
The Witcher:Raging Fire

I decided to rewrite this. The rewrite will be split into 3 books to tell the story in a more understandable way. Name of the First Book is The Witcher:Flaming Rose It will cover the childhood of the MC, as a rewrite I mean a rework of the plot and events that the MC experiences. —————————————————————— The boy that lost all of his memories finds himself in an unknown place. With only a few minutes lived, he faces his first trials. With nobody to support him, he tries to figure out where should he go. But destiny already had a path set for him. Strange force showed him a way that he is going to take. From the place known as Kaer Morhen his journey starts. August will have a lot of great and sad moments, but in the end, he will come out victorious. How? This is what this book will tell you.

TacetIrae · Book&Literature
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90 Chs

Chapter 82:Even monster can fall in love with a simple girl

Regis and August engaged in a furious battle against the mula, giving their all in order to defeat their opponent.

This Vampire was well fed and full of power to fight against those that dared to intrude on the place where he lived. The strange thing that appears to both August and Regis is his decision to live with a normal human girl.

It was unlike their nature to live along those you fed on. But right now, they had no time to think about such an occurrence.

August took a deep breath before dashing at the beast with his sword, ready to slash.

Mula rushed at August from his side, with his claws ready to pierce through the flesh of the Witcher.

Within a second, they were in the reach of each other weapons.

Claws and the sword clashed together.


A small train of smoke travelled up from the claws since the sword was made of silver and burned mule claws a little.

They stayed in the clash, figuring out whose physical power was greater. Despite abnormal strength in the hands of the Witcher, he was losing the confrontation. A mula was slowly advancing, trying to sweep his claws across his opponent's belly.

However, not all of the odds were on the monster's side. Sword was made out of silver, making it painful to oppose it since it was causing pain.

Feeling the danger coming from the sword in the hands of the Witcher, Mula lunged at the witcher, pushing his back. Making August lose his balance for a second, losing his guards.

Giving August no time to recover, the monster dashed at him, trying to stab his claws nice and deep inside August's flesh.

Claws were getting closer and closer to the body of the Witcher.

August's eyes were able to trace and see the vampire's movement, but his body was not able to move fast enough to deflect or parry the attack.

When the claws were soon to reach the flesh of the Witcher, Mula was smashed hard on the side, sending him right into the wall of the house.


With a fast lunge, Regis rammed the mula, sending him to crash into the wall. Making the house slightly tremble and dust fall from the roof.

Meanwhile, a fight was happening nearby. Rebecca was still sitting in her place, not moving an inch. She was listening to the sounds of the battle happening right before herself.

All she could say was the name of the one that she cherished the most "GREGORY! GREGORY! Are you there? Please answer me!"

Listening to the words of his wife, the mula that was shocked by the sudden crush into the wall regained his coordination, but this time, his eyes started losing intelligence, slowly giving the right to control his body to the primitive and instinctual desires.

Without a care in the world, he runs right into August, taking him by the legs while getting stabbed in the belly. Without a care in the world for the injuries, he rammed August right through the house door, knocking it off and falling on top of August.

Looking down at his victim.

Being smashed against the door brought a lot of pain and probably broke a few ribs, which greatly limited August. Gasping for air, he wasn't able to fight back right away.

The mula unleashed his sharp fangs, bitting right into the neck of the Witcher.

However, he was stopped once again before he could neither kill nor fatally injure the Witcher.

He was kicked in the face by Regis, which knocked one of his fangs out of his mouth and made him fall to the ground. Hissing and roaring like a wild beast.

The longer the fight was going on, the worse his condition was getting. With every second of time, he lost his intelligence and submitted to his instincts.

Regis helped August to stand back up.

"Shit", cursed August while spitting the blood from his mouth. "We need to kill him as soon as possible."

Mula stood back up, but this time using all of his limbs like a tiger, stood and prepared to jump on one of his victims.

Both Regis and August focused on the next move of the monster. It didn't take long for him to dash like a wild beast at his enemies.

August prepared to parry the attack and made a faint to give Regis a chance of killing the beast.

However, instead of attacking either August or Regis, the mula jumped over them, landing right beside Rebecca.

She stood in the doorway, where in the past door was stationed.

Without saying a word, she uncovered her neck that was covered by the shawl before, revealing bite marks that were all over her neck.

Without wasting time, Mula pierced her neck and started drinking blood, regaining his strength and healing the injuries he obtained during the clash.

Having a chance, August quickly grasped his bow, taking an arrow with a tip made of silver and aiming at the vampire. Wasting as little time as possible, he released a string sending an arrow to fly right towards Gregory.

An arrow made its way towards its destination, having a perfect trajectory not to be seen by the eyes of the one it is soon to kill.

Slicing through the air, with an almost whispering howl, it went right towards the beast.



Two pieces of an arrow that were sliced in two dropped to the ground, losing all of the energy and chances of injuring the mula.

Almost without effort, he swiped his hand with claws towards an arrow, cutting it in 2 and missing a chance of killing this monster just yet.

Mula's red eyes looked at his enemies once again as he finished with his dish.

Rebecca who had almost all of her blood drunk, dropped to the ground, having no power to hold her body weight with her legs and having a lack of blood to support the muscles with oxygen.

The mula was ready to dash, but right before the eyes of both Regis and August, it disappeared from sight, leaving no trace almost evaporating.

Both Regis and August started to look around, searching for the traces of the vampire somewhere close.

It didn't take long when he appeared behind Regis, trying to cut his head off.

However, this time Regis was cautious and reacted fast enough, and without turning around, his claws clashed against the claws of the mule, getting him angrier.

While they were in the clash, August dashed at the monster striking him with his sword.

The sword just barely sweeps across the belly of the monster before the clash in which Regis and Mula broke, and the blade got hit with a lot of strength.

Giving August only two options, either let the force pull him towards Mula or release a sword to remain in the distance that he had a chance of surviving.

Letting go of the sword, August rolled back, standing on his arms and jumping right back to his legs, getting a grip on his second sword, which won't do a lot of damage to Gregory but could serve the purpose of the shield.

Mula started to throw slashes in August's direction in a rush, challenging him to either defend or lose his life.

A mula was advancing while pushing August back step by step, sweep by sweep.

Moving his hand at a greater distance, Mula tried to perform a strong strike to knock August back.

Foreseeing such a move, August rolled under the hand of the beast, getting slightly cut on his back.

Getting back on his legs, August heard Regis shout.


With that, Regis threw August's sword right in the palm of the Witcher.

Regis dashed at the Mula, getting him in the clash once again.

August didn't want to miss the opportunity that was given to him. Sliding right between the legs of both Regis and Gregory, he slashed his sword on the leg of the mula.

Being in pain and getting a sudden adrenaline rush, Mula pushed Regis back and kicked August, making his bones crack like a cracker.

Falling on one leg and covering an injury that he just received, Mula stood on 3 of his limbs, advancing towards Regis.

Using almost all of his strength, Mula got on top of Regis and bit his neck, trying to suck his blood and recover from his injuries.

August seeing this, could not allow this to continue, but it seemed like his leg bones were either cracked or broken, making it hard to walk, don't even mention run.

Through the pain, August gripped his steel sword right on the sharp edge and threw his silver sword in the sky.

Using one of his swords like a bat and like a ball, August used all of his power to hit the hilt of the silver sword right towards the back of the monster.


An impact of the hit created sparks that indicated a successful hit.

Silver Sword flew right through the air, piercing right into Mula's shoulder, making him stop the process of blood drinking.

Turning his head in August's direction and looking at August with fierce eyes that promised painful death, Mula was about to dash at injured Witcher.

Before Mula could take a step, he felt how something sharp pierced right through his heart and pierced right through.

Almost immediately, his blood like raging eyes lost all craziness, and he fell to the ground.

Regis used his claws to pierce Mula's heart, saving both August and himself.

Regis dropped his head to the ground, breathing heavily.

Mula with blood flowing from the holes in his body and legs giving up. He started to crawl back to the house, where almost dead Rebecca was lying.

Slowly approaching her, with pain through each breath, his muscles slowly stopping to function. He crawled next to her.

He laid his head on her knees, weakly whispering, "Sorry, sorry, sorry."

Rebecca, still alive, found power in her body to move her hand and mouth. Placing her hand over his head, she slowly stroked his head. In a loving and disappearing voice, she said, "Don't worry, darling, I love you."

She closed her eyes as her hand stopped any kind of movement. While her last tear ran down her cheek, dropping on Gregory's head.

Closing his eyes, Gregory weakly said "I too" and shut his mouth forever as his heart made its last beat.

They fell asleep for the last time, but nothing was important for them, but the last moment that they could feel a touch of each other love and care.

This is how the love story of the simple girl ended, dying from the hands she loved the most, wearing a happy smile on her last breath.

Once upon a time, lived a girl

She fell in love with a beast

The beast found love in the girl

But the instincts it is not something you can forget

The beast killed everyone that the girl ever cherished or hated

Later in their happy days, hunters arrived

They killed the beast, making the girl lonely

Having no willpower to live without her love

The girl ended her life, with the memory and smile of her love in her imagination

And they never lived happily after.


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This is my vision of the fairy tails, in dark fantasy

So instead of price -->monster

Instead of the girl that sees wonders in front of her eyes ---> girl that never was able to see the world living in the darkness

Instead of the castle --> hunt the outskirts of the graveyard from people that she once knew

Instead of a happy ending --> sad one

[These are the powers I came up with when thinking about Mule

-Super strength, speed, regeneration

-Human speech

-Sun immunity

-Super senses

-Fangs and claws

-Ability to turn fully invisible (no presence, no magic present) for a small fraction of time


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