
A Rewind, Here We Go

Summer of 20XX, 6 years ago.

Catherine has always been calm and collected to every situation she faces, except for things like this.

"Will you be my girlfriend? "

A young man shyly gives her a bouquet of flowers, all while staring at her with a lovestrucked expression.

She stops, stares at the flowers, then stares at the young man.

"I'm sorry, but who are you? " she kindly asks.

He got surprised that she didn't know him but still answered. "I'm 4th year student, Alexander Villamore. I'm from the civil engineering course. "

'A senior just confessed to me?! ' Catherine thought and her eyes widened.

"I don't know if you remember, but we met for a short while at the school's acquaintance party." he explained.

'I really don't remember..' she said in her mind. She only went to the party for like 30 minutes then went home to finish her assignments. She doesn't even remember seeing this guy.

Seeing her expression, the guy instantly thought that she probably doesn't remember about meeting him. Well, it's not like they met, they just bumped into each other on the way to the restroom. While the girl instantly apologized to her, he just stared, mesmerized by her clear and beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry again, but I can't accept your confession. " the girl apologizes and tilts her head low. "But thank you... "

The young man got flustered at the sight of the girl bowing her head. "N-No! It's okay. I was the one at fault for rushing this." he said. "But if you may allow, can we be friends first? " he hopefully asked.

Catherine thought for a moment then raised her hand. "I'm Catherine Alcelona, a third year student in the business administration department."

The guys accepts her handshake. "I'm Alexander Villamore. Let's be friends. " and he smiled at her.

The girl laughed. Thinking that this would be the birth of an interesting friendship.

But little did she know, there is more to this friendship that meets the eye. Some good news and some bad news.


"Oh my gosh, Alexander Villamore confessed to you?! That is such a news! " Elena Santiago, her classmate and friend, shockingly said to her.

"Yeah, but I turned him down, because I don't really know him. We are friends now. " Catherine casually told her.

Elena's eyes bulged from surprise. "You what?! How can you not know Alexander?! He is one of the most popular guy in school. His family owns the Villamore shipping industries and one to compete as an heir. Aside from that, he is super hot and smart." she said while drooling at the last part.

"I focused too much on my studies that I didn't bother with my social relations. You can list all his qualities but it doesn't change the fact that I still don't know him. And besides, I don't have time for love right now as I'm still busy studying. " Catherine explained to her. She's just seventeen. She's not rushing to find a man.

"But Erin, you don't really need to study that much. You always get the top score or perfect score on all our exams. You are a genius already. " Elena told her. Her friend is always the achiever. She doesn't stop until she gives her best shot to everything. And that is one of her amazing traits.

"Look, my father built his own business empire, the Alcelona Trading and Business Enterprise, when he was just 23 years old. My mother is a sucessful best-selling book author. My sister is a famous scriptwriter and director in the acting industry. And my brother is a topnotch graduate who follows the steps of my father and is slowly paving his way to the top of father's company. He even secured 3 of the greatest projects this year. Now tell me, how am I supposed to not feel pressured? " Catherine thoroughly and expressively made her point.

"Girl, you are also exceptional. You are just starting, that's why. At fourteen, you are the first and youngest student in the university having the perfect score on the entrance examination. You will be graduating in a year and a half and I'm betting everything that you will receive the highest academic honor after that. That's not what a 17 turning 18 year old can do. " Elena comforted her.

"Silly. I'm not the only one who got the perfect score on the entrance exam. There was two of us but I got the center of attention because I was younger than him for a year. " Catherine said.

Elena knocked her head with her fist. "That's right. How could I forget about Alaric Carlisle? For a sensuous name like that, the owner is very different from what he is called. " she sarcastically said.

"What's wrong with him? He seems pleasant and neat to me. " Catherine asks.

"He's a nerd. And really quiet. Nothing exudes sexy from him. " Elena answered.

"Wearing glasses doesn't make you a nerd. I also wear them remember? " Catherine points to her own eyeglasses.

"You only use them when reading. For your information, the guy's social relations is worse than you. I heard he totally has no friends. " Elena whispered the last part.

"Stop insulting the guy. For now, he is my rival in getting the first place in this years standing. It's like the guy is on steroids. " Catherine begrudgingly said to her.

"Do your best. I'll support you." Elena smiled and suddenly hugged her.

"Wow, you can be so clingy. " she said while jokingly rolling her eyes.


Catherine scans the bookshelves to search for a particular book. She needed to find a reference for her assignment in one of her subjects but she couldn't find the said book in the bookstores. So she searches in the public library.

"Where is it, nope, not here---wait! Not the book, okay. Aha! There it is. " she tries to reach for the book but her height isn't helping in her situation. As she was about to jump, a hand suddenly grabbed the book that she wanted.

She smiled. "Thank you! " as she raises her hand to take the book from the person.

As if the guy didn't hear her, he walked away.

"W-Wait!! That's my book! " Catherine immediately hurries to him and grabbed his hand to prevent him from leaving.

"That book is mine, you----" she stops when she finally recognized who she was talking to. "Carlisle...? " she dumbly asked.

The guy just stared at her and pull his hand away from her.

"Alcelona. " his deep voice called her.

Suddenly she did not know what to say. If there was one person aside from her friends who she knows, then it would be Alaric Carlisle. His surname already gives away his social status. The Carlisle family has been an old generation of riches and glory. Carlisle's petroleum corporation has been the largest traded oil and gas industry in the world and they also have been the world's largest automotive maker. They have also other businesses that are worth mentioning.

Although he is not the heir, he is still one of the sons of his father and billionaire Joseph Carlisle. Albeit, illegitimate.

She did not notice that she was staring until Carlisle called her name again.

"Y-Yeah, sorry. Uhmmm... I really need that book right now, is it possible that you lend it to me first?" she meekly explained.

He stared again but this time more intensely. "I also need it. " he said.

Then Catherine suddenly remembered, that him and her are classmates and have the same assignment given to them.

"Oh, that's alright. You can read it first then I'll just read it after you finish. " she told him and turned around searching for another book.

But before she can, a voice suddenly stops her.

"Would you like to do the assignment together? "

Slowly, she turns her head and looks into his eyes. Beneath the thick-rimmed glasses, the eyes as dark as an obsidian looks at her. She doesn't know if she's imagining it, but she sees a slight gentleness from it. And from the back of her mind, she thought.

'The all-poweful ruler that protected the tower' - the meaning of his name suits him after all.

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