
the witch way of survival

the five chosen people of God fight for humanity's way to survive in disasters, created by fallen Angel's. in ridiculous way?... the way the handle it.. is way too stupid. due to this, humanity devoured mercilessly, so God gave a wake up call to his greedy chosen child. A witch image is enough for people to misjudge. so she collect allies from different time / era to conduct a massive plot twist in disasters vs. humanity war.

MaureenInoferio · Fantasy
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2 Chs

1 spell book

4:20 am

woke up to make breakfast. my eyelids are still close. I'm lazy again today I don't want to wake up. this revolutionary plan is tiring me already I just force my legs to walk. "AGGGGGGGHHHHH"

that's my sneeze, weird sneeze indication that someone broke into my yard again. ugh ! seriously why can't this people grow their own crops?.

to think they wake up early today to steal it. hah! piss off!. i reach for the water bucket and filled it with ice then put some worms in it the largest worm i have almost jump into my cereal.

I waited till that person walk into the vines of grapes.

"AHHHHHHHH SNAKE! snake into my pants! aw!AW! AW! OUCH ! AHHH!!!"

screaming the guy try to cover his head from the ice cubes and worms. I just watch it though the window. for ruining my morning routine.

I put a spell on those worms to sip that guy's blood the next minute is gruesome scene. maybe I will feed his flesh to my new pet later.

since i lost my appetite, i just take a bath and get dressed.

I go out to clear my mind. forget the plan! who cares?.

I roam around the city and listen to gossip oh?! don't misunderstand I don't interfere with others just checking if what garbage they spewing this time.

"Have you heard the rumor?

The chosen spell-caster recruit the trending song bird kiana onto his team?"

"ah I bet she seduced the leader to favor her!"

this small talk of the town has speculating for weeks now.


should I visit them? they are so laid back and jerks creating ruckus these days.

okay I'll go.

I am in the backdoor of spell-casting department walking and sightseeing a little. this place is not bad I might complement them later.

just few steps from the library section notices a few new ornaments,

there are nude statues as well. eww.

(help) ..






"Boink!.." "aW"

that hurt!..

a book fell right in my head...



I might be losing my mind!

the book has face in it and its crying..

a donkey face crying !.


what's this ? it talks? usually beings from spells could not talk.?



I compose my self from laughing .

a new toy to work with brings me joy!.

this stroll is my highlight for the day!!


I suddenly remember why I'm here so I put the book on my storage space.

I jump on the window and walk towards the office.

I can hear the disgusting moans from here?..

argh! why i am teaming up with this horny fuck!.

bloody garbage!

got an idea!!.

I summon a dead butterfly to put something inside the room.

I just left a hidden camera.

hah! tomorrow when you wake up you gonna be a bold star my friend! or porn star?

I go back home happily with a scandal.