
CH.27 - Truth.

The moment he stepped into the center of the magic formation, a snow-white light blinded them suddenly and the room was dyed with light. Enkai felt as if knowledge was imprinted in his brain. The headache died down a little bit but with this new knowledge it came back at full force.

The light soon settled and when Enkai opened his eyes; and standing there… was a young man in black clothing.

"I see you have arrived here after overcoming my trials. My name is Oscar Orcus, the person who created this dungeon. If I said one of the Traitors, would you understand?"


"Ah, please don't ask questions. This is just a recording, unfortunately, and it wouldn't be able to answer your questions. For whoever may reach this place, I will impart the truth of the world and what we fought for… this is the leftover message. So please, I want you to listen… We are traitors… but we are also not."

Then Orcus started his story. This story was much different from the known history that the church taught and what Yue explained to him; it shocked him.

A tale of the battle between the Mad God and his descendants.

During the first year after the Age of Gods, the world was filled with strife. Humans, Devils, and Demi-Humans were constantly at war with each other. The reason for their wars varied. Territorial expansion, ethnic values, greed, and many others. The biggest reason was "Enemy of God". During that time the races and countries were finely divided. Each race and country would worship their own god. For their god's oracle, they continued to wage their war.

After hundreds of years of countless battles, there came people who wanted to end this war. The group was called "Liberators" during those days.

They all had a common connection. All of them were direct descendants of the gods that were followed in the Age of Gods. The leader of the "Liberators" had, by chance, found out the real intentions of the gods. The gods had urged the wars with the intention of having the people be the pieces in their war game. When he found this out, the leader set out on a mission. He gathered like minded people who would not stand for the gods manipulating the people and driving them to war for their games

However, the plan failed before the fighting began. The gods were the puppet masters of the people, and they had gotten people to recognise the "Liberators" as the enemy of god that wanted to bring destruction to the world. People were made to be their enemies. There were complications in the process, after all, and they couldn't wield their power against the people they were trying to protect. When the "Liberators" were defeated, they were labeled as "Traitors", the traitors who forgot the grace of god and wanted to destroy the world.

At the end, their group had been dwindled to the seven strongest. They were now the world's enemies, and they judged that they were not strong enough to strike down the gods. Each of them scattered around the continent and created the Seven Great Dungeons to hide in. The dungeon was a trial to find a worthy person to hand over their powers, and with it accomplish what they could not.

Orcus released a gentle smile after his extensive story wrapped up.

"I don't know who you are ,or what reason you arrived here for. I will not coerce you into killing God. However, I wanted you to know what we stood for.

…To you, I grant my powers. You are free to use it as you will. Please do not use this power to satisfy the evil in your heart. Our conversation is at an end. Thank you for listening. Now your free will won't be under supervision."

Soon, both the pain and magic formation settled. Enkai slowly exhaled.

"Enkai…are you alright ? »

« Yes…I think…my head still hurts a bit, but I am fine don't worry »

« Okay…what do you want to do now ? »

« About the war thing ? »

« …Hn »

« I don't know…honestly it don't concern me at all, I was just summoned with my class against my will…but… »

« ….but ? »

« …I don't know…I just feel disgusted when I heard the word God…and wanted to just end the one who dares to call himself a God »

« …Do you have something against gods ? »

« Well…I want to answer no since I don't believe they exist…but part of me want to say yes » Enkai said, looking at his hands, a little bit weirded by the situation he is in.

« …Hn…if Enkai want to end this god I will help you… » Yue said, giving him a hug…

« I think I will just ignore this…god…urgh again this feeling…anyway, I will ignore him but if he comes in our way I will end him, my goal is still the same, and this is to find a way home » Enkai said, feeling like throwing up at the mention of the word "god" but still clenched his fist in determination at the mention of his goal.

« My only place is by your side… otherwise I don't care. »

« …ahem…I also gained a new magic… » Enkai suddenly changed the subject, clearly embarrassed.

« …What kind ? »

« Well, I think it's called Creation Magic. You can add magic into minerals with it, and the added magic can give special properties to the minerals. »

Yue jaw-dropped at Enkai's explanation.

« …You can make artifacts, can't you? »

« I think…but I am not proficient at it, my friend is better than me…my class allow me to use several other class skill, I learned Transmutation with him in the Abyss but it's not like I am a Master, I could still try »

« Class…? What kind of class do you have ? »

« Huh…it was Sword Saint, why ? »

This time Yue's jaw opened even wider.

« I heard it only in legends…and it was already a legend at my time, so it really exist..? » Yue said to no one, talking to herself but Enkai still heard her ?

« You know something about my class Yue » Asked Enkai, curious about his predecessor.

« …No…even in my library there were only mention of Sword Saint…something about power of the world, but nothing was sure…Sorry » Yue shook her head, and felt down, not able to help Enkai.

« Don't worry, we have a lot of time and I don't really care either way, this power is only a mean for me to go home » Enkai said to Yue, while patting her. The latter narrowing her eyes joyfully.

« Anyway, why don't you learn it too, Yue? Enter this magic square and it will explore your memories. Orcus said something about a trial and you may learn it if it judges that you passed the trial. »

« …I don't use Transmutation but if Enkai says so »

Once again, Orcus appeared and told the same story, who was ignored by the two…or not, when it was the end of Orcus speech, Enkai saw a weird white light bubble shaped escaping from the magic circle.

'Weird…what was that ?' Thought Enkai but quickly forgot about it, focusing on Yue

« Did you get it ? »

« Yeah, but… making artifacts is difficult. »

« Of course, but I think we could learn, maybe there is books about Transmutation in the study room at the second floor »

« …Hn » Yue nodded, she would agree at everything Enkai would say.

« …And let's burry him » Looking at the corpse, Enkai felt a little bit of pity for this man, and he didn't want a corpse in the home he would sleep, it would be creepy.

After burying Orcus, Enkai used the ring he took from Orcus, which worked as a key for the sealed room from before, to explore the house in depth.

In the study room they found various books, ranging from transmutation to history books, but Yue was studying one in particular, it was Orcus' memoir. Inside the memoirs were written the daily lives of former comrades, especially about the seven core members of the "Liberators". One passage was related to the Dungeons the others six made. At each conquered Dungeons they would surely receive an Ancient Magic, but the magics were not listed.

« Maybe this is a way home… » said Enkai to himself

« But in another way it's also an issue…f*ck… » Enkai was angry at this moment, which was noticed by Yue

« What is it ? »

« …Maybe this is a way home but it's also one which will lead us to enter this stupid war. If we conquer all Dungeons, I think this…I think Ehit have a way to monitor us, conquering all dungeons will attract attention to us, for now we are safe since they think we are dead but once we go out, don't be surprised if we are attacked by apostle or some sh*t » Enkai said with a helpless smile, after calming down a little bit.

« …Enkai don't need to worry, We will crush anyone come our way »

« Yeah, let's conquerer all Dungeons, we will think about possible enemy later, and when they come… » Enkai didn't finish his sentence but Yue instantly understood.

They were looking for more information, but they weren't able to find any data that showed the exact locations of the dungeon. Currently, the confirmed dungeons were "Grand Gruen Volcano" around the Great Gruen Desert, and "Haltina Sea of Trees". The rumored dungeons were "Raisen Great Canyon" and "Schnee Snowfield". They had no choice but to investigate all of them.

« Yue »

« …Yes ? »

The both were still studying, Enkai about Transmutation and Yue about the history, she was really curious about the « Traitor » story. When Enkai, deep in thought interrupted her.

« Let's stay here a bit, I know that you were sealed for…a long time but if we need to conquer all the Dungeons it's better to prepare as much as possible, my Katana is destroyed and I don't find the Katana you mentioned so I am without a weapon, with Orcus's books I think I can manage something and maybe do something better with the ores we have. »

« I already said it several time….my place is at you side, anywhere you are is fine… »

« Alright, I will also train…let's get better Yue » Enkai said with determination, not blushing or getting embarrassed by Yue sentence, annoying the latter who was hoping to get a reaction out of him but still replied

« Un! » With the same determination.


A/N : Hey ! Chapter was supposed to be posted yesterday but I no longer have Internet and I am living on my 4G, sorry :(

So a second chapter coming this afternoon ;)

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Chapter a little bit longer since there is a lot of filler.

Enjoy !

Ooencreators' thoughts
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