
The White Swordsman Life

Enkai Myojo was five years old when his family got caught up in a car accident where his father died leaving a family of 3 behind. Years later, in the middle of a class, he got sent to another world with his classmates. Board with us to follow the adventures of the White Swordsman across the worlds. ————————————————————— Release : 4 ch/week. (This release rate will begin after the first 5 chapter) except if I'am in the mood for more. 1st World : Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou [English is not my first language, I am writing to improve myself] Cover is not mine I found it at : https://www.pinterest.ru/pin/646125877767060487/

Ooen · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

CH.37 - Empire.

Let's go back a little bit, as Enkai got out of Orcus Labyrinth, the « Heroes » and the Kingdom met with a delegation from the Empire, to test Kouki, the « Hero ».

the party of heroes had temporarily aborted their dungeon clearing and returned to the Kingdom of Hairihi.

The clearing speed had fallen due to a lack of the comprehensive intelligence they had on the floors up till now, and also due to the strength and trickiness of the monsters. As such, intense member fatigue had resulted – the conclusion was to take a break and rest.

But though the rest town of Horuado would have been good for recuperation, someone was sent to meet them: they had to return to the palace. An envoy of the Hoelscher Empire had come wanting to meet with the heroes.

Why was an empire meeting with them so late?

By nature, almost no time had passed between the arrival of the God Ehit's oracle and the summoning of Kouki and company. For this reason, the empire –which was an ally, and did not itself conduct the hero summoning– would not be able to meet the heroes right after they were summoned.

However, it had been thought that the empire had not moved even after knowing of the heroes' summoning. This was because the empire had been founded 300 years ago by famous mercenaries, becoming a 'holy land' for adventures and sell-swords with its meritocratic system.

For them, talk of a group of heroes suddenly appearing and leading humanity was unconvincing. The Church was also in Hoelscher, and as such it was not an exception to having believers, but they were less devout than those in Hairihi. Most of its people were either mercenaries or were involved in the business, and as such there were more who valued profits over faith. If anything, this was just a story; it would hardly make earnest believers out of them.

Based on that, it was possible that they had made light of meeting up with Kouki and the rest just after their summoning. Of course, they were not against openly showing an obeisant attitude towards God in front of the church. While Haihiri would have been happy to patronize such a meeting, the empire –particularly His Imperial Majesty– had not been interested, and as such had not been involved.

However, the fact that this raid on the [Orcus Dungeon] had succeeded in breaking through the 65th floor, beating out the previous record, piqued the interest of the empire. So they sent word that they would like to meet, and both the church and Hairihi were quick to agree.

As for Hajime, he didn't join the Heroes in the raid, first of all, he didn't trust even a bit his classmate, well former classmates, of course aside from Kaori and Shizuku he did have some trust in his former teacher. But he treated everyone else coldly.

As for the traitor, his days weren't for the best, after the curse he could only sleep three hours a day, the bare minimum for someone with his strength, but whenever he slept, nightmares would visit him every night. So he didn't have time for Hajime.

Of course Hajime build equipement for Kaori and Shizuku, the former gladly accepting while the latter didn't want.

With this they were relatively safe, even with Hajime being passive.

After this news was meticulously relayed to Kouki and company on the carriage, they arrived at the palace.

The carriage entered the palace, and upon their descent from it they saw a figure of a boy coming towards them. He was around ten, with blonde hair and blue eyes. The atmosphere around him was similar to Kouki's, but with much more mischief in it. This was Randell S. B. Hairihi, Prince of the Kingdom. His air could be likened to that of a dog with flapping ears and wagging tail as he rushed up to them calling in a loud voice:

"Kaori! You made it back! I've been waiting!"

Of course, Kaori was not the only one there, for the returning expedition was present in full force. To them, it was easy to imagine what Randell's feelings were just by looking at his attitude – apart from Kaori he saw no one else.

In fact, Prince Randell had been making aggressive approaches towards Kaori since the day after they had been summoned. That said, he was only ten. In her view, he could only be recognized as an emotionally attached child, and there was no sign of her feelings ripening beyond that. For a person as innately kind as her, he would be like a cute younger brother.

Hajime didn't bother with him, he was a ten year old kid, even if said kid always showed animosity toward as he was Kaori's lover. The kid still didn't gave up on her, trying to use his status as a prince to try keeping them away from each other. But what could he do when the servant he ordered them to scheme were afraid ?

Hajime even gained the nickname "Demon King", and this without even showing his real eyes and hair color.

As Randell was going to talk with Kaori, the latter troubled as she saw why he made such move, and even a bit annoyed, a voice saved them from torture.

"Randell. Behave yourself. Can't you see Kaori is troubled?"

She was Randell older sister, Liliana S. B. Heiligh.

Liliana is a beautiful girl with long flowing blonde hair and blue eyes (green in anime). She possess a dazzling figure which is enhanced by her usual friendly smile. Her beauty is accentuated by the refined air of royalty that she is enveloped in, something that few other people could hope to match.

She quickly rebuked her little brother, who pouted and went away. Liliana started to talk with Kaori and other girls. Informing of what was going to happen.

A little bit later, someone else entered the room. Nagumo Hajime, the most hated man by every single men in the palace.

"Kaori, you came back, are you alright?", Hajime asked, ignoring the glare he got and went to kiss her.

The girl didn't shy away and responded eagerly.

But they didn't have time to get in the mood as someone cut them.

"Please have some decency, people are watching..." Shizuku said, after Hajime came back and after Kaori and Hajime got together she was living hell. She changed room with Hajime, she slept on Enkai previous bed while Hajime and Kaori moved in the same room.

The rooms were next to each other...and the wall not soundproof. To make it short she learned a lot of things about Kaori, even teasing her about being a closet pervert.

"Someone is jealous?" Kaori replied, in a teasing tone.

"...anyway, Liliana said that the preparations for the meal and baths have already been completed, The imperial envoys will take a few more days to arrive, so you needn't worry about that." Shizuku replied, ignoring Kaori.

"Let's go Hajime, someone is grumpy about being single" Kaori said and took Hajime's hand leading him, everyone knew what was going to happen and couldn't help but be jealous and glare at Hajime even harder.

Some of the resigned boys gave up on Kaori, turning their hope toward the Onee-sama of the class, Shizuku. But they didn't know that her hearth was alreasy taken...a long time ago.

Seeing them leaving Shizuku sighed, no one knew what she was thinking.

3 days later, the imperial envoys finally arrived.

Currently, Kouki, the dungeon clearing members, leaders of the kingdom, and a delegation of priests led by Ishtar were out in full force to receive the five envoys, who were standing in the middle of the red carpet opposite King Erihid

Hajime and Kaori were not present, the former said he didn't want, while the later was "sick", the palace could only give up on these two.

"It was good of you to come, sir envoys. Do well, therefore, to make certain of our heroes' surpassing valour."

"Your majesty, you have our thanks indeed for accepting this sudden request for an audience. That said…may we know the identity of the Hero?"

"Mm. We will introduce him first. Sir Kouki, would you step forward?"


The unveiling of Kouki and the others followed immediately after the formal salutations between the king and the messengers, with the King calling him to appear before them. Despite the fact that not even two months had passed, his look was utterly fearless, quite unlike when first summoned.

While they were not here, if the palace maids, noble ladies and Kouki's fans in the stay-behind group saw him now they would without a doubt start going red in the face and releasing heated sighs of fascination. Those who had made advances on Kouki already numbered in the double digits…but due to his extreme denseness, their approaches were just those of "warm and friendly people" to him. A naturally dense hero was walking the earth.

After this the heroes were introduced, starting from Kouki.

"Oh, so you are the heroes. Quite young, I must say. Pardon my rudeness, but did you truly break through the 65th floor? If memory serves, a monster known as the Behemoth appears there…"

While scrutinizing Kouki, the messenger also took in Ishtar's open manner, and cast a suspicious gaze upon him. One of the envoy's bodyguards also looked the Hero up and down in an appraising manner.

Being discomfited by their gazes, Kouki answered them.

"Well, may I speak? As to whether we defeated it…ah, would you like to look at a map of the 66th floor?"

"...Let's not beat around the bush, would you have a mock battle with one of my guards? That way, I would be able to see your strength immediately, Sir Hero."

Long story short, the duel was accepted by Kouki, and the "guard" mocked Kouki, for his weak strength, this made Kouki remember a white haired boy, his "rival" he hated this person, he was the "Hero" while he was just an Otaku, and Shizuku....Shizuku...

Kouki was lost in his thoughts and in a rage and began fighting will the intent to kill confusing the guard for Enkai. Ishtar stopped the duel before it would get bloody, he knew that Kouki wasn't strong enough to face the guard, who was Gahard D. Hoelscher, present Emperor of the Hoelscher Empire, in disguise.

While Kouki was stronger, he was recently an high-school student. Gahard ciu--ould easily win.

With that, the mock battle ended, and at the dinner that was arranged the empire gave their official words of recognition to the hero. For the time being, it seemed like the objectives of their visit had been met.

But in truth, he just thought of Kouki as a coward and nothing more.

The night of day of the duel, Emperor Gahard was visiting the Palace when he came across a beautiful woman with waist-length black hair that is tied up in a ponytail with bangs hanging over her forehead and red eyes.

She was training with a weird sword, one which he never saw, he thought that it came from the other world, and was surprised by her swordsmanship. But above else, by his beauty and couldn't help but fall in love with her, wanting this woman for himself.

He approached and started talking, Shizuku of course noticed him but ignored his presence, considering him nothing more than a fly.

"it's a beautiful night right? The stars are beautiful...just like you."

"Thank you" Shizuku replied curtly, not even sending even a glance.

"Aren't you cold toward me? It make me sad you know? I want to get to you know you."

"What are you, a pedophile? Please don't get near me.."

While the two were talking, or more like Emperor Gahard was trying to get Shizuku to talk Kouki happened to pass by and hear their conversation. As he was going to stop the Emperor something stopped him, he didn't know what but he stopped.

"...I am going to be honest, I want you to become my lover, you would have a status everyone would be envious of, you could have everything you wanted and even more."

Kouki was shocked by Gahard words, and as he was going to interrupt and reprimand the Emperor, Shizuku talked.

"I am not interested in old man, and neither will i ever be, I already have someone I like...no someone I love, so stop trying or I will stop being nice" Shizuku replied, in a cold voice, shocking even Kouki as he never heard her talked like that and knew she was angry and was even more shocked learning she loved someone.

But he couldn't help but be curious, but even more anxious

'It couldn't be him right? No impossible...he is dead.' Kouki thought, pushing aside this idea.

"Hoho...and could I know who it is...the Hero maybe? I noticed him always trying to get close to you"

"No it's not Kouki, nor i would tell you his name..." Shizuku replied.

"Not the Hero?...Is he truly worth your love?"

This time Shizuku replied a soft voice, shocking both man, "Yes he is, and even if he wasn't, I wouldn't abandon him, afterall...

We are engaged."

Shizuku finished, with a beautiful smile on her face.

"WHAT?!" Shizuku and Gahard turned toward the third voice, Kouki.

It also goes without saying that Shizuku's sighs increased.



A/N : Hey ! Lots of filler I know, but we can learn more about Shizuku's feeling...and Hajime and Kaori's activities.

Enjoy !

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