
The White Outbreak

A city under lockdown due to a virus spreading around, But something worse then a lockdown would come and would anyone survive it?

Courscantguard · Action
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9 Chs

The Police Station

Driving away from that scene Joel breathing heavily thinking about what just happened. No way that sick man could have gotten up after he hit him so many times in the head that could knock anyone out. He uses the radio telling other officers what had happened but the officer on the other end says that he could not spare any other officer as most of them were dealing with huge riots and reports of attacks in the city. "Damn it!" Joel said, slamming his fist. Joel keeps driving, unclear of what to do. His radio blurs out with screams of pain the people on the other end were being eaten alive. Joel drives around car wrecks people and the sick until he finally reaches the station. Upon arriving he sees blood and destroyed cars near the station. Joel exits the car carefully taking out his sidearm and watching his surroundings. Around him he hears people screaming. Joel crouch walks towards some cars in front of the station. He looks at the entrance and through the glass doors he sees nobody. Joel gets up and walks towards the entrance with his sidearm raised ready to fire at anyone who wanted to attack him. "Anyone Police come out with your hands up!" Joel yelled in the police station. There was no response until he heard a loud bang and thud, sounds of someone running towards him. Joel turns to his left and sees Officer Lee charge towards him. Joel fires his pistol at Lee hitting him directly in the head but he stops and stumbles back from the pistol shot. He looks at Joel and grows at him. His eyes were pale and white and he looked unhuman. Joel fires more shots at Lee and he finally drops to the floor dead.

Joel quickly reloads his pistol before seeing more of the infected people coming towards the station they must have heard the gunshots. Joel jumps over the front desk and quickly gets to the back offices. The infected finally break through the glass door and charge towards the front desk going over it or on top of each other. Joel runs into the offices where he used to do reports and work. Thinking quickly, he decides to hide under a desk. He remains there as the infected enter the office area. Joel looks around himself debating if he should peek over head to see if any infected were in the room with him. He knew there were 2 exits he could use: he could use the emergency exit or the staff exit. The emergency was closer so he thought to use that exit, he carefully peeked over to see one infected who had sat down against a wall not moving. This was a problem if he wanted to leave the station he had to have someone pass the single infected without making loud noises.

This seemed like it was hopeless, Joel mustered up his courage and got up quietly and using the cover of the dark and the office desks Joel sneaked towards the infected. The infected were still there lying motionless. Joel looked up from the desk he was hiding under and grabbed a pencil he threw it at the infected, it hit his head and he woke up and got up. Joel moved away from the spot he threw the pencil and hid under another desk and the infected looked at the pencil.

Joel used this moment to get his baton out and attack the infected. Unfortunately, the hit only angered the infected, it swing at him hitting Joel in the stomach and head. They both stumbled back towards a wall. Joel used the baton to prevent the infected from biting him by putting his baton horizontally in the infected mouth he then kicked him off. As the infected was getting up Joel grabbed a vase that was on the floor and slammed it into the infected head. He then ran out of the offices leaving his baton and made his way to the emergency exit. Thankfully he did not encounter any more infection on his way to the exit. Joel went to the emergency exit and he found there was blood on the door handle, Joel still opened the door , in front of him a cop was on the floor with his neck bleeding out and he was starting to become infected. The officer on the floor begged for Joel to kill him before he was one of the infected. But he regretted his decision by refusing to kill him, knowing that if his gun was used, it would attract more of the infected. He raced back to his car too see that it was gone"

Frustrated, he looked around for any car he could use but most were either destroyed or stuck in the traffic of abandoned cars. Knowing it was not good to stand in the open in a dangerous situation Joel moved quickly throughout the streets devastated by the ongoing virus. Joel passed many dead bodies and saw his city being torn apart by the infected. After a while of searching for a car, he remembers he had his phone with him. Joel decides to check if he had any new information released about the white infection. He walks into an alleyway and checks his phone, which still has service. He opens his phone to find a national alert about the virus and a map showing locations to evacuate the city held by the military.

"I should have just checked my phone earlier." He said opening an app for maps. On the map the nearest evacuation site was site 2 but it was still far.