
The Wind Shifts

Mingan, something of a lone wolf, has his solitary wanderings interrupted when he's put in a position to rescue Elloreah, one of the rare Ethereal. There is a demand for rare creatures such as Elloreah among the mythic black markets. Mingan cannot turn a blind eye knowing what will become of her should she fall prey to poachers. By rescuing her, he finds himself pulled back into the vast network and influences of the Tutelar, the shadow organization that keeps the magical elements of Earth under wraps. His fate is soon intertwined with Elloreah's, whose exile from her home world is far more complicated than either of them realize. ​ The Wind Shifts is a rural fantasy novel based in the Central Valley of California, and follows the lives of the mythic creatures that hide in plain sight during the late 1960s. This work has been completed for the moment. There is a book 2, but unless there is a demand for book 2, I'm going to focus on the rewrite. Are you enjoying this work? Support me on Ko-Fi.com, my user name is MSChavez. https://ko-fi.com/mschavez I've decided not to sign this work with WebNovel, so this work is entirely unpaid and will not have locked chapters. Donations are much appreciated and keep writers like me writing.

MS_Chavez · Fantasy
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48 Chs

The Bear Clan

When he reached the crest, Mingan counted two of the Bear Clan and cursed. It was the Bear himself, massive and hulking in his human form.

His second in command was El Cucuy. The Mexican version of a boogie man was frightening even in his human guise. Either his glamour was poorly rendered, or he had intentionally let his true form seep through. A mortal might not know what it was seeing, but they would know to be afraid. Mingan furrowed his brow when he realized that a young woman was the focus of their attention.

No, not just a woman. One of the Ethereal.

She seemed to glow from within, her skin, where it was exposed, shimmered faintly. Her hair was a sunset red, multihued and just as difficult to define, falling loose from its braid. He couldn't help but wonder if her very essence was escaping into the magic barren void of this world. Would she flicker out, like the flame she resembled?

Wakinu lunged at her again, his intimidating bulk causing her to slam her back against a tree. She sidestepped with a swift grace, undeterred. Her makeshift weapon was an awkward branch, yet she handled it with surprising skill. She landed not one, but two fierce blows. One to Wakinu's hand and another to his ribs. He relented, stepping back, out of her reach once more.

She'd been backed up against a massive oak. An outcropping of granite rock and the thick undergrowth hedged her in. Sharp eyes darted about, seeking an escape route. With Wakinu looming on her right and the lithe, dangerous El Cucuy edging in on her left, there was little hope for escape. Her simple, loose, white dress was already stained dark on one side.

Mingan watched for a long moment, considering whether or not he should just wait and see how things played out. Her attempts to stave off her attackers were proving to be quite entertaining. Her appearance in this world meant trouble. Her kind had dealt his people, and this world a devastating blow in the recent past. He had no attachment to her, and relatively little sympathy.

She lashed out again, catching El Cucuy in the face with the branch. She crouched, ready to dart through any opening that might appear. The old monster didn't falter or give up ground. Instead, he simply wiped the blood from his haggard, slightly distorted human features. The boogie man did not lunge, did not show his true nature.

"Hey, boss," hissed Hayeta, creeping up on Mingan's left flank. "Lokni is scouting out the area. Seems it's just the two, but he's checking to be sure."

"Those two are formidable enough on their own," Mingan grumbled.

"So, we going to rescue the glowing girl? She's holding them back, but they're just toying with her." Hayeta crouched beside him, all taut muscle and eager body language.

"I'd almost rather leave her to them."

"If they want her, she's got to be of value. We were sent for a reason."

"She's one of the Ethereal. I want nothing to do with her, or this fight." As much as he despised her kind, going up against the Bear held little appeal as well. He knew Wakinu all too well, the evidence of their last encounter still etched in the flesh of his back.

He turned his attention back to the scene below. The girl was clearly tiring, her arms trembling. The scent of fear and blood strong to Mingan even at this distance.

"Well?" Hayeta bounced lightly in place.

"Distract El Cucuy. Just watch those claws. I'll take on the Bear. I assume Lokni will be coming around to help?" He glanced up at the sky, hoping to catch a glimpse of the crow.

They were losing daylight fast, both a help and a hindrance. It was a long trek to the safety of Zephyr Ranch. Hiking those miles while battle weary, with prisoner of unknown abilities held little appeal. And that was the best case scenario. The Bear was sure to put up a fight, the fading scar tissue on his back ached with the reminder of their last encounter.

There was a flash of movement. El Cucuy had thrown a rock. Mingan growled in disgust as the projectile caught the girl in the face, bloodying her perfect features.

She stumbled and Wakinu seized the opportunity, grabbing for the branch. With a fierce jerk, he wrenched at it. She clung to the makeshift staff, falling forward. El Cucuy, another rock in hand, brought it down on the back of her head. She crumpled.

Mingan might have not cared much for the Ethereal, but his repressed sense of honor stirred at the cruelty. He fingered the pistol at his hip and glanced at Hayeta.

"I can handle him," Hayeta reassured him. "That old monster won't touch me."

"Be careful," Mingan conceded.

"Will do! Can I go? Can I?" She grinned, sharp, inhuman, canine teeth showing.

Mingan chuckled, realizing she'd left them visible despite her human glamour. He gave her a nod and she shifted, tearing down the slope with her characteristic enthusiasm.

I know these first few chapters are on the short side, but they get longer after this. I update every day! Add this novel to your library so you don't miss a single update. <3

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