
The Wild Feather

Hannah, a 16 years old teen girl. She has been hiding her secret from her friends and the school for years along with her sister Luna. Later both sisters fall in love, they start working together to keep their love ones safe. But being unable to hide the secret at school, their enemies are alerted. The girls finally made up their mind to fight back. But there is another creature waiting for them. They knew that one day it would come out of the darkness but no one expected it to be so soon. What will they do if they come across a threat that is almost impossible to see? The threat which has been hunting them for years has finally appear. What will the sisters do? • • • Thank you for reading this story.

Duskfire_Star · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 1: The two sisters

"Hello, guys!" a girl greeted as she entered the class. This is Luna Courtney, a light brown short-haired girl with fascinating pale brown eyes. She is quite popular but when it comes to boys, she is a very shy person. Last year a freshman came to ask her out on a date and the poor guy was rejected.

"Hi, Luna! Where's your sister? " A boy who was leaning against Luna's desk, removed his hood to greeted her. He had a thick angular fringe haircut, brown in color matching with his amber eyes. He is also very popular among girls too but did not date a single girl yet.

"I don't know! I thought she was at school" Luna replied. She looked at him anxiously.

"Hi, guys! Did you all enjoy your fabulous holiday?" another boy joined the club. Jacob Griffin, he had a medium length haircut, dark grey in color. His wild sea-green eye color was quite unique and rare. As a guy, he is quite cold and acts a bit like a loner. Everyone in the whole school would describe him as a lone wolf but he is extremely well known just because of his green eyes; girls like him just because of this.

"Jacob! Have you seen Hannah?" Luna demanded. "Yes, I came across her while she was running on the way to school! I invited her for a lift but she refused. I guess she'll be here in a few minutes." Jacob replied. "She's never late at school! Isn't it so unusual for her to be late?" Luka spoke as the others nodded at him.

The bell rang informing every student to head to their class. "Guys I think you should go, I'll wait for her," Luna requested. "Ok see ya in classes!" the boys slightly waved and went to class.

"Luna!!" a girl shouted. Footsteps were heard across the deserted hall. Long wavy dark brown hairs which the wind had picked up only in her section of the world. Her eyes were like a cloudy grey color. She always had a constant tinge of pink under her beige skin. Her eyes were twinkling with light as the sun reflected on her. This is me, Hannah Courtney, Luna's sister. I made quite a dramatic entry. I am one year younger than Luna but almost everyone address us as twins. I have a very friendly personality but when it comes to bullies I look like a demon girl; at least that's what the bullies think of me.

"Just in time, where were you? I thought you went early at school," Luna asked a little tensed. "Well... I was feeling a bit hungry so I went out hunting for food," I grin, moving my hand at the back of my head. She is quite concerned when it comes to her little sister but every time I tell her not to worry. She never listens anyways; big sisters are so responsible I guess.

"Hunting is only after school, Hannah!! ... Forget it!! Now we're late for classes. Let's go!" we rushed into the corridor. "Don't worry sis next time I'll ask you before going out," I smiled foolishly. "Whatever!!" Luna said ignorantly.

We greeted the teacher as soon as we entered the class. Looking at the teacher in the eyes I can tell he is angry but usually, he doesn't care I wonder why today. "Good morning Mr. Martin." We greeted him. "Good morning you two. You are both late in my class, hurry up and have a seat." Mr. Martin ordered.

"Is it me or is Mr. Martin being a little strict today?" I asked. As expected of Luna, she ignored me. In the class, we sat next to each other, and the two boys always take the two seats in front of us.

"Hey, Luna! Can we go hunting after classes? I'm extremely hungry" I asked looking at her innocently. she frowned and refused, saying; "Didn't you eat a little while ago?" there was a huge silence between us until she finally agreed. "Fine!! if you say so but no hunting together alright? And no more innocent face again because it won't work next time," She stated.

As I looked at her an idea struck my mind. "I have an idea! After classes, we take our belongings, then we make an excuse to mom and dad and we head to the forest." Luna nodded excitedly. After school, all went as we planned but there was only one problem; Jacob and Luka were with us. Our best friends did not know about our secret. We thought that it would be too risky to tell them about this and we did not want to worry them. Or it could be worst; they might hate us or be scared of us.

"Hey Jacob, I think you two should head back now. we'll go by ourselves and by the way we are going to my aunt's place so..." I asked politely. Jacob stared at me, he already sensed that I was hiding something but did not say anything. He was quite confused I figured.

"Ok, but will you be fine alone?" Jacob asked looking tense. Luna whispered with a huge smile on her face, "Don't worry we'll be fine. By the way, you already know how stubborn Hannah is. Better not refuse her,"

"Ok then bye!" The guys waved as they continued their way.

"Let's go, sis!!" I said as I smack my sister on the shoulder.

After approximately an hour. We returned home, tired. So we immediately went to sleep after a hot bath. The following day we were both late in class... again! Running in the corridor Luna kept giving me long speeches. As soon as we reached in class, we took our seats. Luckily the teacher was not in the class. We started gossiping until the teacher came. As Mr. Martin reached the class, he hurriedly started distributing a paper.

"Oh god!! Don't tell me we have an exam today! I did not revise for this; I don't even know what paper are we having today!! Help me, Luna!! Someone help me, please!!" I started whimpering at Luna. "Stop whining!! It's not a test!!" Luna frowned. She looked at me with a dark expression.

"She is right, Hannah! It's not a test," Luka said. I was panicking for nothing. "Can't you see that the paper is too small to be a test paper!!" Jacob interfered as he turned his chair back at me. Looking at me with a smirk on his face. My cheek flamed, feeling embarrassed.

"I did not ask for your opinion so stay out of it!!" I said exasperatedly trying to avoid eye contact. "You were so annoying so I had to speak!!" Jacob smirked again. "I am not annoying-" Just as I was about to snap Luna and Luka stopped us.

"Stop it you two!!" Luna and Luka barged in. "Miss Luna and the others, let me remind you all that you are in the class so I hope you understand that this is not a place to talk," Mr. Martin walked to our seats. "Yes Mr. Martin!!" we apologized and the teacher walked away.

Later at the end of the class, we finally got the paper and my eyes widened after what I saw. "What!!! Camping in the forest!! " I yelled surprisingly and everyone turned back to look at me. I admit I was quite ashamed after what I had done.

"Why are you shouting?" Jacob yelled as he turned back. Being annoyed as he is I was about to tell him to shut up. But like a caring sister Luna replied in my place. "It's nothing, Jacob," Luna replied.

"Can't you control your emotions?" Luna whispered at me furiously. She is not the angel type sister when she is impatient.

"So students, as it is said in the paper; you will be camping in the forest but not for fun. We are all going there for educational purposes so no absent on that day and you know what will happen if you're absent ..." the teacher explained and left the class. Everyone was excited. No homework, no class who wouldn't like that.

"Well that's great we are not even allowed to be absent on that day. Now there is no doubt that everyone will know our secret. What will we do now, Sis? Soon we won't even have foster parents after they'll discover our secrets," I said irritatedly. Our foster parents didn't know about our problems.

"I know Hannah! But mom didn't have much of a choice so they had to leave us as soon as we turned thirteen or fourteen." Luna said sadly. I still can't forget that day. "By the way, how many years have been since we entered the Aquila group?" I asked, trying to bring back the smile on Luna's face.

"Well before mom left us, she told us to join the group so I think it's been three years since we entered the group," Luna explained.

"Oh yeah!! I forgot I'm already sixteen and you're seventeen. The Aquila test was difficult though, we had a lot to do before even passing the test." We both giggled. "Oh yeah! We will have to visit the APG," Luna suddenly reminded me. I nodded in agreement The APG is the short form of Aquila Group.

"What's APG?" Luka suddenly interfered. "Err... All Personal Gadgets!! Yeah, all personal gadgets!!" I came up with a quick excuse, trying to avoid getting caught. "Nice one Sis!!" Luna whispered smirking at me, encouraging me at the same time. "All Personal Gadgets? I've not heard about this before!" Luka said bewilderedly.

"Well... It just opened recently!! It repairs mobile phones and other electronic gadgets," I justified. "Really!!" Luna smirk again, teasing me. "Oh! Then I must visit it someday-" Luka wondered.

"Oh no!! No!! I recommend you not to go, it is not a good shop." I immediately refused. Luna was in her corner teasing me.

"And how do you know that Anna?" Jacob grinned at me. "First of all, no one told you to stick your nose in our conversation? Second who told you to call me by my short name?" I snapped. No one calls me by my short name except my sister. "Nevermind!!" He frowned and turn back. Now I kinda feel bad for yelling at him. I don't even know why I was angry at him.

During the break, we went into a corner to talk. "So when are we going to meet the group? I'm kinda nervous. Can't we just not go?" I asked feeling tense. "No! If we don't go, there might be consequences. By the way, you get along quite well with them so why are you so worried? We are going to visit them after classes." Luna insisted.

"What!! After classes!! Isn't it too soon? I don't want to go I'm too tired" I said lazily. "No, we must go as soon as possible," Luna explained. It's true I do get along with them but I don't really want to go; I don't know why. Today turns out to be a weird day for me.

"We have four days left anyways so we should go today itself!" My sister added. I frowned "Four Days!! You mean that forest thing is on Friday? Ok then, count me in!"

After classes, we rushed at the front gate. "Let's go!!" I shouted as I grabbed Luna's hand to drag her. She was surprised because a while ago I was just refusing from going there. On the way, I could sense that Luna was sad and nervous. "It's been months since we've not been there. I even forgot the location about that place" I said. "Seriously!! I didn't know, you were that forgetful! I mean, it's only been months!!" Luna started laughing at me.

"Well! Just tell me where the location is already!" I said, trying to be foolish. "The northern forest obviously!! You really are forgetful!!" She giggled. "Oh! I think we're here!!" I grabbed Luna's hand showing her the enormous castle.