
The Rewind Continues

'Well, this is awkward...' that is what Catherine thought as she slightly shifted her seat to make herself comfortable. Clearly, it's not working. She, herself, did not know what was going in her mind as to why she accepted the guy's request. Now, she's stuck with this forever silence that wraps the atmosphere. She's probably not getting away soon.

She glanced at the guy who's been busy writing his thoughts about the book. His gaze relaxed, but still had that sharpness in it. He's wearing such huge glasses that it nearly entirely frames his face. His hair also does not help with his situation as his slightly long tresses partially covers his face.

Catherine eyed him longer. Though it doesn't show easily, clearly the guy has a great appearance. It's obvious with his blood as the Carlisle's are known for their Adonis looks. But this one right here never cares nonetheless.

"Have you clearly thought about what you would like to write for our assignment? " he suddenly asks, startling Catherine from her blatant and rude staring. His gaze went to her as he waits for her answer to his question.

She fake-coughed. "Yes. I have already constructed my paragraphs. I just need to do a bit of research for references. " she replied.

Then came the silence.

As Catherine isn't the type that is used to awkward atmospheres, she starts to talk and ask questions from the guy.

"Do you frequent in here? " she asks.

"Sometimes. "he replied.

"Is this where you study before exams? "


"How long do you stay in here? "

"4 hours. "

"Why do you like it here? "

"It's quiet. "

"Do you also have studymates in the library?"

"None. "

"Did you have someone to talk to while studying in here?

"None. "

"None? "

".... only you. "

Catherine closed her mouth and stopped herself on asking more questions. She had a questioning look while looking at him.

"Why you? Simple, because I know you. " he said.

"You know me? "

"Aside from being classmates, we are also rivals. "

"In grades right? "

He nodded. "I only acknowledge people with the same mind as me. "

Catherine took it as a compliment while feeling sad. If he only acknowledges people as smart as him, then doesn't it mean that she's the only one in school that he talks to?

That's really lonely.

"Don't pity me. I choose not to interact with people. It's less hassle in this way. " he told her, while continuing to write on his notes.

"Won't your family need you to interact with a lot of people because of your business? " she asked.

"Why would they need me? I'm not the heir. " he truthfully replied.

"Is that so, then you won't mind befriending me? "

He stops writing and looks at her.

"You're really upfront. " he said.

"Why not? "

"They say that upfront people tend to live on their wild side. You must be a wild lady. "

"Some say that, to be wild, you have to be skin-free, heart-free and soul-free. It's always letting your heart decide. If you understood it perfectly, you would know that I don't belong to that category as I don't have the requirements for that. " she smirked. "I may lose my life if I Iose control."

"Who says that being wild results to losing control? What I mean to say is that, you have a wild heart. Heart. Not mind. Being wild doesn't make you incapable of thinking clearly and logically. " he explained.

"Let's say that I did have a wild heart, how about you? What is your heart like? Do you have a wild heart too? "

she curiously questioned him. Both didn't know that they're already having a sensible conversation.

He gazes at her, then lifted his right hand to put it to where his heart is.

"I may have. "

She grinned. "Then we should be friends! Minds alike. Hearts alike. No one is as compatible as we are. "


"I've been looking for you."

Catherine lifted her eyes from the book she's reading when she heard a familiar voice.

"Alexander! Nice to see you again! " she smiled at the young man who she rejected a few days earlier. She didn't expect that he'll really want to be her friend after the confession.

"I looked for you in your class a while ago but you weren't there. Then somebody told me that you sometimes read in the kiosk, that's why I went here. " he explained. He sits adjacent to her and brought outside a box from his bag.

"This is for you. I recently started my internship to my family's company and I recently visited Alcelona Tradings because we made a joint project with your family's company. Your brother and I met, and we talked about some things and also about you. He asked me to give you this if we ever meet up. " he said as he gave her the box.

She curiously opened it, wondering what's inside. A mini-bouquet was in the box, a box of chocolates and a little note on the side was folded. She picked the letter and read what's written.

'My dearest sister, I thought of you while buying these things for you because I recently heard that some family's son was out there to get you. Don't accept anything that he gives and just request for your brother if you want one. P. S. you are too young for romance. '

Catherine's eye widened as she read the last note. Then she laughed at her brother's absurdity, which earned a curious look from Alexander.

"It's nothing. My brother just cares for me. " she shaked her head and brought out the chocolates and tiny bouquet from the box. She opened the sweets then gave some to Alexander to eat.

"Your brother is really sweet on you, I'm actually surprised. " he said while eating the chocolate that I've given.

"Because he is my brother, that's why. Other people can't easily have this privilege. " I said while also eating the chocolate. " By the way, I want to ask, what made you confess to me the other time? I'm not really the most sociable person around. Or even the prettiest. I heard from my friend that you are popular in our school, but I just can't imagine how you chose me even if there was a lot of girls to choose from. "

He swallowed first then slowly explained to her. "Honestly, I don't know. I just love your eyes. It's like they have something that I can't just explain. "

"My eyes? " she blinked. They are just black irises. There's really nothing special with them.

"I realized the day after I confessed to you, maybe I was just carried away with the moment. Afterall, nothing really interested me aside from your eyes. I mistook it as a sign of love. " he confessed.

"So you really don't like me? "

"I don't know. One things for sure, I like to be your friend. " he grinned, showing his two dimples.

"Good, 'cause my brother almost went ballistic when he thought that you had interest in me. He actually said in the letter to never accept anything from you. " she told him about the letter.

He was both shocked and amused. "So that's why he sent you all these things! You have such an overprotective brother. He is such a sis-con. " he said while laughing.

"Well, now that it's cleared. I think there would be no more misunderstandings between us. " she offered her hand for a high five. In which the other clapped.

"You bet. "


"Catherine Alcelona, you better tell me about that suitor of yours so that I can thoroughly investigate him! I would not let just anyone to court you! "

That's what her sister, Cecilia Alcelona, said as she confronted her when she reached her home that afternoon.

I eyed my brother, Calvin Alcelona , who was leisurely sitting in the sofa. " You told her?! "

"What of it? It's our business as we are your elder brother and sister. " the man did not even have any shame admitting it.

"Don't ignore me, Catherine. Even if the guy's rich and handsome, or came from a respectable family, you shouldn't just accept him! Does he know you are underage? Tell me! " her sister continuously ranted to her , clearly displeased about what's happening.

"Relax, I rejected him. And for your information, he is NOT my suitor anymore. The confession was just a misunderstanding. " Catherine clarified to them.

She thought that that would calm her sister but it was the opposite. " That young man dared to PLAY with you??!!! " she angrily said.

Her brother was also mad. He proceeded to think of making the man suffer.

"No! What's wrong with you guys? The man apologized and we became FRIENDS after that. And I know I'm too young to deal with romance. So, won't you please calm down? Please let the poor man go. " I explained to them, clarifying about Alexander and I's relationship. I specifically emphasized the word friends to them. They know better not to mess with my friends.

"It's good that you have a new friend, but I'm still not trusting the guy. " her brother said his final words.

" Me too. " her sister also agreed.

"Fine... could you be a dear and not tell Pa and Ma about it? I don't want them to also question me. Just say that I have made new friends. " I pleaded with them, and they both agreed to keep it a secret.

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