
Chapter 3 - Right

You ever get those incidents that happen to you and the first thing your mind can think of is 'RUN', well this so happens to be one of them for me. I have been to at least four schools in the last year and as shocking as it may sound to you, I didn't change schools cos I was so rebellious or something, nope I had to change schools so people wouldn't find out my dirty little secret.

My mind flipped back to the last thing I heard in class before running, "Oh my goodness are you the daughter of the Maya D. Carter?", I'm pretty sure that at some point in my life I was proud of the fact that my mom was a celebrity, a really popular one at that but over the past few months I've had time to rethink that certain feeling and trust me I haven't been liking that fact as of late.

My mom Maya D. Carter was a well-known artist, actress, designer, song writer, and she even had her own record label. She was just in her late thirties but trust me when I say her looks could rival that of a twenty year olds. She was a tall woman standing at exactly six feet with beautiful long black hair and blue eyes, tanned skin that glowed radiantly like a new born and she had those well-structured kinda face you'd think it was surgery. She was slim with a sexy shape, 'yikes I just described my mom as sexy…. Shit Asha you need help', well I take the sexy back. But I gotta admit, growing up, I was a little jealous of my mom cos she had everything just right, from hair to nails nothing was imperfect but the more I grew the more I realized it was a good thing, cos that meant I could be like her when I finally peaked ."Like that saying, I want to be like you when I grow up".

"Asha Asha wait up…..", I heard someone screaming so I turned around to locate the person, and now I'm thinking to myself okay this is weird, when did I make a friend and why is she breathing as if she ran a marathon, but just before I could say anything she reached for me and placed her hands on my shoulders as if to use me as a support and I'm not a touchy kinda person so you gotta understand my reasons for doing the next thing I did.

"Um do I know you", I said while pushing her hands off my shoulders a little too rough I think, but who cares. She's a stranger or should I say we're both strangers, no need getting into my personal space right?

"Oh I'm sorry", she said apologetically when I pushed her hands off. "Uh Mr Mathews asked me to bring you back to the class", she said with a little too much enthusiasm but I just ignore it. "Uh he just gave me detention, so why does he want me back in his class now", I said mimicking her. "Well I don't know", and with that said she turned around and started walking back to class. She is so nice my mind says sarcastically and since I'm not really looking forward to detention I decide it won't be so bad to go back to class and face all the weird people who I guess are gonna be tryna make friends with me now.

Few steps later and I'm back in class, only this time my teacher is apologizing for the way he treated me which doesn't surprise me one bit, cos I mean this isn't the first time a teacher apologizes to me after finding out about my mom, I guess you could say she makes some parts of my life easy.

"Find an empty seat and well enjoy the class, like I said before I didn't realize you were the one Mrs Hayden informed me about", Mr Mathews really sucks at apologies but who cares I skipped detention, thanks mom.

I scanned the entire class hoping to find an empty seat beside someone sane or someone who looked sane at least, can't be having classes with insane peeps right? But just as I located an empty seat, I also located the grey eyes from earlier only this time I can make out a face with it and it is heavenly if I may be honest and I'm just standing there staring at the face for God knows how long until Mr Mathews says from behind me "you need to sit down young woman, my class is still on", and since that didn't get me moving fast enough he added "NOW". And with that I walked slowly but deliberately to the seat all the while with my eyes locked on those eyes.

The closer I got to him the crazier my heart got, I felt my whole body grow warm just from looking at him and I'm pretty sure I was sweating profusely. My stomach kept getting butterfly flutters and my whole being was on fire, I thought I was losing it. I finally sat down and trust me when I say being near those eyes was finally my undoing.

I placed my bag on the floor beside the table all the while struggling to focus on every other thing except those eyes and I managed to get my books out of my bag and place it on the table, while Mr Mathews was going on about some formula or whatever.

I stared at him from the corner of my eyes and I have to say he was the most beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes on and that my friend is not an exaggeration. He had perfect wavy brown hair that fell into his eyes and those eyes, my goodness. He had clear eyes that looked like transparent sea, framed with the darkest and longest lashes I had ever seen on a guy. His face was like that of a god, sculpted to perfection and he had sexy well rounded pink lips that looked too pink for a guy and has me thinking 'how the hell did he get such pink lips, I'm a girl and my lips are not that pink, that is just unfair'.

As if he knew I was studying him, he just turned his head until he was facing me and then shook his head and with his eyes directed me to the front of the class, I hate to say this but I was so carried away studying him I didn't even notice that class was over and we were the last ones in class with a few students packing their books for the next class, so much for staring from the corner of my eyes.

I was so embarrassed at being caught, that all I did was grab my bag and dash out of that class so fast I left my book on the table and I didn't even figure that out until I was seated in the next class searching for my pen before it dawned on me that I left it in the notebook I left behind in my calculus class.

Wow, so far so good my first day was going great, yup sarcasm. Getting to my next class wasn't so difficult and I didn't need any intros this time so I guess I can keep my identity a secret for one more class right? The English teacher was a woman which I gotta say I was so happy about. Mrs Stafford was a slim and tall woman who looked to be in her late twenties and she had that heart-warming kinda smile plastered on her face that could make you fall in love with her easily. She was talking about books that we'll be needing for the semester in her class when I felt someone's hand on my back. I turned around and I'm staring back at Justin who's giving me a note with a smirk planted on his face and the devils in my head are thinking "now what is this one up to", but not to be rude I accept the note with a fake smile.

You'd think by now I'd be happy that I knew at least one person but no Asha don't roll like that. She likes to go through school unattached so her secret can be well hidden and maybe, just maybe she can finish a whole year in one place without having to change schools yet again.

I open up the note and read,

"So I was right about you looking familiar. Mama's the big star, you know we should really be friends, we can get along just fine and since I know you're gonna say yes to that, we can sit together at lunch…."


Of course I had to jinx myself by thinking no one else would know about my little intro in calculus but this dude has some nerve seriously, thinking we'd get along just fine, I don't even get it. I just turned back to him and shrugged before turning back and paying attention to the lecture. Somewhere in the back of my mind I'm hoping this day gets better by lunch at least.

The bell rings signalling the end of this class and I grab all my things time before heading out of class only to be stopped by a hand placed on my shoulders.

'Okay this had better not be the way this school works cos touchy ain't me', with that I turn around to give the idiot touching me a piece of my mind only to see Justin smiling back at me in all his egotistic glory.

Wow this dude really doesn't know the limit. "I'll escort you to your next class and then I'll find you for lunch", Justin said still smiling from ear to ear.

"Okay timeout dude, I don't like being touched, so get that hand off me and then again as much as you might think I like the attention you're dishing, I hate to break it to you, I don't. Then you should forget lunch, not happening and I can find my way, so next class walking also not happening. Now if you please, I'd like to get on with my business".

He just stared at me as if he had never been told off before but I don't care it's my biz and he don't got no right stepping all over it like that.

I walked away leaving him still shocked staring after me, I gotta admit I wasn't confused when I bumped in to him earlier, he is cute, with blonde hair, brown eyes, height that looked to be more than six feet and he had a great body that was muscular and lean, and he looked to me like a sporty person so I guess that can explain where he got his over inflated ego, but all in all he looked to me like the player kind and he had everything needed to be exactly that, so forgive me if I'm not dancing around him.

My next class went on smoothly or as smoothly as history can get. I'm not an average student, I am a straight A's student but history has never been my thing. It just bores me to no end, so I'm very pleased when the bell rings signalling the time for lunch. I packed my things, went straight to my locker to dump my books and looked through my schedule to check what I had after lunch and I gotta say it looked promising with chemistry, gym and a free period, who can hate that.

Finally arranged, I left for the cafeteria noticing that now I had more eyes on me than I did when I first stepped into the school today, but who cares.

On entering the cafeteria I suddenly regretted not taking Justin's offer to sit together at lunch cos the whole place was confusing with tables arranged in different orders looking like a hierarchy of sorts and I was becoming very uncomfortable with the number of eyes staring at me now. Didn't think that could happen right, well it is now, Argh… I really hate me sometimes.

I went to the line and grabbed a few things for myself, a vegetable sandwich, apples and orange juice cos I gotta stay healthy. "Now to find a table", I mutter to myself.

"I think I can help you with that", someone whispered behind me. I jumped at the nearness and turned only to be facing Justin yet again. You'd think he would hate me by now but nope he's smirking at me as if he figured out what I was thinking a few minutes ago and this time I just smile back. Why? Cos I really needed that lunch offer right now.

"You do realize I could have hit you for whispering so close to my ear right", I'm not about to let him see how desperate I was or was I? "Oh trust me I do know. But then again your voice sounded like you were in desperate need of my earlier offer and since I'm so nice, I decided why not. It is your first day and I just love being right", yikes he figured it out. Wish I could wipe off the smug look on his face right now.

"Since you're so sure I'm desperate, how about we get this lunch over and done with", I'm not feeling so comfortable just standing here anymore cos people and I mean a lot of people were staring and it was really starting to make me very uncomfortable.

He just shrugged and started walking towards a table in the very secluded area of the café, and from the look of things that table might be for the bigger and exclusive students cos every normal or should I say average student avoided that table like the plague. 'Just when I was starting to think hierarchies only existed in some places, yikes'.

A few feet away from the table Justin was headed and I stopped, I could not seem to find the words to inform my body to move.

I was looking at those grey eyes again, pause did I say looking, nope I was staring, almost sure my eyes would fall out of their sockets soon due to the way I was expanding it by the second. I literally couldn't breathe, my heart was beating way too fast for its own good. I was cold and hot all over at the same time and suddenly it felt as if we were the only ones in the café. Just the two of us staring at each other.

I'm sure somewhere along the line my heart stopped and my nose stopped functioning. It felt like hours passed but it was only seconds and then he broke the spell and turned his head to face someone else. Some whiny cute little bitch that just joined the others already seated at the table just wrapped her arms around him from behind and he smiled at her and where I was, I died.

His smile was flawless with crinkles by the edges of his eyes, and he had sweet dimples, my goodness. Asha get a grip, sweet Jesus. Wait this shouldn't be bothering you Asha, yes it totally shouldn't.

Sure that I had my mind rerouted, I took a deep breath and smiled as I walked to Justin who was already seated at the table waiting for me.

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