
I: The Witch & The School


She cursed under her breath as she took a last-minute sprint towards the school's hell of an automatic gate. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth when she managed to pass through, the first bell ringing just in time.

Jisoo panted, hands propped on her knees as she looked back at the students on the other side of the gate who didn't make it. They all had scared expressions plastered on their faces as the school's Discipline Officer scolded them. She winced when he started making them kneel on the ground and raise their hands up.

"I will never be late." She made an oath to herself feeling sorry for the students who got punished.

She turned towards the school building, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering nervously as she licked her dry lips, her eyes landing on the school name intricately written on top of the huge water fountain.

Demian University.

A private institution, known for its students' outstanding achievements in science and art. In short, it was a school for those who excelled really well in either academics or sports, people who actually study and work their butts off until their noses bleed or bones break whichever they're more comfortable with.

She did not know how her father managed to get her in but it was now going to be her fifth school and hopefully her last. It was getting tiring for her to transfer school after school now that she's in her Junior year.

"Please be good to me." She prayed eyes closed and hands clasped.

"Look!" A female student voiced pointing at her "A weirdo."

"She's probably on meds." someone laughed.

"She looks dumb."

"Nevermind…" Jisoo thought to herself, ignoring the laughter of the students around her as she started to walk towards the main building where the faculty room was.

"Ms. Kang, It's good to see you early on your first day of school." Mr. Oh, her designated homeroom teacher, proudly greeted with a smile before making her sit on the chair across him.

She smiled faintly, bowing slightly in return before sitting down on the chair. Mr. Oh gave her a mirthful look as he handed her a small envelope.

"What is this?" She asked curiously.

"That." He said as he clasped his hands on the table "Is your class schedule, however, there's no need for you to go to class right now since you'll be taking a tour around the school for half the day. Every student is required to have one so don't think about skipping it."

"Excuse me, sir."

Their heads turned towards the person who called. It was a girl. Jisoo guessed she was about 5-foot tall, the same height as her. She had cat-like eyes with lips curved up into a shy smile, her long dark hair tied up into a ponytail.

"Ms. Kim! You're just in time." Mr. Oh grinned "I was just telling our new student about the school tour."

"Ms. Kang, this is Kim Hyeri. She's one-year your senior and will be in charge of touring you around the school." He informed.

Jisoo stood up from her seat facing her and they both bowed down as a greeting. "Nice to meet you, my name's Kang Jisoo." She said with a smile on her face.

Hyeri was a warm person to be with. She was lively and very friendly. She was patient, always answering questions with a smile on her face as she showed her the facilities and buildings around school.

"What made you transfer here?" She said, finally asking the question Jisoo has been rehearsing at home to answer.

"Family reasons." She said calmly "My father's job requires him to move places a lot."

"I see…" Hyeri nodded in reply.

 'Ha! She bought it!' Jisoo mentally patted herself for doing a good job at convincing.

To be fair, she did not really lie, she told her half of the truth. Her father does need to move a lot for his job, though the other half of the reason why they moved was much more complicated than that. Let's just say their old neighbors almost found out who she really was.

"It must be hard for you." Hyeri pouted as she led her through the hallways "…Starting all over again."

"No, it's fine. I'm actually used to it." Jisoo grinned "So where are we going next?" she asked trying to change the topic before her newfound friend decides to ask more personal stuff.

"We've actually visited every building already, so the tour is kind of done." Hyeri chuckled.

"Why don't we go to your locker so you could get the books you'll need this afternoon, and then have lunch together at the canteen?" She suggested.

"R-really?" Jisoo asked feeling a bit surprised at the invitation, nobody in her old schools has ever asked her for lunch on the first day.

"No way!" Hyeri squealed in excitement when they finally stood in front of her locker. Jisoo gave her a puzzled look as she jumped in thrill beside her.

"W-what?" she asked, shell-shocked at the sight of Hyeri in fangirl mode. The girl took a deep calming breath before facing her.

"YOU.ARE.THE.LUCKIEST.GIRL.EVER!" Hyeri said grabbing her shoulders in surprise and putting emphasis on every word making sure she got the point.

"Why?" Jisoo asked as she took the books she'll need for the afternoon class.

"This locker!" Hyeri said pointing at the one next to hers. "Is none other than Kim Taehyung's!"

Jisoo closed her locker and looked at her friend with her forehead creased in confusion "Who is Kim Taehyung?"

Hyeri's jaw dropped as if she had just asked the most obvious question she had ever heard. Jisoo could see how she was trying hard to contain the feeling of excitement inside her head.

"Right, I haven't told you anything about them!" Hyeri said jumping up and down before grabbing her wrist and dragging her towards the canteen.

Jisoo had only noticed it now, but she thinks Hyeri is one of the popular students in the University. The majority of the students smile whenever she passes by, some of them even greeting her in the hallways.

"Who are 'them'?" Jisoo asked.

"I'm talking about the seven most beloved students in our school." Hyeri winked.

"This is so the right time to explain everything to you" She whispered as they joined the line for the counter to get their food "It's lunchtime so we'll probably see most of them."

"Let's first talk about the boys who are currently present." Hyeri excitedly started as they took their seats on an empty table, she continued to talk after setting down their trays.

"We start with the school's Academic King."

Jisoo's eyebrow rose at the title. 'Please don't tell me this school will be full of those know-it-all bullies.'

"Kim Namjoon."

"What about him?" She asked before eating a spoonful of Kimchi rice, her eyes growing into saucers at the taste.

Shit! If the school's canteen offers this kind of appetizing meals every lunch then she's not leaving no matter what happens.

"You've probably guessed why he's popular just with the title the students gave him. He is the smartest of the smart." Hyeri beamed proudly like she was actually showing her a trophy she won. "The guy's got an IQ of 148"

"He's currently taking up Law in the college department and has consistently been on top of the school's rank list since his high school days, is fluent in four different languages including our own and even wins national academic competitions for our school!"

"He takes time to tutor those who ask him for favors and despite all that has time to attend charity events his family hosts. His parents are both prosecutors and his father's side of the family are all well-known politicians. He is smart and kind, and rich. Where else will you find a man like him?" She said in an amusingly advertising tone.

"So you're saying he's basically perfect?" Jisoo said as she nonchalantly took a sip of her juice.

She suddenly felt a flick on her forehead causing her to gasp as she stared at the culprit. Hyeri rolled her eyes at her making Jisoo chuckle.

"I'll forgive you for acting uninterested in them today since you haven't seen how awesome they are yet."

"Yeah, yeah… I'm sorry for offending thy majesty." She jested.

"By the way…" Hyeri informed, "Kim Namjoon is the blonde guy on the table across us."

Jisoo looked up to see past Hyeri. The Namjoon person she was talking about was currently eating his lunch. Surprisingly, he did not carry an air of arrogance on him, unlike other accomplished students she had seen who have climbed to the top. The guy actually looked smart and refined just as Hyeri described him to be.

'Maybe he is perfect.'

Honestly, though, the person that caught her attention more was the orange-haired guy beside him. The sunny smile curved-up on his lips complemented the lively aura he had around him, he was just eye-catching.

He was also eating his lunch but groups of students were greeting him from time to time so he had to stop to grin and greet them back each time.

"It seems you've taken interest in our Hoseok." Hyeri suddenly uttered taking her attention. She fluttered her eyes at her in a teasing manner.

Jisoo chuckled at Hyeri's action "I was just wondering how he doesn't get annoyed being disturbed like that during lunch." She said taking her attention back to her food.

If she was really hungry and someone kept bothering her while she was eating, she'd probably punch them in the face.

"His full name's Jung Hoseok." Hyeri started "He is one of Namjoon's closest friends and the only one who could be in par with him in academics."

"There used to be a really intense rivalry between the two of them in their high school days but Hoseok ended up ranking 2nd each time and they just ended up being close after graduation. Hoseok's father is the president of H Group. You'll think he's spoiled being an heir and all but he's actually quite humble and the friendliest out of the seven."

"…And the guy who just joined them?" Jisoo asked causing Hyeri to turn her head towards the table across them.

A big smile crossed her friend's face at the sight of the pink-haired guy who just arrived "Isn't he just dashing?!" She whispered -or squealed- facing her.

"Pretty." Jisoo complimented "He'll pass as a girl with a wig on." she chuckled jokingly.

"Yeah, I think he knows he's got the looks." Hyeri laughed "Honestly, he's quite narcissistic sometimes, but it's bearable once you get to know how gentle of a man he is."

"His name's Kim Seokjin, but just Jin will do. He ranked 5th and has been in the star section with Namjoon and Hoseok during their high school days." She continued "He's fairly good at sports and has a rich family background just like the others. His family owns a lot of restaurants in Gangnam. He and Hoseok are both taking Business."

"Okay," Jisoo uttered nodding at her friend in case she thought she was not listening.

Okay, maybe she was a bit preoccupied, she knows these guys are important people and such but the Kimchi Rice was just winning over them.

"I'll give you a fun fact." Hyeri grinned taking her attention "Jin made the Kimchi Rice we're eating right now. He sometimes helps the cooks in the school kitchen make the food for the canteen."

Jisoo's eyes almost bulged out from their sockets after hearing that information, her gaze shifting from Jin to the holy kimchi rice in her plate.

"I think I'm in love." She suddenly uttered in a daze as she stared at her food causing Hyeri to laugh.

Jisoo was joking, but Jin definitely looked more attractive to her now that she found out he could cook. Honestly, you just can't beat the charisma of men who are good in the kitchen.

"I know." Hyeri giggled "A guy like that is what you call Husband Material."

"Moving on," She said as she secretly pointed at the table not far from the counter "The bespectacled cute boy in dark brown hair is Jeon Jungkook. He's the first ranker in your batch if you're lucky you might have the same class as him in some of your subjects."

"Their family owns Jeon Private Hospital, his grandfather is the chairman and his parents are both working there as well-known surgeons with his father acting as the president too. Their family has actually been featured in a lot of Health and Celebrity magazines." Hyeri informed,

"You know, with the title of 'The Ideal Family' on top in bold and italic letters."

"Wow." Jisoo almost whistled in awe.

"There's a problem though…" Hyeri said puzzling her with her sudden pout "Cute kookie is an introvert. He's always shy, especially around girls and he does not really like talking unless it's important."

"The only person he confides into is his best buddy right there," Hyeri said, talking about to the blonde-haired guy beside Jungkook.

"That's Kim Taehyung." She informed giddily "The guy who owns the locker next to yours. They're really close despite being in different year levels."

"The one you were fangirling about earlier?" She asked making sure.

"Yup." Hyeri sighed dreamily "He's the school's saxophone star."

A scandalized look suddenly crossed her face as her eyes widened at her "A sex porn—WHAT?!"

Hyeri suddenly flicked her forehead in the same spot as before causing her to wince in pain. Jisoo glared at her friend.

"Are you deaf or what?!" She laughed "I said saxophone! S.A.X.O.phone!"

"Oh…" Jisoo uttered turning red in embarrassment at her mistake.

"Taehyung plays the saxophone." Hyeri explained "He's like our school's idol and he performs once or twice whenever we have school events. He's quite sweet and talkative unlike Jungkook so it's actually a wonder to me how they became friends but I guess opposites do attract."

Jisoo placed her spoon and chopsticks beside her plate setting them aside after eating. Her chin rested on the palm of her hand while the other one holds a glass of juice. She brought the drink closer to her lips so she could take a sip from the straw while listening to Hyeri talk about the popular boys of Demian University.

There were only two more persons left to introduce if she remembered it right.

 "Let's see, there are two who are not here today but I'll first tell you about…" Hyeri uttered eyes looking up and lips pursed as if debating on who to tell about first.

"Oh right, ChimChim~."

"ChimChim?" Jisoo asked, looking puzzled at the nickname.

"It's just an endearment some of his fangirls in school made for him."

"Park Jimin is one of our school's working scholars. He's a Senior, the same year as Taehyung and I. Currently taking 2nd place in our batch's rank list. He is smart and hardworking. His family is not as financially stable as the other six guys in school that's why he takes a lot of part-time jobs. He actually works at a coffee shop not far from here during night time. It's pretty popular."

"And the last one?" Jisoo asked.

"Oh…the last one…" Hyeri uttered as she nibbled on her lower lip unsure of what to tell her "The last one is in College too."

"His name's Min Yoongi, that guy is actually a mystery to us."

"What do you mean?" She asked feeling a bit intrigued by the 'mystery' word.

"I mean his private life is not as easy to dig into, unlike the others." Hyeri explained, "We only know he's taking up Music."


"He also likes sleeping and hanging out in quiet places. He is not a people person so he rarely eats at the canteen, and it's really hard to find him if it's not class hours."

"Nobody knows anything about his family, and honestly, the only thing we are sure about is that he's rich because an expensive car always picks him up in front of the gate after school."

"Has no one ever tried stalking him?" The question was supposed to be a joke but Jisoo figured some fangirls are crazy enough to do it.

"A group of his fans tried to but they all failed." Hyeri said, "Apparently, a black car stopped in front of them while they were following him one time and the people inside threatened to hurt them if they continued their stalking."

A faint smile curved up Jisoo's lips as her eyes glinted with interest. The school bell rang just as Hyeri finished talking causing both of them to stand from their seats.

"Well, you know the way to your room right?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, thanks for the company." Jisoo said smiling gratefully at her.

"You're welcome." Hyeri replied as she waved her hand "I'll see you when I see you." She said playfully, throwing her a wink before they parted ways.

Jisoo took in a deep breath, calming her nerves before making her way to her class.

"Here comes my first day at Demian."

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