
Stuck Between the Two

Catherine gently sips on her juicebox while enjoying her peaceful moment in the tree park at the back of the school. Sometimes when she wants to unwind, she makes time to stay here and do nothing. It's a really good place to relax especially when the stress gets her.

She's now lying on a grassy patch and staring at the clear blue sky when suddenly, a figure blocks her sight.

"A penny for your thoughts? "

"Scram. " she irritatingly told him.

"I'm hurt. And here I was, thinking to block you from the harmful rays of the sun , but all I get is a grumpy response. " he faked a hurt expression.

"You're being a stalker, Alex. Did you ever think that I won't notice that you are always following me? Others would think that you definitely have a crush on me. " she mocked him and sat up to glare at him.

"Excuse me, but you are not the only one who has the right to stay here. I also choose this place when I want to relax. It's just a coincidence that you were also here when I decided to go here." he defended himself and reached a hand to pick up some grass in her hair.

She lightly slapped his hand and shakes of the dirt on her own. " Aren't you busy? I suppose 4th years have a lot of easier time than us because they always have the time to relax. " she sarcastically said then smirked.

He flicks her forehead. "The same to you. Now I wonder why I tried to like you in the first place, you always have that sharp-tongue of yours to turn a simple talk to a debate when we are speaking. If I saw this character of yours earlier on, I never would have rushingly confessed. "he said as he showed an expression of fake regret.

"Only idiots would confess immediately without knowing the person they like. " she rolled her eyes and stood up from her position. "I gotta go. I'm leaving this place for you, so enjoy your stay here, sir. "

"Just a little banter and you're tired already? " he joked.

"Well, a junior has to respect her senior right? " she replied, insinuating that if he isn't her senior, she would have continued the battle of words earlier.

"Ha.Ha. "

Catherine left him in his own and walked back to the school building. But while going there, she saw an interesting fellow.

"Carlisle!! " she called to him

Carlisle did not even gave her a glance and just continued walking. So she proceeded to follow him.

"Carlisle! " she called twice. But still no response from him. Not even a pause.

"Carlisle! " she ran and grabbed his hand to stop him from moving. "Finally, why are you so fast? " she panted.

"What?" he asked with a slight hint of irritation.

"Nothing? I just want to talk to you? Why are you mad? " she furrowed her eyebrows and thought about what she did to make him angry.

His slight irritation faded and was replaced by a serious expression. "I'm not. If you mind, I'm busy, so I have to go. " he said and grabbed his hand, walking away from her. But before he even took three steps, she immediately blocked his way.

"Didn't we decide to be friends? What changed your mind? " she looked at his eyes and seriously asked him. "If I did something, then I'm sorry. "

He sighed. "Well, because it seems that you have found another one, you don't need another guy friend to entertain you. And whatever is it that I said the last time that we met, that was nothing. " he coldly said. "I don't make friends with anyone. " he stated then walked away. Leaving her as she processed his words.

"What is really going on...? " she murmured, left on her thoughts.


"How about we go out this Sunday? " Alex suggested, while munching his fries. They were at a diner near school and the midterm examinations just finally ended. Catherine doesn't know why this senior of hers wants to join her everytime.

"If I have plans this Sunday, it surely would not be with YOU. " she stated and looked at her friend, Elena, who is currently starstrucked from seeing her male crush, Alex. "Elena and I already made our own plans. "

"Then let me join. " he said, then turned to Elena. "Nice to meet you, by the way. You are Catherine's friend right? I'm Alexander Villamore, 4th year. " he introduced then offered his hand.

"I-I know... I mean, who doesn't? You are a like a celebrity in campus! " she said. "Compared to my family, you and Erin's family are so much out of my league. Well Erin should be popular too, but is not, because of her poor social relations. " she eyed Catherine who is busy taking a bite on her burger. "If I have known that you are coming with us, I shouldn't have brought Erin here. I'm really sorry." she bowed her head.

"No it's okay. I'm really loving their food. " Alex said, smiling at the girl.

"And what's wrong with here? It's cheaper and more easier to access than other restaurants. The food is delicious also." Catherine furrowed her eyebrows. Her family never goes in this kind of diners, only her. And when she met Elena, she was excited because she finally found someone who she can relate to when it comes to food.

"Well... great people have great tastes right? " Elena said.

"So you're saying that I'm not great?" Catherine raises her eyebrow at Elena.

"Yes. You're not." Elena told her in a deadpanned expression.

Alex laughed while Catherine just pouts to her friend's ruthless joke.

"You know what? I never expected Catherine to be this--- I don't know, fun and interesting? I thought she was all serious, like the calm and composed lady that she is. " Alex told the two about his observations.

"I don't know about Erin, but she wasn't like this before. I also observed from the past month that she was changing. She became more spirited and carefree about her opinions." Elena added, agreeing to what Alex said.

"It's not like I became different or something. I just feel more relaxed with my current life, I think." Catherine confessed to them.

"What could have caused it? Hmmmmm.... " Alex pondered, then he thought of an idea. "Maybe it's because of me? " he grinned, showing his cute dimples.

Elena immediately swooned at the sight of it. Ignoring her, Catherine raises her eyebrow at Alex. "How bold of you to say that. I was also sure it was you." she said, sarcasm drips on her words.

"Then you say I'm not the reason? If I remember, we have met only last month." he pushed the idea more.

"Dream on, Villamore." she rolled her eyes. She wouldn't admit that what he guessed was true. A part of it.

She knows she's slowly changing her perspectives. Her previous self's focus was only her self and her goals. But the current her right now is different because she's slowly opening her self to others.

There may be two or three reasons behind it. She just hopes that it will be good for her.