
chapter 2-and that's how I met your dad

my name is Silvia bloodborne the one and only daughter of counts Mayan bloodborne and Elizabeth bloodborne, or family are known for or appearance or blood-red eyes and or pail skin expressly or white hair people use to say we are children of the dark witch and will spell destruction but that was about a two thousand years ago now we are praised for or families ability to give birth to spectacular mages and worriers.

it's currently the year 30XX the people of this world currently at the center of an intergalactic war between some of the biggest forces in the galaxy.

while on the battlefield, I feel in love with one of the men in my army I know it is wrong for a general to fall in love with a simple pawn but I could not help it, his jet black hair his purple eyes made me fall for him every time I saw them and his body *ahem* I'm getting off track he was 21 while I was about 26 at that time.

now that I think about it I hated him when we first met he was quiet and was not one for teamwork although he was a great fighter he was not the best so he always got hurt at battle so I thought he was a foolish man who thinks that there so strong that they can do all by themselves.

until one day after a battle, I was checking the storage and I saw him feeding a cat and he was talking to it so I use sound magic to eavesd.... evaluate the conversation i remember him saying.

"are you all alone "


"me to know one tries to talk to me but its understandable I don't try to take to them either but I'm, scared what if that hate me or they think I'm a freak"


"Thanks for listening little guy"

I remember after that I started to talk to him hen I slowly to fall in love with him in the blink of an eye I was pregnant with his child until that fateful day 3 months before you were born your father was sent to battle on a mech which is a great responsibility because it takes great mental stability and focuses and then I got a report that he is m.i.a(missing in action).

"mom why are you telling me this"

Silvia then gets up and looks at her daughter Olivia who just hit 18 Silvia can tell that something is wrong with her daughter.

"When did you get so brazen you usually so timid you normally can barely speak"

Olivia smiles.

"I got some confidence"

"that's good you were scaring me "

little dose Silvia that her daughter has regained the memorys of her time of the dark witch.