

"Oh....god...my head.."

The moment I woke up, I was inside a forest, The last thing I remember is that me and my friends try to do something stupid and that is to sneak deeper in the Vatican archives.

We managed to arrive to the secret library or forbidden archives. What interested me was the ridiculously large book.

It was encased in a glass like room gathering dust, the door inside it was open so like the idiot that I am, I went inside. As I look closer the large book's name was Codex Gigas. I was gifted with a photographic memory so I tried scanning the book so I find some info later in the internet.

After scanning the entire book, an excruciating pain attacked me, the pain was so unbearable I lost consciousness.

And here I am....Somewhere inside a forest. The sky is red.....red like blood.....the moon or sun? has a pentagram symbol on it.

I tried to figure out where I am. But it seems the gps on my phone doesn't work. When I was about to leave the place the large book or the Codex Gigas was right infront me floating.

As I walk closely. The book's cover began to change into a skeletal like cover, and a demon like head appeared at the front cover.

"So it seems.....someone finally became my owner."

I was surprised on what I saw and heard. This is freaky as hell. I don't know where I am, a talking ominous book and a dead like forest. I don't like where this is going.

"Hmmm.....what is this?!"

"My owner is a HUMAN?!"

"This is too much DISGRACE!"

"Foolish, Human who are you!? and how did you managed to stay sane after reading all the pages?!"

I'm lost, and my mind can't catch up to any of this, so I ended up running away from the floating book.

"Oh Crap.....Oh Crap...Oh Crap.....Oh God where the Hell am I!?"

"Well first is, there's no God here or yet. second you are right, its hell."

As a ran panicking I saw a floating book right beside me. I ended up panicking again. In the end I lost my energy to run anymore.

"So you done mortal?"

"Now answer my question. Who are you? and How aren't you going insane after reading the entire Codex Gigas?"

I inhaled a mouthful of air and began to answer the scary looking book.

"I'm Sol Luminescence....you can call me Sol, as for getting sane? I don't know about that, I think I'm pretty much normal....."

The face on the demonic book began to come close to me. It seems its scanning me or something.

"Alright! since you didn't go insane this proves you are worthy to be my owner!"


"Yes owner! I am the Codex Gigas or famously known as the Devil's Bible! Most people who read my pages ends up getting insane especially at the fifth page! those who managed to read up to the hundred page are either possessed or their memories altered by the unholy words."

"After thousand years someone finally able to use me! I am the accumulation of hell's knowledge of power, wisdom and greatness!"

"There's another name for me here in hell, The Ultimate Grimore! Every wizards, warlocks, witches, mages and every entity Gods or Mortals who studied the occult knows my brilliance!"

"Ok.....You scared the living crap out of me though"

"You said that this place is hell?"


"So Mr. Scary book of evilness how can I get out of here?"


"There is no way out!.... Oh wait....There is, there are only two ways, Go to the ninth circle of hell and tell the big boss himself Lucifer that you want to get out but that would be difficult since you'll have to go to every circle and experience the horrors of every realm! the second one is well....wait for an Angel to appear here, once every 5 years a legion of Angels appear here to do the cleansing since hell is overpopulated by sinful demons."

"What happens when hell is full?"

"A distortion gate between Earth and Hell will open and you know demons will bring chaos and destruction upon your world, The last distortion gate opened was during King Solomon's era that is why he managed to make a contract with 72 demons."

While the scary book was explaining, both of us immediately stopped talking because female like humanoid monster is watching us, she has wings, crimson skin and black hair and goat like horns.

"Hmmmmm. C...Codex? what is that?"

"That's a succubus, a common denizen of hell."

"Wait that demon that gives you sexy and passionate dreams?"

"Yup, They suck your life essence, though they prefer it physically rather than in dreams."

"So I'm in danger then....."

I immediately ran as fast as I can deeper in this forest of horrors(temporary name), Like what happened earlier the demon book codex is right beside me floating.

"Why are you running?"

"I'm running for my life? I'm running because she might have friends and eat me alive? I'm running because I'm scared as hell?!"

"She maybe a beauty but I prioritize my life first."

As I ran deeper into the forest I passed out again near a big tree, but the moment I woke up something was right behind me.

Next chapter