
Chapter 1: Meeting Their Mate

Third Person' POV

It already been 15 years since the triplet alphas had matured yet they haven't found their mate or mates yet. Being three identical tripplets means either they'll have one mate or each will have their own mates. They are like one alpha in 3 different bodies.They are astonishing in their looks that everyone find attractive. Like any other alphas they are also big in build. 6'5 in height, Hazel eyes, jet black hair, and pale skin

Werewolves normally mature at the age of eighteen, but being as an alphas they have matured at the age of fifteen. They had the time of their life enjoying their youth, had multiple relationships, went all over the world only when they turned twenty-one, when their father had given them the position of alpha and was advice to better find their real mate as their luna as soon as possible. However, another four years had passed and they are soon to be they'll turn twenty-six they are on verge of giving up if ever find their mate.

They are not as young as they used to be, and now leading their packs, to pick their mate impulsively, so they have decided to thoughtfully choose their each of their own chosen mates. They have a pile list of all candidates, but none of them has yet to be chosen. It preferably someone who is not a weakling and knows how to take care of themselves. Since they are not their real mates they would not care for her as much they would feel to a real mate. They could feel their mate is out there, but after years. Fifteen years of waiting for her, she seems to be out of their reach.

Zylon, the eldest who is more serious and the alpha of the alphas. He is more calmer and decisive than the other two. He came to human territory for a business trip leaving his two brothers in their pack territory. It wasn't his first time being in human territories for he is always the one to take care all the business trips outside the packs territory. He was sitting at the corner area in the restaurant he commonly comes when he is meeting the other party. While he was waiting he smelled something really enticing vanilla floral scent and his wolf howled

"mate! mate! " He is eagerly looking out for her and about to stand up when a female who looks like in her sixteen or twenties approached him

"Hello! there, Sir. How are you today?" she said with a cutest smile he ever seen she have an almond eyes, slightly tanned skin tone, and her face resembles a cat.

"Good..." He said with a raspy voice still a bit in a daze seeing her.

"That's good to know. Now, may I take your order?" she said enthusiaticly and locked her eyes on his gaze while still smiling, and waiting for his reply.

He haven't realized that that she is not a wolf and was about to take her for an embrace for finally meeting her. Usually once you feel the bond you will just throw yourself to eachother, but the other party was a human, and do not feel the bond as he felt for her. The person he was supposed to be having a meeting with had arrived

"Good afternoon, Mr. Pittman" the person said and sat on the other side opposite to Zylon. Zylon was annoyed for he had interupted him, but he realized that he is in a important meeting. For a second this is the first time Zylon became indecisive, but still chose to let his luna go and talk to her later. However the girl was still standing there.

" Oh Good afternoon to you, young lady" The person said "Can you take our orders later?" and then, the person realized Zylon must have been waiting for a long time for the waitress to apprached him Unless... Mr. Pittman wants to order already"

Zylon took this chance to keep her stay for a bit longer. Watch her face, hear her voice and savour her scent. He order random orders and almost order for everything in the menu if he haven't realized he is still in the meeting. She repeated everything to confirm his orders.

"Anything else?" she asked.

"No" he replied

"Okay, I'll be right back with your order." bowing her head a little to show humbleness out of habits.

"Are you waiting for anyone else, Mr.Pittman?" The person asked

" Nope, I just happened to be a growing boy." he grinned

The person knows that he couldn't disrespect Mr.Pittman for he is an important person, so he dare not question why did he ordered so many items. The meeting had continued and they discussed everything before the food arrived. The girl have arrived with another person to help her place all the items

"Here you go, Sir. Please let me know or one of us know if you need anything else" she smiled.

"Sure thing will do" Zylon replied

Zylon's POV

I did not expect to meet my mate, or our mate in a human territory. Furthermore, she is a human. But I really cant help but to keep looking for her and I'm already feeling anxious when she's not around. My wolf has been howling even while in the meeting. It is the first time I felt indecisive and out of control. I still manage to choose an important meeting, and deal with it.

I orderd almost all of their menu if I hadn't remember I'm still on the meeting. Her vanilla and floral scent is really enticing, and its really difficult for my wolf and myself to calm down. As my mate place our order in our table, I felt like she was annoyed. I was about to console her but she was smiling. Is she really annoyed or my senses are in haywire because shes a human?

As a male wolf alpha, I could really eat a lot. But, since the person I have meeting with is a human. I have noticed that he stopped eating so I asked for a waiter for the take out. He came back with her, but he was also the same guy that she was with earlier while placing the food. Is there something with them? I tried to shake it off. Wait lets think rational for a moment... she seemed really a very kind girl, innocent, and really looks warm. I don't smell other male on her or maybe I'm not close enough. I can not just sniff right on her neck, in human law thats harassment and I would be seen as a perv or probably a pedo. she looks like in her teens and Maybe 5'3 in height. short like a kid. If I do that I will be kick out from the restaurant, and worse be on jail. This will make things difficult to get close to her. This is making me crazy! Why she have to be a human. They are putting our left overs in the box. It was a lot.. now I don't see her smile... she maybe stoned face at the moment but I really feel her annoyance...

"I'm sorry... let me help you..." I said

" Oh, It's okay, and sure, if you want" she said while having a big smile on her face together with her eyes.

Though she may look like smiling ear to ear, I really think she was annoyed, and her eyes feels more like a piercing daggers like cursing me. Maybe because I ordered food and she have to carry everything and now fix everything. I hurried to fix the foods before she could get annoyed even more and permanently put me into her blacklist. Of course the other person helped out to before I think of him someone smug face. I felt her annoyance calmed down

"I can take care of this, you can do what other things you need to do" I said

"Oh, are you sure?" she said.

"Ye...Yeah!Yeah, thank you" I replied

"Oh, okay. would you like to get your bill, sir?" she asked

"Yes, Thank you" I replied

She came back with the bill, and we just finished packing up. The other waiter cleaned our table, and already left to tend on the other customers. I gave her my card and signed the receipt. This time the person I had meeting with left. She came back and the only one left. Though I wanted to give her my card... wait a minute.. already? This mate bond really makes me insane. I took out my wallet to put back my card, and I took out $200 and gave it to her. She slightly bowed as a courtesy out of habit while saying thank you. She probably asian? chinese, korean, or Japanese? well she really looks asian with those almond eyes.

"Wait" I said before she could leave.

"Yes, sir" another smiled yet annoyed expression on her again. She probably in a hurry.

"Im sorry, but..." as i took out one of my company card. I wrote my real name and my personal number at the back. Then, I gave it to her. It should also shows her how rich I am. Usually be it a werewolf or a human, people are greedy that should also state that I'm a richman and having interest on her. Probably also a test if our future luna is greedy or not.

"Umm..." she looked at it in confusion. flipping the card back and fort as if she dunno what to do with it. "What is this for?" she said innocently

" So we could chat and get to know each other" I said

"Ugh... Sorry... I don't really talk to people im not familiar with. Thank you though." she said, still confused but sincerely. She was giving me back the card.

" You could keep it" I said

"No, Thank you" she said insisting on giving it back again. I took it but ofc I'm really still eager

" How old are you? Do you have plans later? " I asked

" 16, and I'm really really late for my lunch. I'm hungry and other people also waiting for their break." she said with her worried face. I feel like shes suspicious of me. Maybe some of what she said was a lie.

I really feel like she's tensed and her heartbeat was raising. Not because she's star-struck, but because she is starting to have a panic attack. I'm starting to get worried too because this is the time I don't think I should leave her as my mate. The thing is she is starting to have a panic attack because of me. But... what if something happens to her... I'm being indecisive again and really really losing control of my rational thinking here.

"Okay, understandable" I said and left.

She bowed slightly while saying thank you again. Trying to walk away but her body is stiffening. I'm trying to have a slight glances on her to check on her condition. she's breathing heavily, but Im surprised how she's handling this. She must be strong. She called the guy who she was with earlier, but she's having a panic attack... is there something really going on with her and him to seek comfort? he walked towards her as the guy finished serving the customers, and then gave the half of the $200 I gave her. She smiled, but she's still not okay. It's like she maybe okay on the outside, but not in the inside. All I can think is how strong she is dealing with her own emotions. I watched the guy walked away from her to assist another customer and her stiffly walk in the kitchen. I went outside and called my brothers.

" I found her"

"I found our or my mate..."

Icely's POV

I am in panic mode so bad... I really don't know what to do in that situation. "Icely, are you okay?" Dianne said, my manager. She's very sensitive and easily notice peoples feelings.

" Yes, I am.. I was just having a panic attack because there was a guy who seems having an interest on me, but I'm not sure with his intention. He gave me his card with his name and number on it. I'm just not really fond of random guy I just met suddenly asking me out... I'm just not used at that type of approach and situation" I said while taking deep breathes on each sentence to calm myself down. I honestly better off calm my own emotion because now I'm aware that no one would coax me to feel better.

"Anyway... May I take my lunch?" I continued

"Ye... Yeah! sure, take your time and I how you feel better." she said worriedly.

Dianne is a witch that's why she's sensitive with other peoples emotions. An empathic witch to be exact. Witches have their own labels that usual they themselves consider of. Yes, I am also a witch a White Witch. I work with the light dharma of magick. I went inside the break room and sat on a chair in meditative position I placed my hand on each side of my legs while my palm facing upward. I gathered all of healing enegies to my palm that created a yellow glow on my palm. it feels warm and soothing. I placed it on my chest trying to calm it down feeling that healing light with my heart.

"I am safe, I am protected, I am supported" i said repeatedly and deep breathes on every end. A golden light surrounded me creating a healing and protected barrier around me. It took me 15 minutes to calm down.

I recalled what just happened...

I just got out from the kitchen when I noticed a pretty boy on the corner that had been sitting for awhile now... You could consider him a cutie or a hottie...well I usually stay away from pretty boys because I don't like people eyeing on me if they somehow into the dude... As a courtesy I should be serving him... It's like I'm a girl he's a dude. I approached him and I'm basically like I might have approached him because he is attractive... Also the other me saying I am a waitress... It is my job. I'm very indecisive, and I don't like walking back and fort fighting my ownself in my headspace, so I just went and ask for his orders to deal with it... But while im walking there I was hoping someone or any waitress that get attracted on him and approach him so I would turn away and move on with my life... But... no... one... did... here I am putting my warm welcoming Icely mode...

"Hello! there, Sir. How are you today?" I said

"Good..." He said while staring at me.. I randomly think he might be attracted to me.. I dunno if this is my claircognizance striking or me hoping he do because I'm attracted to him...

"That's good to know. Now, may I take your order?" I said enthusiasticly. We are like having a small staring contest, but for me I'm taking this chance to look into his soul. Eyes is the door to the a soul to see the real him. The sooner I see his deep and darkest secret the sooner I'm less attracted to him, but before I could continue a man in his 40's arrived... with a suit case and in business suit... maybe the dude is some young business man a rich boy or something. He is not in his business suit like the other guy. I am not best with telling what clothes called are, but he is not wearing a t-shirt. He is wearing a decent attire enough for a meeting. He really do give a boss vibe like he is in command... it really don't ruin his image of him on me. he really give off like an a typical alpha vibe that people called...

"Goodafternoon, Mr.Pittman" he said and then sat on the opposite side of what he called Mr. Pittman. Then looked at me when he noticed I was standing.

" Oh Good afternoon to you, young lady" The person said "Can you take our orders later?" and then, then looked at Mr.Pittman. "Unless... Mr. Pittman wants to order already" he continued.

Man this dude really was taking his time... Good thing this only need a checklist not to take notes or I'll be having a hard time writing all of the orders... I should be grateful that he was not making certain adjustments... But he almost ordered every food in the menu when he suddenly stopped.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"No" he replied

"Okay, I'll be right back with your order." slightly bowing my head to show humbleness out of habits.

I am not Korean, Japanese, or Chinese. I am a Filipino. But I just find bowing to show my respect to the person I'm serving, and now... It's a habit...

I was helping out serving a customer while I am waiting for their order to be ready when my friend pulled me and whispered " You see the guy over there"

"Mhm" I replied

"He's Hot! I can't deny I'm really attracted to him" She whispered

"Well he is indeed attractive" I said trying to sound uninterested but I really do am attracted to him cause he really is attractive and it's okay to be attracted, but sexualizing it isn't. Unfortunately, I am not gifted on remembering people's faces. I am actually have mild face blindness, means I just don't recognize people that I am not familiar with or a new person I just met. I inherited it from my mom. I rely on my extrasensory perception to tell people apart especially if they are new to me.

I went in the kitchen when their food was ready. It was a lot for by myself to carry, so I asked Dianne if is there someone could help me from this busy hour.

" Wait let's see..." she said looking around and then perfect timing Ben just clocked in " ah! Ben, Can you help Icely on giving out the orders?"

"Sure" Ben replied

" Oh, Thank you, Ben. It's really a lot. How are you today?" I asked

"Good, How are you?" He replied

" Quite well. Apparently there was just this person ordered everything in the menu..." I said a bit frustrated but still chill. So I made a face that made Ben laugh, and I also laugh to comfort myself that I didnt just do anything stupid

"Icely, You're a clown" he said

Not gonna lie, the first time he told me that I suddenly felt shiver all over my body reminding me on the time I felt so alone and I have my own demons. Am I acting stupid again and suddenly made me think will that make me cast out again. I snapped myself out of those thoughts I'm no longer my old Icely that shrink to the corner. this time I will own my action and there is nothing wrong with my actions.

"Honk, Honk" I said while pinching my nose

We push the carts outside and I lead him the way to the where the customer should be. We distribute the dishes and I'm just frustrated a little. This is too many.. I mean I got really nothing to complain it's just my tiredness and irritation getting on to me. I couldn't sleep last night because for some reason I am getting overwhelmed. Like something exciting going to happen. As a witch can be a magical energy surge or really something interesting about to come. After we're done giving their ordered

"Here you go, Sir. Please let me know or one of us know if you need anything else" I smiled while I'm not that irritated

"Sure thing, will do" Mr.Pittman Replied

I left and did my other waitress duty till its almost time for my lunch. when I saw ben getting containers and bags for take outs. I had a feeling that its for the table with that Mr.Pittman Dude, and as much as I'm a lazy worker, it do me no justice knowing a friend will have to pack all those dishes by himself. So I came to help him. I have the most expressive face and my face will show what exactly I feel inside without me realizing. I feel annoyed that he ordered everything and wouldn't pack it himself. I had many of these type of customers who orders and then just watch us pack it. I am uncomfortable when people is just there watching you like you are an entertainment.

"I'm sorry... let me help you..." Mr. Pittman said

" Oh, It's okay, and sure, if you want" I said while having a big smile on my face together with my eyes narrowing.

Though I may look like smiling ear to ear, I am truely annoyed, and trying to subside my annoyance because he really ain't that bad. Still I'm annoyed. Mr.Pittman started pack their own dish, and his companion did the same upon seeing Mr. Pittman packing the dishes.

"I can take care of this, you can do what other things you need to do" Mr. Pittman said

"Oh, are you sure?" I said

"Ye...Yeah!Yeah, thank you" he replied

"Oh, okay. would you like to get your bill, sir?" I asked

"Yes, Thank you" he replied

I came back with the bill, and Ben was gone already. Mr. Pittman gave me his card, and I brought it to our cashier. I came back, this time Mr.Pittman's companion was gone. There were only two of us. Not in the entire restaurant but on the table. I gave back his card and he gave me $200 as a tip. Wow he didn't think I was giving him a bad serving to the point he giving me $200. Its $100 for me and the half to Ben I thought. I was about to leave when

"Wait" Mr. Pittmans said before I could leave.

"Yes, sir" another smiled yet annoyed expression on me again. I'm really hungry, irritated, and annoyed right now, and I's time for my lunch if I hadn't thought of helping Ben. 

"Im sorry, but..." as he took out one of his business card, and wrote his name and probably his personal number at the back of thr card

"Umm..." I looked at it in confusion. flipping the card back and fort. It really look fancy, but I really don't know what to do with this...  "What is this for?" I asked

" So we could chat and get to know each other" he said

"Ugh... Sorry... I don't really talk to people I'm not familiar with. Thank you though." I said, still confused. And I think I just confirmed that he may be interested on me. But I don't like being wooed by the dude only met me a second ago.

" You could keep it" he said

"No, Thank you" I said insisting on giving it back. he took it but he still wasn't done.

" How old are you? Do you have plans later? "  he asked

" 16, and I'm really really late for my lunch. I'm hungry and other people also waiting for their break." I said. And of course I lied on being 16... I'm 21, but I'm sorry not sorry I'm aware how I young I could look. I'm not sure with his intentions so better be careful than sorry right...

I am really tensed and my heartbeat was raising. I am  starting to have a panic attack. I have Dissociative coping mechanism where I leave reality mentally, but I am aware that I can not let myself drift away in my current situation. So I am trying to be present as much as I can. My head starting to fog up. My eye sight starting to get blurry. I am starting to loose control on my body.

"Okay, understandable" I said and left.

I bowed slightly while saying thank you again. I am trying to walk away but my body is stiff. I'm breathing heavily, but I know I can handle myself. I have the control of my own mind. I am maybe having a panic attack but I can handle myself and still called for Ben to give his part... he walked towards me as he finished serving the customers, and then gave the half of the $200 tip that was given to me. Ismiled, but she's still not okay. It's nice if people could be aware, but I'm fine if they don't I don't like attentions. I stiffly walk in the kitchen.

Recalling ends....

Next chapter