

Ademuyiwa couldn't enjoy anything life as a baby because his older brother's fail to love him as they should. One faultful day Muyiwa and Shina were going to farm, on the way Muyiwa saw some solider ants he jumped over it, when shina saw that he try to play smart by asking his brother to come back not knowing he was on the ants line, before Muyiwa could reach him up to ten ants has reach his knees, they strike hard and bite him hard, he fall down and start rolling on the floor Muyiwa couldn't help because of fear, shina couldn't leave the spot due to pain. He try to fight back Muyiwa keep shouting brother its not all war you can settle with fist, let if go or you have yourself to blame. Please Brother stop,

But Adeshina won't listen, the more he step on them the more he cry out loud from their grip.

Suddenly Muyiwa push him out of the ants line, Shina fall with a great fall, he didn't expect such a push and he keep rolling on the fall out of the ants range, one after the other till the last ant drop away from him, his face and entire body was full of wounds. They have to return back home, Shina change the entire story when he got home, he told a serious and dangerous lie against him.

Daddy when I said this boy is dangerous you never believe me see what he did to me, he push me hard into the ants line, that am helpless, see all my body, its not like that daddy I try to push him out of the ants line not into the ants line, muyiwa try to proof his innocence.

Rogba couldn't stand the word any more rush to Muyiwa landed a hot slap on his face, you bewitch imbecile, everyone think you are not capable of any hazard but everything about you is like death itself.

Mrs Ruth was furious, shut the hell of that your mouth up, just go and get me firewood I need hot water for this boy.

Muyiwa in tears speak out lowly mum Palm oil will do, hot water will add to the pain it will not help.

If not for Dad and mum I could have descend on you, you cause problem and wait who told you palm oil is the remedy? Who taught you that!

Pls for God sake will you care to to let me hear a single word?

Everyone get out. Ruth get oil for the boy leave me and Muyiwa, son talk to me how did it happened?

Will muyiwa reveal the truth?

Will he shut up and endure the pains?

if you are muyiwa what will you do?

from the house of WHY-NOT-NOW

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