
The wild hunt

The game we all have been waiting for the wild hunt is here and I must say the franchise is booming it's just the opening day ant yet the vr head set is on major back order wild hunt headquarters is cranking these head sets out like crazy and yet the demand for them just keep rising you might ask what sort of world is the wild hunt and to be honest with you no one really truly knows not even the beta testers who played the game all the information we got is that it's a fantasy world with magic and monsters they say you can do anything and everything and I am inclined to believe them so what will you do in this new world will you be good or evil be the hero or the villain choose to do something or nothing at all stay or leave it's all possible in the wild hunt. I closed the video my ant sent me sying yea this defiantly has gotten my interest I opened my phone and seen my ant had sent me a text message I opened it and it read so what do you think Hunter will you get the game :) with a smile face emoji I side again at her shamelessness but quickly responded back yes I will get the damn headset ok you can stop asking me about it I sent that and waited for a response and it didn't take long till my phone vibrated again I looked at her text message and it simple said good love you and see you soon in the game I chuckled I side ok fine let's see where this takes me and I turned on my computer that was in front of me and I ordered the head set and the game little did I know that my live was about to get interesting Warning this world will be violent and bloody not just cuz of the monsters but also cuz of humans it will show both the good and the bad things in mankind, especially with players where will this world go and what will are mc do let's find out together shall we

Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Yes xp bags

I stood ontop of a tree looking down into another goblin camp but unlike the ones before the huts was on fire and there was goblins running around on fire screaming bloody murder running through the fire was two smiling twins who was skipping through the camp throwing Molotovs everywhere and I heard the twins singing along with the music that was playing in my head yea baby burn baby burn yes burn baby burn the twins giggled to them self as the skipped into the center of town where there was a huddle of goblins the twins skipped in front of them with smiles on there faces the goblins started at the twins there was fear on there faces Star started to whistle and Flare started to hum along with his sister till the music beat hit the peek that's when the twins smiled at the goblins and at the same time they through 2 boddles each the goblins didn't have time to react cuz as the bottles flew over there heads both twins drew there pistols and shot the bottles in mid air which splashed oil all over the goblins and as soon as the oil covered the goblins the oil cot fire and let's just say bloody painful screams rang through the camp and in those screams you could hear two people sining

cuz baby your a firework come let your colors burn making you going up up up

I rolled my eyes chuckling to myself I sat down on the tree lem and watched the fire works and appearing in front of me was all my parties levels and exp

Goliath- level 9


Fox- level 9


Gold- level 9


Star- level 9

20/130, 30/130, 60/130, 80/130,100/130

Flare-level 9

30/150, 50/150, 70/150, 90/100, 110/150

I could see the exp of the twins slowly go up as Goblins slowly burned to death I side and closed this screen as I did the tree shook from something heavy hitting against it I looked down to see Gaint leaning against my tree he was looking in the direction of the camp he then looked up to me saying how are they doing Buck I shrugged chuckling about as well as you would expect from the two pyromaniacs they are quite literally and figuratively burning it Gaint didn't laugh at my job all he did was nod we got one more medium camp after this one right Buck I looked back up to the burning camp and nodded indeed then after that we got the big camp Gaint side asking are you sure that's the wisest idea it's about dark and none of us can see in the dark and we don't have are night vision goggles like in the real world I chuckled and rolled off the tree I did a few flips as I landed next to him on me feet I started at him chuckling we will deal with that problem when it gets dark but I doubt it will be truly a problem Gaint started at me asking how will that not be a problem Buck I chuckled rolling my eyes saying you will see but let's go the twins are done playing with fire and I started to walk away from him as I walked away Gaint started at me concern written all over his face he had so many questions but he side shaking his head and followed me we got to where the others was resting outside of the gate as Gaint and I walked up to the gate Star and Flare walked out of the gate Star was still whistling a song wall Flare had his hands behind his head with a huge shit eating grin on his face good work you two I said looking to the twins smiling I see yall haven't lost your touch Flare chuckled smiling but Star side shaking her head no we are rusty that took way to long Flare looked over to his sister saying come on Star give us some slack we haven't got to play with any explosives or make any big fires sense the war it has been almost 7 years sense then so, of course, we are rusty Star huffed angrily clicking her tung that maybe true brother that's just a excuse nothing more we could have if you just listened to me but no you just had to follow the damn law and not just that you had to follow the rules that are therapist/ handler made for us just cuz your simping over her doesn't mean it's my problem Flare glared at her hi leave miss Jenny out of this and do you hear your self you want to break the law just to play with fire y do you have to be so unruly sister she huffed again and glared back at him saying and y do you have to be a little simp to a officer who has orders to monitor us and report what we do to the government little brother huh y Flare jaw was clinched but he angrily looked away apparently he didn't have a comeback yea that's right little brother and Star looked to me I chuckled o what's this does little flare have a little crush huh when I said that the skin on his cheeks got darker and he glanced away from me shuffling uncomfortably I chuckled then Gaint spoke would you look at that Buck he is blushing but did I hear that right Flare are you simping over your handler he looked away from Gaint his hands clinching shyly Gold then broke the silence with her cat like laugh so little Flare gots him self a crush how cute and picking up from there Fox spoke Flare and Janny sitting up in a tree kissing enough Flare yelled angrily but at this point we was all laughing at his reaction ooo would you look at that the fire is back Gaint said I nodded indeed there is the Flare I know welcome back I said chuckling he angrily glared at all of us laughing them he started to laugh along to we laughed for a few moments thats when we started to calm down my smile was gone as I turned around saying let's move we have burned enough time here the others nodded and followed as we was moving to are next camp Fox ran next to me saying Buck do you mind if I do some recon I know you have already mapped out the area but it will be good practice I simply nodded go for it take Gold with you if you find anything come back and tell he nodded and glanced back to Gold who nodded and like the two jumped into the trees disappearing Gaint moved next to me asking was that the best idea I shrugged like he said it is good practice for them I ant worried Gaint unlike other vidoe games in this game all of are skills in the real world tranfor over y do you think it's so easy for us to fight groups who out number us it's cuz of are experience and training unlike others players in this game who have never been in a real fight before where your life is on the line I have found one other player who was skilled with using a spear but I could tell she has never used a real spear or tried to kill someone with one all she probably had done was use a training staff and maybe fought duels but she probably had armor on you know how them sorts of sports are Gaint nodded but do not tell anyone about this as long as are enemies ant aware of this fact this gives us a advantage over them Gaint nodded saying but there will be the smart ones who figure it out like you Buck I simple nodded and glanced to the twins who was oddly quiet and trying not to make eye contact with me that goes for you two as well do not tell anyone not even your handler Flare immediately whipped his head towards me anger on his face y not Buck I stared at him simple it's cuz I don't trust her she is a suit you know as well as I she would tell her boss and her boss will tell his bosses and the word will go all the way to the top unlike you Flare I have done my research before I got the game what little data I could find about the game was nothing important this game has been a big secret that even the governments didn't have information on but as soon as they find out how much the wild hunt industry is making they will want a slice of the pie so the longer the government stays out of the game the longer we got to get stronger and to build our reputation and money so do not tell anyone do you understand me both nodded yes sir good and I looked back forward we was close to the next camp that is when Fox jumped down from a tree and landed in front of us I slowed down and stopped looking around in the trees for Gold but I didn't see her my eyes feel onto Fox report I simple said he nodded the goblin camp is straight ahead it's in some small ruins the camp it self probably only had 200 to maybe 300 goblins its the smallest of the 5 but the bad news is that it's already being attacked by a guild called meowketeers there leader is a odd tiefling cat mix when I heard that a huge smile spread across my face but Foxs next words made my smile disappear the meowketeers have almost whipped out the camp but they are being surrounded by another Guild called the holyTemplars who have about 100 something members wall the meowketeers only got probably 60 something I side I could feel a headache coming shit I said trying to control my emotions I glanced to Fox asking have the meowketeers noticed there being surrounded and where is Gold Fox shook his head no they haven't noticed they are to busy dealing with the goblins the guild have some good team work and strategy but they are to focused on what's in front of them but it really ant there fault if they didn't focus solely on the enemy in front of them they would have been killed already as for Gold she is hiding watching both groups she said she wanted to find a good area to snipe from I nodded sying shit this ant good no not at all Gaint then commented y do we care Buck this isn't our fight I side again no you don't understand the leader of the meowketeers is my ant I can't just look the other way as she's about to be attacked Gaint side well shit what's the plan then I thought about it that's when I seen a a flash of a fire ball and I heard the explosion that's when I lost all control I gralled and bolted forward the others follower when we got in range where I could see what was happening I couldn't stop my self from gralling in anger I didn't know this but the fire in my eyes got much brighter but the others seen that what I seen was two guilds one much bigger then the other the smaller of the two was in a old looking church I seen make shift tents around the church but that was it there was goblin corpses all over the place the door to the church was gone and I could see scorch marks placed in front of the door was two people holding thick tower shields blocking the way in standing on top of the roof was my ant she was looking down angrily at the other guild specifically at one person a man in white full plate armor on his hip was a chain flail and on his back was a heater shield that had a sun emblazoned in the center of it as for this man him self he was very good looking smooth white skin and gold hair he was a walking red flag basically over his head appeared his name king Arther521 he was smiling up at my ant and even his teeth was every white he yelled up to her you know this doesn't have to end this way Victoria just join us it would make my life a lot easier and it's not a bad deal for you either when he said that name I could see my ants eye twitch from irritation that's queen Amabilia to you king Arther as for your offer I have already rejected you 2 don't make me repeat my self when Arther heard that I seen his smile fade and a frown replaced it but y Victoria y won't you be mine come on I will treat you and your guild members right y do you always fight me I only want best for you when I heard that I about throw up in my mouth and I think my ant felt the same cuz there was nothing but discussed on her face fuck off Arther for the last time no when Arther heard that his face got red from anger fine if you won't be mine maybe a day out of the game for your hole guild will change your mind he was about to say something when I quickly glanced to my group Fox go into sneak on my mark take out one of the leaders Flare and Star do what you do best blow these fuckers sky hi but wait for my mark they nodded I looked to Gaint with a huge shit eating grin on my face you ready to have some fun old friend Gaint chucked and racked a shell into the chamber in his shotgun after you brother I nodded that's when I heard someone scream attack that's when I turned forward and started where Arther was he was placed in the back of this group probably to give out orders but all I seen was a opening I chuckled and rushed in I focused mana into my fists Gaint followed my lead and focused mana into one of his axes I behind Arther and through a punch at his back it connected as it did I quickly through another punch connecting in the same area when my second fist connected Arther armor caved in and a booming noise came from my fists and Arther thrown forward hitting many of his guild members off there feet as he flew by he slammed into the church I seen him throw up blood that's when this appeared

-70 hp, left ribs shattered -10 hp hurts to move

-100 hp, ribs shattered -20 hp hurts to move, spine has been broken -100 any attempts to move take -1 and the possibility to hurt your self even more

-30 hp, left lung has been punctured and so has the intestines -20 hp makes it hard to breath and every minute the damage taken will double till being healed or death

Congrats host for making a unique skill give it a name or let system name it

Congrats host for making a unique skill 20 exp

Party member Goliath has killed a level 10 player exp has been doubled host received 200 exp

Host has taken 10 points of damage

I quickly read through these notifications that's when I felt pain coming up from my left fist it was from the second punch my body ant us to that sort of strain how fun I will have to hit the training then but after that I looked up out of the corner of my eye I seen something hit the group there head slumping off there shoulders and turning into particular that's when all eyes was on us they all gasped seeing me but they didn't pay attention to Gaint that's when I heard someone yell in fright its DeerSkull but who is that next to him he just killed the vice-captain with ease I looked up to my ant who was staring at me dumbfounded I simple chuckled and looked back down to see Arther slowly push himself out of the wall he wiped the blood off his mouth and he stared angrily at me Y have you attacked me DeerSkull I haven't done anything to you neither has my guild so y are you attacking us I chuckled ha ha ha you haven't offended me maybe not but you had the nerve to attack my ant and her guild wall they was distracted which kudos to you for that no what I can't stand for had the nerve to disrespect my ant in front of me you said you wanted her to be yours and you refused and what did you do you got angry and attacked but I ant surprised you playboy types don't know what no means do you blondy when they heard that Amabilia was my ant they all started whispering with each other but after a few seconds Arther screamed shot up he looked up to my ant who started at me with fear in her eyes then he looked to me and a huge sadistic smile spread across his face o no matter DeerSkull I will kill your friend and skin you alive in front of your ant I am sure she would love to join me to save you when I heard that a much mocking grin spread across my face and only said one word if that was the last straa he yelled kill them and he pulled his chain flail and shield out and charged at me I didn't stop smiling mockingly I then yelled Spartans lets have some fun let's kill these bastards right when I said that I used one of my skills beast shape I was thinking of a certain animal that would be perfect my body started to grow I heard someone tell shit stop him he is a shape shifter but it was to late my body shifted my clothes and weapons was gone I leaned forward and touched the ground with my front claws my back extended up into a very off spine with spikes going from the end of my tail up my spine and stopping at my head I let out a mighty angry roar the ground shook from it I started at Arther who has fear in his eyes o shit he is a Spinosaurus run but before anyone could retreat a fire ball flow over them and hit the ground behind them which exploded into two firewalls they could still run but that was the fastest root at the same time 4 odd circle things got thrown into the middle of these groups and at the same time boom the grenades want off killing many of them but there was still 90 something probably I then roared spinning around swinging my tail smashing players that's when someone yelled magic target the dino everyone else charge that's when I felt many things hit against my sides and boom two fireballs want off but that is when I heard someone under me let out a mighty booming war cry Gaint smacked his two hand axes together and charged into one one of the groups that was charging at me I swung my tail again smacking people off there feet but I wasn't done when I spun back around I swung my front claws which either cut through players or bat them way killing them anyway I then reached my neck back and snapped forward snapping up a few players and the noise that came from my jaws was sickining but I was having to much fun to care I noticed I hadn't been attacked again by fire balls so I looked and seen a black fox man moving around cutting heads of with ease and before anyone would notice he would be gone already that is when I felt something heavy slame into my side it made me struggle but I didn't fall I looked down to see Arther land on the ground and angrily stare up to me I chuckled which sounded more like a gator hiss I then swung my claws at him but surprisingly he was pretty fast in all that armor but I didn't mind I glanced around and noticed I didn't need to be in this form it was just to clear numbers fast so I deactivated my skill and I quickly shrunk back into my normal form that's when I noticed my mp was at 190 it would seem the stronger the creature the more mp it cost no matter and I used chaos channeling and my mana quickly increased I started at Arther smiling you want to fight you got one Arther nodded and slammed his flail into his shield and got I to a fighting stance I smiled thinking I might as well get a little serious and I moved my left foot back and raised my left hand to my head and my right I moved it in front of me my palm facing up and instead of fist I made a claw shape with each hands tiger style I thought as I channeled mana into my hands Arther charged in with his shield up ones he got fight in front of me and swung his flail up I moved to the side of his shield and started my assault one two the four thrusts of my hand want out rapidly in speed that my hands was a blur Arther didn't have time to attack cuz each one of my hits forced him to move back and for his shield arm to hurt I then jumped up and swung goth of my hands down still claw shape when this happened he wasn't expecting it and so he didn't have to raise his shield my fingers locked on top of his shield and forced it down that's when I heard something pop Arther dropped his shield and took several steps back holding his shoulder but I didn't let up there was a reason I chose tiger style and no my normal dragon cuz tiger was much more fearsom do not let up attack fast and with power that's what this fighting style was good at I charged forward and thrust my left hand racking across his chest my next strike came from my right hand which hit him in the chest my clawed fingers sinking into his skin again Arther was forced back but this time I thrust my left hand and grabbed his jugular tearing it out with ease Arther hit the ground clutching his throat I looked down to him and brot my right hand up but not in a fist I thrust my hand down in a palm strike my palm slammed into his head which bursts open like a watermelon that's when I this notification

Congrats host for killing a level 10 guild leader your reward is 300 exp

Party member Goliath has killed a level 5 player your reward is 150 exp

Party member Goliath has killed a level 5 player your reward is 150 exp

Party member Goliath has killed a level 5 player your reward is 150 exp

Party member Fox has killed a level 7 player your reward is 170 xp

Party member Fox has killed a level 7 player your reward is 170 xp

Party member Fox has killed a level 7 player your reward is 170 xp

Party member Gold has killed a level 6 player your reward is 160 xp

Party member Gold has killed a level 6 player your reward is 160 xp

Level up level up level up

I side at all the xp I got and how many notifications there was but I ignored the rest I opened my status








Job: 3 shadow Musketeers

Equipped: short sword, bucking bull, chainmail shirt, Diablo, storage ring, revolver, hidden blades




Friend list







Stat points:27

stealth 10/20: allows host to blind in to his environment and to move silently

Sharp eye basic 5/5: allows host to spot things more clearly it works even better if the host is on focused or on edge

vital strikes 1/10: you know where the vitals are and where to hit, the higher level the skill the more vitals you can see on other creatures

New skill ghost strike- unique 0/8: a two hit strike that breaks the sound barrier the first strike opens it up and the next strike follows up right after has to his the same location as the first hit can hurt host if not performed correct

Focus strike uncommon 4/7: allows host to focus mana into your strike be it your fist, leg, knee hell even a slap or a hip thrust you can focus mana into a strike but it needs three seconds to channel the mana . damage:50 per hit, mana cost: -30 mp,

Mana site 3/3: you can see mana in the air and in it's natural farm but not many people have this ability most people can only sense mana or have items to allow them to see it but you was born with the ability to see the natural flow of mana your sharp eye skill go hand and hand with this skill

Dark site rare max: this allows you to see in the dark like it was light out

mana mind max: allows host to control the mana in the air and to bring it inside your self to form different types of magic cores you can also channel the mana through you into a object

smithing and tinkering 10/20 uncommon: allows host to make basic equipment plus any equipment you make your self and you us will get a bonus to its stats in your hand since your it's maker

Hell fire bolt 1/5: form 4 bolts of fire and shot at target

Speak with animals - allows host to speak with animals

Speak with beasts - allow host to speak with beast

Beast shape 5/5 max- allows host to change into a beast the higher the level the stronger the beast

Mold earth - allows host to mold dirt and stone but only in a certain area

Blood siphon 3/15: allows host to drain the blood out of any target and to consume it which will bost your regeneration abilities hast to be touching target

Blood string max: allows host to make a string of blood

Blood needless max/ allows host to form 4 sharp blood needless and shot them at your target

skill blood chain- unique skill, this skill mixs blood string and blood needless into one skill that forms blood chains with sharp spike at the end

Lighting bolt 1/20: allows host to throw lighting

Hidden skill killing intent: the more humanoids you kill the stronger your killing intent will be

All for one: unique skill- if host and his party ever swear loyalty to any faction any exp earned by from that faction is doubled and so is the stat points and carma

One for all: unique skill- if host ever makes a party any exp earned by your party will be doubled plus the luck of the hole party goes up by 2

Skill points:15

I thought about it and had Diablo put in the stat points







Stat points:19

He put 3 in con 1 into strength 2 in both wis and int the rest he saved so know my hp and mp was








Job: 3 shadow Musketeers

Equipped: short sword, bucking bull, chainmail shirt, Diablo, storage ring, revolver, hidden blades




Friend list

I thin looked over my skills I thought about it and side and put 3 in focus strikes maxing it out next I put 2 in lighting bolt and 3 into vital strike so know it looked like this

stealth 10/20: allows host to blind in to his environment and to move silently

Sharp eye basic 5/5: allows host to spot things more clearly it works even better if the host is on focused or on edge

vital strikes 3/10: you know where the vitals are and where to hit, the higher level the skill the more vitals you can see on other creatures

skill ghost strike- unique 0/8: a two hit strike that breaks the sound barrier the first strike opens it up and the next strike follows up right after has to his the same location as the first hit can hurt host if not performed correct

Focus strike uncommon max: allows host to focus mana into your strike be it your fist, leg, knee hell even a slap or a hip thrust you can focus mana into a strike but it needs three seconds to channel the mana . damage:50 per hit, mana cost: -30 mp,

Mana site 3/3: you can see mana in the air and in it's natural farm but not many people have this ability most people can only sense mana or have items to allow them to see it but you was born with the ability to see the natural flow of mana your sharp eye skill go hand and hand with this skill

Dark site rare max: this allows you to see in the dark like it was light out

mana mind max: allows host to control the mana in the air and to bring it inside your self to form different types of magic cores you can also channel the mana through you into a object

smithing and tinkering 10/20 uncommon: allows host to make basic equipment plus any equipment you make your self and you us will get a bonus to its stats in your hand since your it's maker

Hell fire bolt 1/5: form 4 bolts of fire and shot at target

Speak with animals - allows host to speak with animals

Speak with beasts - allow host to speak with beast

Beast shape 5/5 max- allows host to change into a beast the higher the level the stronger the beast

Mold earth - allows host to mold dirt and stone but only in a certain area

Blood siphon 3/15: allows host to drain the blood out of any target and to consume it which will bost your regeneration abilities hast to be touching target

Blood string max: allows host to make a string of blood

Blood needless max/ allows host to form 4 sharp blood needless and shot them at your target

skill blood chain- unique skill, this skill mixs blood string and blood needless into one skill that forms blood chains with sharp spike at the end

Lighting bolt 3/20: allows host to throw lighting

Hidden skill killing intent: the more humanoids you kill the stronger your killing intent will be

All for one: unique skill- if host and his party ever swear loyalty to any faction any exp earned by from that faction is doubled and so is the stat points and carma

One for all: unique skill- if host ever makes a party any exp earned by your party will be doubled plus the luck of the hole party goes up by 2

Skill points:8

I nodded and looked down to Arthers disappearing body and where his body was layed three things the first was an invasion to a action in a few days next was a odd red glass orb the last thing was a ticket when I started at these items two bubbles appeared

Fire magic core- very rare: a glass ball filled with fire magic allows someone to gain a fire core it will be a mix of luck and skill if you can't form a core then you get three more attempts before this core shatters

game ticket-rare: a ticket that when you ripped it will activate a random item generator you can get anything from weapons, armor, blueprints, food, toys, and mana cores, to even creatures and constructs, this ticket has 4 charges

I waved my hand and these items was gone I looked up just in time to see Gaint get slammed in the chest by a shield which launched him back at he I quickly raised my arms and dug my feet into the ground luckily I did cuz he slammed into me which pushed me back a few feet but nothing more I dusted off my shoulders as I walked next to Gaint and dusted of his right arm as I leaned against it chuckling what's this Gaint are you giving up on me he looked down to me blood running down the side if his face and I seen a lightning storm forming in his eyes I felt the hair on my back stand up fromthe static in the air but not just that he took a deep breath and has be breathed out I could see his breath that's when a damp cold wind blew by and in a low deep voice he said no never lets ants can't brake my spirit for how could ants kill a storm that's when lightning balts flashed in the sky and rain started to fall I nodded grinning pushing off him and slammed my fists together when my firsts connected a ringing noise echoed through the area good let us clear a path for my ant and her guild members shall we brother Gaint nodded and held out his hand that is when a lightning bolt feel striking him in the hand right where his gift gem was it started to glow and forming out of lighting is a huge handed grate axes made from lighting he grasped it when he did the lighting disappeared and what was left was a actual axe the handle was made from dark wood with black leather and gold wire wrapping around it and at the end was a spike as for the axe head it was made from a white ice looking metal and on the left side was a hammerhead and on the other was a axe head placed in the center of this axe head was that same gem this time it was glowing with blue lightning in it and that lightning sparked off it Gaint rested the axe on his shoulder as he started over the remaining Templars and a huge mocking white teeth grin spread across his face on your command brother he said I stared at my ant no words needed to be spoken she understood she nodded and started to give orders to her guild members my eyes feel back down to the templars and yelled Spartans assemble and like a ghost Fox landed next to me he held his curved daggers in his hands and his eyes had a sharpness to them like a tornado and walking out of the woods was Star and Flare both of them was tossing a grenade up and down in one of there hands and they was grinning like kids in a candy shot in there eyes was a fire and lastly Gold stood up in the tree behinds us she rested her rifle on her shoulder and she had a very mocking grin on her face and in her eyes there was a bloodlust I racked my fists as I did hell fire started to move up my arms yelling Spartans what is your profession HOOYAH my party members yelled I nodded hooyab indeed with that I took one step forward then another then another each step I picked up speed till I was sprinting at the enemy my party members followed except for Gold who got into a shooting stance in the tree system play burn it to the ground my nickelback I said smiling as you wish host shield users to the front someone yelled but sir we they died in the first wave shut it all that is left go to the front swordsman take up behind them the Templars tried to do as that person said but they were so slow I throw a right claw tearing out someones throat but I wantsnt done I flipped over the falling body and waved my left claw down as I did my hell fire shot off it which formed into three sharp blades that cut throw the enemy but not just that anyone or anything that came in contact with it burst into flames I flipped around swinging my right claw up and 3 more blades shot out from me dragon style hell claw I gralled right at that moment three rocks shot at me like bullets but jumping over my with his axe held hi was Gaint as he was falling back down he swung his axe hitting the ground with the hammer head when this happened lighting colts shot out in all directions which destroyed the rock bullets and burning holes through players moving on his right was Fox he was moving las swift as the wind with each swing of his daggers heads got separated from shoulders on his left was the two twins swinging there saber in one hand and there hatchets in the other but with each wound they make somehow explodes making the wounds even bigger and if that wasn't fun enough I heard a gun shot behind me and I seen the mage who shot the earth bullets at me head explode I laughed and started to dance and head bob to the beat mmm well it's midnight we would up to tight as I was head bobbing someone rushed in from the side and thrust a spear at me but I quickly moved to the side grabbed him by the shoulders and slammed my face against his one twice three times four each his was in tone to the beat till he disappeared I felt the blood on my face and whipped it off and flung the blood to the side as the blood left my hand they turned into blood thin sharp blood spikes that flew and sank into one players eyes nose and face I then jerked my hand up that is when everyone seen the chains made from blood I pulled that player next to me as he was stumbling forward I did a roundhouse kick my boot slammed into his jaw braking it off and snapping his neck half way around at this point we was standing at the doorway of the church Gaint and Fox took two steps away from each other for me to walk by I walked between them and stood in the doorway of the church that's when I got blocked by two tower shields I chuckled and nocked against them saying it's me yall open up the two shields moved to the side and stepping through them was my ant following next to her was another woman she had on bright clothes from the blue shirt and bandana to the bright purple and gold coat to even a huge hat on her head that had a blue feather on it she had a huge smile her skin was blue like the sea and her eyes was gold on her hip was a saber and on her other hip was a pepper box pistol she war dark blue and green armor that looked like it was made from seaweed and a odd blue metal over her head appeared queen Bevludear J Jenkins I would normal look over her gear but not much time maybe next time I thought I smiled at her saying it's good to see you again Jenkins she laughed happily indeed it's good to see you to DeerSkull it has been a while I nodded indeed it has that is when I heard Gaint yell Buck stop the small flirty shit battle remember I side such a kill joy I said but he is right and I looked to my ant saying can yall fight Amabilia nodded smiling we still got some spark left in us don't we and she turned around to her guild who all yelled hell yeah I smiled good we will leave the rest of the xp bags to you good luck I was about to turn around when my ant stopped my where will you be going she asked I looked back to her and gave her a huge grin we got a goblin king to kill I looked back forward and slammed my fists together as I did purple lighting sparked off my Diablo looked up yelling Spartans fall back and like the sensed what I was about to do every one of my party members jumped back at the same time I slammed a my fists into the ground which made the ground explode open in front of me with purple lightning sparking out of it I glanced back to my ant good hunting and with that I focused hell fire at the bottom of my feet as I jumped up it gave me a boost I grabbed the cross and spun my self onto the roof where all of my party members was waiting Gaint took a step forward his axe resting against his shoulder are you sure Buck I nodded we killed most of them and my ant needs to get us to fighting against players if she wants to be a good guild leader he nodded where to next boss Gold said smiling I looked to the west to kill a king Fox chuckled sounds interesting Star nodded indeed can I blow him up big brother please Flare then stood up saying hi no fear I wanted to blow him up please big brother please I chuckled big brother huh you two haven't called me that in a long time and normal when you do you want something but what ever lets move and with that I ran and jumped off the roof and started east