
Characters Besides MC


Shani was a medic, having studied at Oxenfurt Academy. She participated in the Battle of Brenna as part of the staff of Milo "Rusty" Vanderbeck's field hospital and, many years later, she became the Dean of the Department of Medicine of her alma mater.

-Geralt of Rivia:

Geralt of Rivia was a legendary witcher of the School of the Wolf active throughout the 13th century. He loved the sorceress Yennefer, considered the love of his life despite their tumultuous relationship, and became Ciri's adoptive father.

During the Trial of the Grasses, Geralt exhibited unusual tolerance for the mutagens that grant witchers their abilities. Accordingly, Geralt was subjected to further experimental mutagens which rendered his hair white and may have given him greater speed, strength, and stamina than his fellow witchers.

Despite his title, Geralt did not hail from the city of Rivia. After being left with the witchers by his mother, Visenna, he grew up in their keep of Kaer Morhen in the realm of Kaedwen. In the interest of appearing more trustworthy to potential clients, young witchers were encouraged to make up surnames for themselves by master Vesemir. As his first choice, Geralt chose "Geralt Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegarde", but this choice was dismissed by Vesemir as silly and pretentious, so "Geralt" was all that remained of his chosen name. "Of Rivia" was a more practical alternative and Geralt even went so far as to adopt a Rivian accent to appear more authentic. Later, Queen Meve of Lyria knighted him for his valor in the Battle for the Bridge on the Yaruga conferring on him the formal title "of Rivia", which amused him. He, therefore, became a true knight.


Vesemir was the oldest and most experienced witcher at Kaer Morhen in the 13th century and acted as a father figure to Geralt and the other witchers. Like many of the other witchers, he spent each winter in the fortress and set out on the path when spring arrived.

He was one of the few members of the School of the Wolf to survive the assault on Kaer Morhen. By the 1260s, he was the sole old witcher remaining; however, as he was only a fencing instructor, he didn't possess the knowledge necessary to create new mutagens in order to mutate more disciples into witchers.

-Yennefer of Vengerberg:

Yennefer of Vengerberg, born on Belleteyn in 1173, was a sorceress who lived in Vengerberg, the capital city of Aedirn. She was Geralt of Rivia's true love and a mother figure to Ciri, whom she viewed like a daughter to the point that she did everything she could to rescue the girl and keep her from harm.

She helped advise King Demavend of Aedirn (though was never a formal royal advisor), a close friend of Triss Merigold, and the youngest member of the Council of Wizards within the Brotherhood of Sorcerers. After its fall, the Lodge of Sorceresses attempted to recruit her, but they didn't see eye to eye as the Lodge wanted to advance their own political agenda by using Ciri.

-Triss Merigold:

Triss Merigold of Maribor was a legendary Temerian sorceress of the 13th century. Called Fourteenth of the Hill by her contemporaries because she was erroneously thought to have been killed during the Battle of Sodden Hill, she passed into history as Merigold the Fearless. A member of King Foltest's royal council along with Fercart and Keira Metz, as well as a founding member of the Lodge of Sorceresses, she was involved in politics for most of her life.

She was friends with Yennefer and the witcher Geralt of Rivia, but also unhappily in love with the latter. Triss took care of Ciri at Kaer Morhen for some time and is like an older sister to her. It was through her intervention that Ciri was not subjected to harmful hormone changes at Kaer Morhen, stripping her of her secondary gender traits.

She was a skilled healer and carried with her many magical potions, but she never used them on herself because ironically, she was allergic to potions, and used amulets to treat herself. She was also quite a powerful mage, certainly when it counted most. She wore an amulet - sapphire overlaid with silver.

-Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon:

Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (better known as Ciri), was born in 1252 or 1253, and most likely during the Belleteyn holiday. She was the sole princess of Cintra, the daughter of Pavetta and Emhyr var Emreis (who was using the alias "Duny" at the time) as well as Queen Calanthe's granddaughter.

After Geralt of Rivia helped lift Duny's curse, Duny asked what reward the witcher would like and Geralt evoked the Law of Surprise, as it turned out Pavetta was pregnant with Ciri, unbeknownst to Duny.


Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount de Lettenhove, better known as Dandelion (Polish: Jaskier), was a poet, minstrel, bard, and close friend of Geralt of Rivia.

-Eredin Bréacc Glas:

Eredin Bréacc Glas, also dubbed Sparrowhawk by the unicorns, was an Aen Elle elf and commander of an elven cavalry known as the Wild Hunt. As its leader, he was known to most as the King of the Wild Hunt. Eredin was a high ranking general in his world until he killed the king and became his successor.

-The Wild Hunt:

The Wild Hunt, or Wraiths of Mörhogg as they are called in Skellige, was widely believed to be a group of specters galloping in the sky. They were described by common folk as a cavalcade of wraiths on undead horses galloping across the sky and serving as an omen of war. In fact, they are a group of Aen Elle elves from Tir ná Lia who also call themselves the Dearg Ruadhri in their native Elder Speech, meaning Red Riders. They are led by the general, and later king, Eredin Bréacc Glas, commonly known as the King of the Wild Hunt.

Their true purpose was to find and capture slaves from other worlds, such as that of the Aen Seidhe, to serve the Alder Folk. However, they eventually set their sights on Ciri for her Elder Blood.

-Margarita Laux-Antille:

Margarita Laux-Antille was a sorceress and a rector of Aretuza. She was also the granddaughter of the famous Ilona Laux-Antille and a founding member of the Lodge of Sorceresses. She had no interest in politics, but she cared deeply for her school and students.

She had a figure outshining statues, fair-haired, tall, and often wore a green dress with a plunging neckline.

-Síle de Tansarville:

Sheala de Tancarville or Síle de Tansarville was a sorceress from Creyden and one of the founding members of the Lodge of Sorceresses. She was among the most powerful and respected mages in the North. Even other members of the Lodge feared her, with perhaps the exception of Philippa Eilhart, Francesca Findabair, Assire var Anahid, and Yennefer of Vengerberg. Unlike her colleagues, Sheala was not known to interfere in politics and instead dedicating her days to research. She even resigned her seat with the Council of Wizards because it interfered with her work. Sheala liked to dress in a strict, black velvet gown trimmed with pearls and often wrapped a silver fox boa around her neck. Queen Zuleyka of Kovir once sought her magical assistance in getting her son away from the evil influences of the "bad crowd" he had fallen in with. Sheala was also known as the Koviri Loner.

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