
Chapter 1

The year is 5024. Advances in human technology have made great strides, but with every new unknown explored, different dangers arise. Locally, the advanced technologies have greatly expanded the middle class, but it has also put those in poverty at new depths, and those in luxury at new heights. More universally, wars between different alien species have been going on for millennia, wreaking havoc on human settlements, and majorly slowing down humanity's progress. Finally, the most recent danger, The Wilderness of Trials.

Around 120 years ago, perceived mad scientist Dr. Fang completed his research on an interdimensional rift creator. His goal was to evolve the human race into the 4th dimension. However, he didn't expect a species to already be occupying the region. More troublesome than that however, is the fact that they were observing the lower dimensional creatures. These beings had often shown up throughout the course of history. In ancient times, they were often referred to as "Gods" or "Deities". However, upon Dr. Fangs arrival, their true species name was revealed to Dr. Fang as "Quu's".

From Dr. Fangs notes, it was revealed that these creatures were like no other. They were multiple, but one. Each Quu had its own identity, but talking to one meant talking to all. Each aspect of their existence contradicted itself.

From a small lab, a tiny, wiry looking scientist bounced up and down with excitement. "Yes, yes! It's finally done. They called me mad, well who's mad now!" he said with a hysterical giggle, carrying both childishness and insanity. His hand moved over the stainless steel lever. He grabbed the handle and pulled it down followed by a variety of metallic clangs and electric whirs. The scientist's tiny frame scuttered into a see through tube located against his nearest wall. A beam of electrical light shone through the crystal tube, and Dr. Fang disappeared.

"Doctor Fang." The creature announced in a mystic voice. Dr. Fang could only look up in terror as his mind tried to perceive the impossible. The booming voice came from all angles, and the creature's infinite eyes seemed to inspect every cell in his body all at once. The creature then said in a different voice, resembling that of an authoritative leader, "Do you now understand the blunder you have made?". Before Dr. Fang could register what was said, another voice boomed "Your body is too weak to be here!" in a demonic tone. Dr. Fang could stand frozen as his insides felt as though they would tear apart into a billion tiny atoms at any moment. He could say nothing as fell backwards and tried to crawl away. An eerie silence followed as Dr. Fang tried to move away. Breaking the silence, the mystic voice returned and said "Prepare yourself Doctor Fang, for only those who can pass the trials will have the strength to endure".

As soon as the last word echoed through the space, the world around Dr. Fang collapsed. He found himself back at his lab, and he scrambled to find a notebook. His last words were scribbled down hastily on the blood splotched pages, describing his encounter with the Quu.

A few days later, his half-decomposed corpse was found in his lab by his grand-daughter. He laid on the cold tile floor with blood oozing out of his eyes, ears, and mouth. In front of Dr. Fang's body lay his journal, and at the end of his writing read 3 words, "PASS THE TRIAL".

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