
ch.2 the feral luna

While I was hunting I smelt the wolves again. I howled to the pack and told them to check if my siblings are safe. I got a howl back a minute later saying Rosette was missing. I picked up her scent and followed it to her. And saw a bunch of wolves surrounding her. I lunged at one catching him off guard then grabbed Rosette and ran to the pack. But before I ran the wolf I lunged at stuck a needle into me making me drowsy. I decreased my pace slowly until I got to the pack almost walking. I went to our cave and laid down with me curling around all six pups. I fell asleep a little later and felt someone moving me I was conscious but couldn't move. I tried to growl but it was very quiet. "You, hear that? Was that our luna?" One wolf asked. I growled again and they started getting scared "What if luna wakes up before she is in the cage." Another wolf asked.  They started picking up pace and before I knew it I woke up to bars all around me. Thankfully, I wasn't the only one in the cage they also had my siblings so I can protect them better. I stood up trying to find a weak spot but couldn't find any I felt the bars and felt they weren't harmful so this would be too easy. I broke the bars with one bite and growled lowly saying stay behind me and started walking out slowly I saw it was one of those human things ve-ic-cles (vehicles) I tried pawing at the back and eventually found something that opened it I saw it wasn't moving to fast but it was moving fast enough my siblings could get hurt. I know it is weird but I had taught my siblings to stay on my back so if we had to escape we could so they got in formation and I jumped off. I landed on the rode (road) and started trying to smell the pack but it seemed we were in a different pack border the next day we found our pack again. We started to look for a different cave because we can't let them find us too easily and the pack and I agreed we would be further into the woods but still a part of the pack. I told my siblings to stay put and I went out to hunt. I found one moose for us. I brought it back home but the wolves just won't leave us alone I saw one questioning Rosette about where I was. I growl lowly and menacingly I crouch down ready to attack and stalk them like deer in a ve-ic-cle(vehicle) light they turn around and slowly approach me. Suddenly Splat whimpers I look at him and see a thorn in his paw. I run over to him quickly and pull the thorn out he yelps as I clean the injury. Suddenly I remember the wolves here who are all watching me with interest except one wolf who was growling menacingly I stood up head and tail with high ears forward I growl back and look as shock crosses his features. I look at the other pups to see they were all in separate cages. All there was left was me and Splat. "Let them go." I growl using me I guess ALPHA TONE. They let them out strangely enough I call the pups over and protectively stood in front of them. I growl once more before having the pups walk out of the cave with me watching the strange wolves. The wolf growled at my siblings again so I growled at him. Before I and the pups trotted to a new cave. I decided to teach them self-defense and we were hidden for two months which oddly hurt me. I walked out to go hunting with the pups and they followed behind youngest to oldest we found a moose and howled together as we killed it. Suddenly the strange wolf came back with sixty or so wolves with weird things that block out their hearing. I growl at them to back up but they didn't

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By the way, this book will be published every week by Sunday or earlier unless something happens