chosen opponent currently stood in the centre of the platform. He issued an open challenge urging anyone to step up. Raten had observed from his past matches, his every move. He was strong, fast and skilled.

"Do you think you can fight this guy ? He's strong, i'm sure you can tell. He might prove too much of an opponent for you. You could switch for someone weaker, you know." Kiyan whispered over to his brother.

Giving his brother a thump on the head, Raten spoke

"Just because I lost to you, doesn't mean I am weak."


Author here: Sorry for the slow updates. More chapters will come in, and more often as well.

Still a novice here, you can point out my mistakes in the comment section.


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