
Chapter One

Above a distance, under the cold sunset, you could easily discern a town, small house lights shining. It was a small borough that didn't quite reach the seven hundred habitants. It was maybe because of its humid weather, you wouldn't want to be caught up with road closures because of the rain, so there are mainly two roads that let you circulate in town.

The town was surrounded by hectares of woodland, a big forest with no end. I like to wander in it as often as I can, Leslie hates it. Leslie's my mother's name; I'm not a fan of the word 'mom'. She could strand me for going there as much as she wants and I would always find a way to get out and stroll in the mysterious forest. It was known to be filled with big brown and black bears, cougars, wolves and coyotes.

Going at night was second to none, there was an endless beauty of the nature, I would lay down under trees and look up, and, enclosed by branches I'd see the night soil, so many stars glistening, so far away, but still so close.

I didn't understand why there were so many secrets, so many forbidden effects and nobody would care enough to clarify it to me. I felt trapped inside a box, like I couldn't get out; or more like something was keeping me inside. Life can be so painful yet still so great, and it seems like I'm far from it being delightful. If only I could go further than this forest, I want to see what's outside. Although I have a cell phone with social media, it doesn't feel the same way, looking through a phone and your own eyes.

And I don't know if it sounds selfish or egoistic, but I sense that I have some future somewhere, that I could do more, if only I knew what, it'd help a lot.

As expected nothing happened, my life didn't change in a blink, I still went to the forest, I still got grounded, still had to go to school. Nothing changes; living an adventure seemed to be an impossible dream.

I was laying down in my garden, looking up at the sky, the stars were undoubtedly shining brighter when I look up from the forest. I could hear some rustling in the background, certainly Leslie doing the dishes. We didn't live with my father, I was clueless to where he could be, but I couldn't care any less.

What if I ran away? Heck no, she would go crazy, I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt, thinking of her all stressed and worried.

"Anna come back inside, you're going to catch a cold." I looked behind, Leslie gesturing at me to go back inside - I didn't want to - but with a sight I got up on my feet and went inside, not knowing how I was supposed to think of all this, apart from it being a commodity I had been used to