
CH.7 - The Suspicious Swordsman

He couldn't stay this way more longer or it will be a certain defeat...

Enkai was getting more and more pushed in his last entrenchment by Kouki and one moment of loss of concentration would lead to a hit. He used the maximum speed he could to get away and make space between them. Everyone could see the both of them sweating heavily, Enkai from the non-stop dodging and Kouki from his relentless attack.

'If I had a katana right now it wouldn't be that hard....' Was what Enkai was thinking the moment he got away but he immediately pushed this thought away, he didn't want to hind behind excuses.

So Enkai, not wanting to lose against anyone focused his every cell at the next attack. This time, Kouki was waiting for an opening and Enkai was clearly obvious at his intent not only him but any sword practitioner could easily see Kouki intent. So he purposely created a gap to bait him. Of course, Kouki easily fell in the trap wanting to finally end this fight.

On the side Meld who was watching with the students left a heavy sigh, a little disappointed at Kouki quick decision. Students were confused at how decided to ask him why.

"Well, the fight is over with this." Meld replied simple.

"So Kouki won Meld-san ?" One of the student asked.

"No, no, Myojo-kun is the winner, does anyone have an idea why ?" Meld replied and asked the students, which were shaking their head in a shocked state since the "Hero" will lose according to Meld statement.

"Because Myojo-kun baited him in attacking, Kouki was so focused in how to attack and finish that he didn't think that his opponent could also bait him, Myojo-kun won the mind battle before it even began, now that he can predict Kouki the burden will be less and he could think of a more efficient counter attack." A voice was easily eared in the middle of the silence.

"Yes, you are right Shizuku-san, Kouki was easily baited, and this will lead to hi defeat, well it's good either way it will serve as a lesson for him. Aside from that did anyone of you knew that Myojo-kun was this skilled ?" Meld replied to the voice which was Shizuku's before asking another question.

"He is really good at kendo, like he is a real monster, he never lost from the rumor I heard, but I thought that this will end like Kouki's fight against Shizuku" Replied one of the student, Yuka Sonobe to Meld.

Back in the arena where the fight was ongoing, Enkai seeing the bait taken, quickly respond and parried Kouki's attack redirecting it at the right side, before going left giving a kick at Kouki's left leg, destabilizing him and took Kouki's right arm throwing him over his own body successfully and brought his knee on Kouki's wrist and his sword at his neck.

"I will take this win" Enkai stated with a smirk before retreating the sword and standing up, leaving the arena behind a shocked Kouki and classmates.

"Alright the fight is over ! The winner is Myojo-kun !" Meld then stated after a few second of silence.

"Wa-wa-wait, it's not allowed to use move like that, he cheated !" Kouki said, recovering from his dazed state.

"Did I say something about something being not allowed" Meld retorted

"Don't be a bad loser, it's only a small fight you can always improve yourself to beat him, train harder ! Alright those who wants to train you can use the Arena but I advise to get some good rest !" Meld then said not letting Kouki a chance to retort and dismissed everyone. Everyone then left, with only Kouki's friend waiting for him.


Meanwhile in a room at the Imperial Castle two people were talking. They were Ishtar and a nun.

"So, how is the Hero ?" Asked the nun to Ishtar. We could clearly see that the nun had superior position.

"He is strong, with time he can be a good vessel for Ehit-sama" replied Ishtar to the nun.

"Good, but I heard he lost against one of his classmate ?" The nun asked with curiosity but seriousness.

After hearing that, Ishtar face changed color for a while before regaining his bearing and replied "Yes, but from Commander Meld report it was only because of the Hero impatient decision and the skill gap, the student was more skill than the Hero even in their world"

"Alright, but I will keep an eye on this student, we can't afford an "Irregularity" in Ehit-sama's game" The nun replied before leaving the room, Ishtar shortly followed after.

As for our "Irregular" he was sleeping deeply, after his fight he was mentally tired and after a few congratulation words from Hajime who was learning jumped on his bed. He only woke up when Hajime told him that it was time to eat dinner. He was on his was to the large dining room but he felt a gaze on his back but saw only a shadow disappearing when he stopped and turned around. Hajime confused about why his friend stopped.

"Are you feeling unwell ? Hmm ? Is there something there" Hajime asked after seeing his friend gaze at an alley.

"No, it's nothing maybe I'am just seeing things because I'am tired, let's go" Enkai replied but he was still focused on the shadow.

'What was that...?' Thought on his way to eat.

They were one of the first to reach the room aside from the main member of the "Hero's Party". When he took a seat he felt a gaze on his back and saw Kouki coming to him.

"Myojo-kun can I ask you a question, I hope you can answer me truthfully" Kouki asked with his trademark smile.

"What can this lowly swordsman could possibly help the mighty hero with ?" Enkai replied with sarcasm and emphasizing the word "Mighty", causing Hajime to laugh a little.

Hearing Enkai sarcasm, Kouki felt anger but kept calm and asked "Can you tell me when did you learned the Yaegashi Style ? And who taught you ?"

Hearing this Enkai's eyes turned serious and replied "Not one damn bit of your business Amanogawa, leave me, I will not tell you, if you want an answer you always have a friend which could respond to you."

"I know that I could ask Shiz-"

"You know right ? So why are you still here ? Look I want to eat quickly and go back to sleep since I'am tired, and everyone is here now so...Bonne Appetite !" Enkai cut of Kouki before he could finish and replied with a wide smile on his face, all previous seriousness disappearing like an illusion collapsing. The dinner then went without issue except student which sometime glanced at Enkai.

And like that two weeks passed and today was the day the class was going to the dungeon for the first time...

2/3 For this week !

Enjoy !

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