
Chapter 17 - Testing the Water

That joy of having Xander all to myself stayed with me all through the course of the night and I woke up feeling the same way.

I turned in my bed to try and get up to begin my day only to find myself restrained within corded arms that belong to no other than Xander. Slowly, I opened my eyes to look at him and found him staring at me with a smile gracing his lips.

"What, ho…" I stuttered ineffectively. "Shh", he replied and gave me a quick kiss. That couldn't shut me up though and finally, the gears in my brain got to work. "How did we end up in my room?" I asked befuddled.

"Look again", was his response. I obeyed and surveyed the room with a sharp intake of breath. We were in his room, not mine. The lack of blue walls, the picture of my mom on the nightstand, and other belongings of mine were the glaring pointers.

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