
Where am I?

"Ella it's time for you to get up and get ready for school," an adult woman said on the other side of the door.

Ella was a sixteen year old girl with long brown hair and she had two different color eyes. Her right eye was a pink-brown ombre, while her left eye was full on light green. When she sat up in bed, she looked at her amputated left arm. Ella got her arm amputated thirteen years ago after being in a car accident with her mom. Soon Ella came out of her room in a long sleeve blue shirt with torn jeans and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Well... looks who up!! Morning my little cherry blossom," said the woman making breakfast, while two kids who were both twins and five years old were eating their breakfast.

"Mom... why do I have to go to that academy?" Ella said in a sad tone.

"Ella you know why you have to go. You've been constantly bullied by those people and I want the best for you," Her mom said in a sad tone, while looking a at photo of her, a young version of Ella and a man.

She then placed some pancakes on a plate and placed it before Ella.

"Eat up! You need all of the energy you need for the first day of your junior year of high school," said Ella's mom.


"All right, settled down class. Now I have an announcement... we have a new student," said the male teacher, who was Ella's world history teacher.

Ella stood up and said shyly, "My name is Ella Zahra Harper and I... like werewolves."

The class laughed at her then a mean girl knocked Ella's books onto the ground. The teacher tried to help calm down the class, but Ella already ran out of the classroom with all of her stuff in her bag. She ran into the forest that was a couple of miles away from her new school. Ella didn't know where she was going because tears formed in her eyes.

Suddenly she tripped and fell into a hole in the ground that was surrounded by stone bricks. When Ella woke up she noticed that something wasn't right.

"Where am I? Mostly how did I get here?" she said in complete confusion.

Carefully she looked around and noticed most of this place was covered with a lot of different trees. She was at least happy that she was away from those mean people. Out of nowhere someone put something over Ella's eyes, but Ella was quick enough to run away from this person. Once Ella stopped to rest she hoped that her mom would come and find her.

While she rested a pack of terrifying wolves were running towards her. Ella saw this and she was back onto her feet running for her life. Soon she ran into a dead end and the wolf slowly came closer to her. Suddenly one of the wolves lunged right at her and Ella expected the worse and she closed her eyes and let the worse take her away to death.

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