
Chapter One

The Northern Empire, Clovis Empire. The Empire known for its military strength and Natural Resource. In the Present, the Empire is ruled by 45th Emperor Charles Augustos Clovis. Beside the Imperial Family, the Empire is also supported by the Four Great Ducal Houses, Three Marquis Houses and other powerful and Influential Nobles. But aside from these Great Houses, there is a one House that is keeping the Balance for the entire Empire, the one and only Arch Ducal House of the Northern Empire, the House of Rheid. The Blood Descendant of the First Emperor of the Empire. They are a Neutral House. They don't belong to any Noble or Aristocratic Faction. But they hold the highest power second to the Emperor. And that is also why, they have enemies left and right.

On the Central Part of The Great Continent of Lithnia lies the Legendary Forest of No Return. It is a very dangerous forest that is a Home for deadly creatures and poisonous plants. According to the Legend, a Witch lives there and she is the ruler of the Forest. She is said to be one of the Most Powerful Mage in the Continent. But since Mages are rare, no one knows if she really is powerful or she's really just a Legend.

At the Forest of No Return

After being unconscious for Five whole days, he at last opened his eyes. He looked around and observe his surroundings, but he's more like in a daze. Then he starts to remember everything that happened. From when he was betrayed by one of his aide to being poisoned out of nowhere and until being chased to death by the several hired mercenaries.

Then he remembered the girl who appeared in the Forest that night to when the beasts devoured his pursuers.

"Oh, you're awake." The girl on the Forest last time is now standing in front of him. She's still wearing the same white dress and a mask. "How are you feeling?" She asked while pulling one of the chairs in the room then she sat beside him.

"Why did you… "

She tilted her head. "Why did I save you?" She asked.

He nodded..

"Do I need any reason to save a dying person?" She answered. There is no hint of sarcasm nor hatred on her voice. Instead, it is full of innocence and purity.

Just who is this woman? That's what he is thinking. In this world, there is no such thing as free lunch. He lived in a world where people only think for selfish reason. They will approach you because they need you. They will come to you because they want something in return. But this girl in front of him is different. It's like she's an angel descended from heaven. Oh right. She is his Angel the moment she saved him from dying in the woods.

But wait… Somethings not right. Didn't she kill his pursuers?

"Then why did you kill them?" He asked.

"Greed. Their hearts are full of greed. And I already gave them a chance to save their lives. But still, they chose death. And besides, they entered the Forest and wanted also to kill me. I am just protecting myself and this forest."

Ezekiel suddenly got curious when he heard the part 'protecting the forest'. Wait. Is she. "I don't mean anything and I am just curious. You can choose to answer me or not. But, why are you living in this Forest?"

"Because I am its Ruler." She answered whole heartedly and directly without sugar coating her words. "Have I answered all your questions?" She asked seeing that he looked surprised for a second.

"Em." He answered. Actually, he still has a lot of question but he chooses to just nod.

She pursed her lips and said, "Then, can I also ask you a question?"

He slightly nodded and answered, "What is it?"

"When I was healing you, I found out that your body was poisoned. And that poison is one of the rarest." She said hinting something.

He creased his forehead as he was hearing something for the first time. "Rare poison?"

"Em. It's called Thousand Blood Poison. It is a poison that only activates on a certain period of time. Well, it is almost like a curse. Your body carried the poison ever since you were born." She explained and that made him fall into silence.

Actually, when she found it out, she was also thinking about the reason. The man in front of him is a no ordinary man. His gorgeous and handsome face, his deep blue eyes, and his silver hair is a distinct characteristic of a powerful noble house. She might be living in the forest, but she still has a basic knowledge and that is thanks to the Books and Novels she read.

She noticed the expression of the man in front of him. Looks like he also doesn't know about the poison.

"But you don't need to worry. I have already treated your body and the poison no longer exist." She said then she stood up.

"Take a rest and if you need anything I am just outside." She added and left the room.

He sighed after she left..

He lifted up the blanket and to his surprise, he can't find any traces of the wounds that he got when he was shot several times. It's like everything that happened to him was all just a dream. He stood up and decided to left the room. After getting out, he was surprised again. The woman is standing at the front of the Tiger and wolves. It's like she is giving them instructions or whatnot.

Maybe due to his presence, the animals gaze turned on him.

She also glanced at him. "Oh. Why are you outside? Didn't I tell you to rest?"

"Did I disturbed you?" He asked feeling guilty.

"No." She answered and walked towards him. "Are you okay? Or are you hungry?"

"I'm okay. Thank you."

"Then, do you want to eat? You were asleep for several days. Come on, let's have lunch." She said pulling his hand and they enter the other house beside his. "Sit and wait for the food." She took several bowls with food and arrange them one by one on the table.

Veggies, fish and meat..

Then she sat down to the sit opposite to him. All the while, his eyes never leave her.

"Let's eat." She said. "Oh. I'm sorry. I forgot that I still have my mask."

Slowly, she took off her mask and an innocent smile flashed on her face. She closed her eyes then she said something after a while, she opens her eyes.

"Let's dig in."

The man in front of her changed his expression once she took off her mask. Now, he can finally see the face of his savior. Just as her aura, her face is full of innocence. She has a pretty face. But the most interesting is her eyes. She has two different eye color: On the left, she has gold and on the right she has purple. Golden eyes are from a distinct Noble Family in the Empire, but they have long been gone. As for Purple Eyes, he doesn't have any idea about it. He thought to himself, Just who is this girl? She had treated my wounds and the poison. And she is living here in a dangerous forest!

"Are you bothered by my eyes?" She asked as she pursed her lips. By doing that, he somehow feels guilty..

"No. Your eyes are the most beautiful that I have ever seen." He said without reservation. Indeed, he found her eyes beautiful. It's the first time he saw someone with different eye colors. Her eyes complete her innocent pretty face.

When she heard his answer, she gave him a pretty wide smile. It is also the first time that someone told her that her eyes are beautiful. In the past, everyone despised her eyes. Everyone despised her existence. "Thank you."

He was taken aback and his heart trembled for a second, then he lightly coughed and started to eat.

The foods are just simple, but it tastes great..

After a while, they are done eating. He helped her tidied up the table and insist to let him wash the dishes.

Once he's done, they got out of the house and they sat on the wooden chair under a big tree.

"Thank you. For saving me. But, I still don't understand - - "

"Why I saved you?" She gazes at him like she knows what he is thinking. "Don't worry. I have no any ulterior motive. It's just that, when I saw your eyes… That time, I can see myself in your eyes. The hopelessness, the despair and the 'Still, I should live'."

For a moment, he looked at her face. He can see the truth behind her words. He can see that the person in front of him, is telling no lies. How is a young girl like her can read his emotions? Is she also the same with him? And again, he remembered the person who betrayed him. "I was betrayed by the person that I trust the most. He was my mentor and the only person that I regarded as my family."

"Then, do you want revenge?" She asked then looked at him with her clear beautiful eyes.

"Revenge?" He sighed. "If I say yes, what will you do? Will you regret saving a man who desires revenge? "Somehow, he doesn't want to be hated by this girl.

She gazed into his eyes then she smiled at him. "I will not. I saved you with my own volition. So I have no right to interfere or decide what you should and should not do. Everyone has their own reason. And I always believe in karma."

He pursed his lips and looked up the sky upon hearing her answer. Indeed, this girl is different.

The girl stood up then she extends her right hand. "I'm Rin, short for Eyrhin." A pretty smile is flashed again on her face.

He looked at her then he held her hands. "Ezekiel."

"Then, can I call you Zhi?" Actually, she was so happy. For almost 10 years, she had finally got someone to talk to even though she knows that this person will eventually leave her. Ah. Why am I being sad all of a sudden?

Ezekiel nodded his head.

Somewhere on the Clovis Empire, a certain man is kneeling to someone and begging to let him live.

"Are you saying that he is still alive?!" The woman angrily whipped him. "How can you let him live?!! He is already injured and poisoned!! And now you are telling me that maybe he is still alive?!! "

The man tried to explain but upon remembering the scene that night, he started to murmur. "A monster. There was a monster. A monster. She killed all of them. They were devoured. Beasts. Monsters!! She will kill me!! She will kill me!! Help!!! Help!! Please help me!!! That girl will come and kill me!!!"

Ever since that night, he hasn't sleep in peace. Every time he closed his eyes, the scene kept on repeating. His sanity is on the verge of falling out.

"Take this useless thing back to his prison!!!" The woman on her early Thirties angrily shouted. After that, the poor man was dragged back to his prison.

"Maybe he's really dead. If it's true that monsters exist on that forest, the chances of him getting out alive is quiet slim. And besides, even if he got out from that forest, his body will never stand against that poison. And no one can cure him. It's a dead end."

"If it's like that, can we now declare that his dead?" The woman bit her slips and a sly smile flashed on her lips.

"Not yet. We still need to gather evidence before we declare that his dead. You know, he is still the nephew of the current Empress. They will not stand aside if we just suddenly declare his death without further evidence." He explained and place his hands on the woman's waist.

"Okay, we will do as you wish." The woman sat on his lap then daringly smile. The man grabbed her neck and kissed her fully.

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