
Chapter 31 - Changing bonds

122 AC

The second day of the sixth moon.

Ulf Pov

The gentle knocking on my door stirred me from my slumber. I had slept soundly, like an innocent child, after returning from the bustling Street of Silk. Perhaps my virtuous deed had granted me a peaceful rest.

"May I enter?" a woman's voice inquired politely.

"You may," I responded, welcoming her into the room as a servant appeared before me.

I awaited her words, rising from the bed and pouring myself a refreshing glass of water. The servant hesitated, her face flushing a deep shade of red. Confusion clouded my mind as I wondered what could have caused such embarrassment.

Then, it struck me—I stood before her, completely unclothed, for I preferred to sleep in the comfort of my own skin. Amusement bubbled within me as I realized the source of her unease. I chuckled lightly and reached for the tunic lying on the bed, wrapping it around myself.

"The Princess Rhaenys wishes to break her fast with you, Ser Ulf, in an hour's time," the servant finally spoke, her voice filled with a mixture of shyness and intrigue. I found it surprising that the princess desired my presence.

"Very well. Is there anything else you need, my dear?" I inquired, curious about the purpose of her visit.

"May I be of further assistance?" the servant asked, her voice meek and timid.

"Yes," I responded, lowering my tone and stepping closer to her.

As I approached, I noticed beads of perspiration glistening on her forehead, her face once again flushed crimson. Slowly, I leaned in toward her ear and whispered, "You may draw the bath."

Her reaction revealed her astonishment. She had likely anticipated some form of seduction or mischief on my part. I took pleasure in teasing her, as I often did with those around me.

In that moment, I couldn't help but reflect on my behaviour. I realized with a tinge of self-awareness that perhaps I was becoming too influenced by the qualities of the Rogue Prince, a man known for his arrogance and narcissism. It troubled me to think that these traits were seeping into my own personality. Despite what the man had done for me the last thing I wanted was to become like him.

Truly, it is an incredible feeling to possess such striking handsomeness, enhanced by my Valyrian heritage, which only adds to my undeniable allure.

But I must remember to temper it with humility and kindness, lest I become a reflection of the very qualities I despise.

I twirled the dragon glass dagger that Ser Alfred had given me, relishing in the anticipation of the look on his face when he realized that I had become the youngest knight in the realm. That arrogant fucker would surely grumble about how I didn't deserve the honor, or spout some other bullshit. But I knew my worth.

With the dagger in hand, I made my way towards the room where Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys resided. The knights, wearing the colors of House Velaryon, opened the door for me, and I stepped inside.

The room was grand, far larger than I had imagined. My gaze shifted towards the table positioned near the window, where Princess Rhaenys sat alongside her husband and their grandchildren.

As I entered, Baela, one of the grandchildren, leaped out of her seat and dashed towards me, wrapping her arms around me in an enthusiastic embrace. I couldn't help but smile as she clung to me tightly.

"You were amazing, Ulf!" she exclaimed, her excitement barely contained. "The way you defeated those foolish squires was absolutely hilarious, especially when you bested Aemond."

Hearing her words, a mix of pride and discomfort washed over me. I recalled the intense bout I had with Aemond, and I hoped I hadn't hit him too hard. But as Baela's laughter filled the room, Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys joined in, their amusement echoing through the chamber.

Even Rhaena, offered me a small smile, and my heart swelled with a sense of accomplishment and acceptance. It was a heart warming moment, knowing that my efforts were appreciated and that I had earned the respect and admiration of those around me.

As we sat down to eat Baela continued to ask me question while Rhaenys reprimanded her granddaughter for talking while her food was in her mouth and how it was bad manners while Baela just groaned in annoyance.

Everything seemed to be going well until I caught sight of Daemon entering the room, an amused expression playing across his face. Dread gripped my heart as I realized I would have to face him and explain that I hadn't fulfilled his expectations of becoming a "man," but instead, I had given the girls the gold dragons to help them escape their dire circumstances. I was in deep trouble.

"Fucking hell, what was I going to tell him?" I thought, my mind racing to find a way out of this predicament.

"Ah, Ulf, how wonderful to see you here in the castle," Daemon greeted me, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "I must say, I didn't expect you to have the energy to return."

His words hit me like a punch to the gut. He knew. Of course, he knew. Daemon, being the astute Lord of Flea Bottom, had likely uncovered my act of defiance against his wishes.

Rhaenys, catching the tension in the air, interjected sharply, "Why wouldn't he be in the castle, Daemon?"

My heart sank further. I was trapped, and now Rhaenys was involved in this mess.

"Girls, I believe it is time for you to go," Daemon said, his voice taking on a firm tone. "I think your septa is waiting for you."

Baela groaned in protest, clearly displeased by the sudden change of plans. Rhaena, however, silently acquiesced and left the room.

The weight of the situation bore down on me. I had disappointed Daemon but it did not matter because I had done the right thing.

"Well, after he woke up yesterday, I took him for a stroll in the city, dear cousin," Daemon began, his tone filled with amusement.

"Where did you take him?" Rhaenys inquired, her voice growing more intense.

"I must admit, cousin, that we were simply walking and somehow found ourselves on the Street of Silk," he responded, a mischievous smirk playing across his face.

"What?" Rhaenys exclaimed, rising from her seat and slamming her hands down on the table in frustration.

"Rhaenys, please calm down," Corlys interjected, his voice attempting to diffuse the growing tension.

Rhaenys turned her gaze towards her husband, her anger now directed at him. Corlys, too, grew wary, realizing the potential consequences of further interrupting his furious wife.

The room fell into a heavy silence, each person grappling with their own thoughts and concerns. The revelation of my unauthorized visit to the Street of Silk had unleashed a storm, and I braced myself for the wrath that awaited me.

"I will not let you endanger him, Daemon," Rhaenys bit out, her voice filled with determination.

Her words struck a chord within Daemon, igniting a fire of indignation. "You believe that I would endanger him, Rhaenys?" he retorted, his voice growing heated.

Rhaenys, undeterred, stood her ground. It seemed like she was about to say something to me as she gazed into my eyes.

But before she could say anything, Daemon's voice sliced through the room, his tone laced with a warning. "You better watch the next words you say, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Rhaenys shouted, her voice echoing through the room.

Tension crackled in the air, their voices clashing in a battle of wills.

The atmosphere grew tense as those final words lingered in the air, leaving an unspoken threat hanging between them. Rhaenys stood there, momentarily stunned, her eyes locked with Daemon's intense gaze.

It was as that moment that it seemed the weight of their unspoken conflict settled heavily upon them, each aware of the consequences that could unfold if this confrontation escalated further. It would be a lie if I said that I was not curious wanting to know what the matter had been about.

I had a suspicion that the matter was related to me.

In that charged moment, a palpable silence filled the room, carrying the unspoken understanding that they had reached a delicate impasse. It remained to be seen whether this would be the breaking point until Rhaenys relented and sat down.

"Ulf, go and prepare your horse and armor. Tomorrow, you will participate in the joust," Daemon commanded, his voice cutting through the tension in the room.

I stood there, stunned, my mind struggling to comprehend his unexpected decree. Participate in the joust? It had never crossed my mind that I would be given such an opportunity. The weight of the moment settled upon me, and I felt a mix of excitement and apprehension coursing through my veins.

As thoughts raced through my mind, a part of me considered voicing my surprise, expressing my gratitude for the unexpected chance. However, the memory of Daemon's anger towards me still lingered, dissuading me from challenging his decision or risking further provocation. It was clear that he was already angered, and the last thing I wanted was to escalate the situation.

With a nod of acknowledgment, I replied, "Of course, Prince Daemon. I will make the necessary preparations immediately."

Internally, I braced myself for the challenges that lay ahead. The joust would be a test of my mettle, an opportunity to prove myself in the eyes of those who doubted me. I resolved to seize this unexpected chance and give my all, hoping that my performance would surpass expectations and perhaps even bridge the gap which had formed between Daemon and myself.

"Ulf, my old friend, how are you?" Hugh's boisterous voice filled the air as he approached and lifted me up in a bear hug.

"Hugh, there are people watching," I said, slightly embarrassed by his exuberance.

"Ah, forget about them," Hugh waved off my concern with a dismissive gesture.

"I was truly worried about you, Ulf, out there on the grounds. If anything had happened to you, I would have personally crushed that prince's head in," Hugh declared with a fierce determination in his eyes.

"I know, Hugh, you would have," I replied, grateful for his loyalty.

"So, are you ready for the Knights Melee, Hugh?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Of course, I am! I'll bloody crush every knight who dares to stand before me," Hugh proclaimed, his voice brimming with confidence.

"And they will fear me. Hugh the Hammer will be my legendary epithet," he boasted, attempting to appear mighty.

"You still haven't defeated me," I teased, coughing and causing Hugh's eye to twitch.

"What did you say, you...?" Hugh's voice trailed off as he tried to catch me, but I darted away, laughing all the way.

Spending time with Hugh was the best stress buster. With him, I didn't have to second-guess my every action a hundred times over.

After we settled down, I confided in Hugh, recounting the events that had unfolded on the streets of Silk and the predicament I currently found myself in.

"So, let me get this straight," Hugh began, his tone laced with amusement. "The prince took you to a brothel, paid for the 'maidenhead' of two girls, and instead of enjoying your victory, you gave them money to escape. You really are a coward, Ulf!" Hugh burst into laughter, unable to contain his amusement.

"No wonder the prince is angry with you. If I were in your place, I would have shown my gratitude for his generosity by indulging in the pleasures of all the whores in that brothel," Hugh continued, chuckling to himself.

I merely raised an eyebrow at his comments, unsure whether to be amused or exasperated. It seemed Hugh was more focused on emphasizing his appreciation for the prince's kindness rather than any other reason.

That fucking liar.

Suddenly, a familiar voice broke through our conversation. "Just the man I was looking for," Aemond's voice resonated as he approached us, accompanied by Ser Arryk and Ser Criston Cole of the Kingsguard. Several men wearing the colors of House Hightower trailed behind them, adding an air of formality to the gathering.

Sensing their presence, Hugh swiftly rose to his feet, towering over the men who seemed visibly nervous in his imposing presence. Unarmed, Hugh displayed no signs of apprehension, his demeanor radiating confidence.

A brief but intense stare-down ensued between Criston and Hugh, each man sizing up the other. Sensing the rising tension, I quickly intervened, urging Hugh to back down and maintain a calm composure. We needed to navigate this situation with caution.

"It is fine, Ser Criston," Aemond spoke, his voice steady and composed, diffusing the mounting tension in the air. I glanced at Hugh, silently conveying the need for restraint. He reluctantly acquiesced, easing his stance but keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings.

"Before we proceed further, I would like to have a private conversation with Ser Ulf," Aemond interjected firmly, his gaze shifting towards me. Criston Cole, eager to voice his disagreement, began to protest, but Aemond's commanding presence silenced any objections. Sensing the gravity of the situation, I motioned for Hugh to comply as well.

Reluctantly, Hugh nodded, his expression a mix of concern and caution. We understood the need for discretion and trusted Aemond to navigate this delicate matter.

With a nod of gratitude, I followed Aemond as he led me away from the prying eyes of the onlookers. We moved to a secluded corner.

Aemond, approached me with a discerning gaze. "Ser Ulf" he began, his voice carrying a mix of concern and curiosity. "I have heard rumors of your recent encounter in the brothel. Care to enlighten me on the matter?"

Taking a deep breath, I proceeded to recount the events that had unfolded, careful to choose my words wisely. I explained how the Rogue Prince had taken me to the brothel, his intentions veiled beneath a veneer of generosity. He had paid for the maidenhood of two young girls, expecting me to revel in my conquest. But my conscience had guided me differently. Instead of succumbing to the carnal desires, I had offered the girls money to escape a life of exploitation.

Aemond listened attentively, his expression evolving from curiosity to a mixture of admiration and intrigue. "Ulf, you possess a rare virtue," he mused, his voice brimming with genuine appreciation. "To prioritize the well-being and dignity of others over fleeting pleasure is truly commendable. It speaks volumes of your character."

As I stood there, my gaze fixed upon Aemond, I couldn't help but feel a profound admiration for how much he had truly grown, not only as a man but also as an individual.

"Prince Aemond," I began, my voice filled with sincerity, "I wish to extend my deepest apologies for the events that unfolded during the melee, and for that, I am truly sorry."

Upon hearing my heartfelt apology, Aemond's expression seemed to shift, as if miffed by my self-blame. He quickly interjected, his voice filled with conviction.

"Ser Ulf, please do not burden yourself with unnecessary guilt," Aemond asserted firmly. "The outcome of our fight was solely my responsibility. I should have paid closer attention to your skill and prowess. It was my own lapse in judgment that led to my defeat, not any fault of yours."

His words washed over me, both humbling and reassuring. Aemond's display of humility and acceptance of his own shortcomings spoke volumes about his character. At that moment, it became clear that he not only held himself to high standards but also respected the abilities of others.

"Prince Aemond, your words mean a great deal to me," I responded, gratitude and admiration lacing my voice. "To hear you absolve me of any blame is a testament to your fairness and integrity. I am grateful for your understanding and for shouldering the responsibility of our duel."

Aemond's countenance softened, a small smile forming at the corner of his lips. "Ser Ulf, we are all fallible," he replied, his voice carrying a touch of wisdom. "It is through acknowledging our own faults that we grow stronger. Together, we shall learn from our experiences and become better versions of ourselves."

In that moment, a renewed sense of camaraderie and shared purpose enveloped us. Aemond's words had washed away the remnants of guilt that had weighed on my shoulders. Instead, they fueled a desire to forge ahead, to continue striving for excellence while supporting one another.

"Ulf," I said, breaking the momentary silence. Aemond's gaze shifted towards me, a flicker of confusion dancing in his eyes.

"My friends call me Ulf," I continued, raising my hand for a handshake, hoping to bridge the gap between us. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he reciprocated, clasping my arm in a firm grip. In that simple gesture, the seeds of camaraderie were sown.

"Very well, Ulf," Aemond replied, his voice carrying a newfound warmth. "You may call me Aemond."

The exchange of names may have appeared trivial to an outsider, but to us, it signified a deeper understanding. It marked the emergence of a bond forged through shared experiences and mutual respect. At that moment, the walls of formality crumbled, allowing us to see each other as individuals, stripped of our titles and roles.

As our laughter filled the air, I couldn't help but reflect on the unlikely friendship that had blossomed between us. The path we had walked, from adversaries in combat to confidants in adversity, had been unexpected. Yet, it was this unexpectedness that lent our friendship a unique charm.

In that instant, the weight of our respective positions and the complications it would bring faded into the background. We were simply two souls, finding solace in the company of a like-minded individual, irrespective of the intricacies and challenges that lay ahead.

Though I couldn't deny the implications our friendship held for the future—a future fraught with political intricacies and potential conflicts—I chose to focus on the present. For in that moment, as laughter mingled with the air around us, I cherished the simple joy of having found a kindred spirit.

How do you like the latest chapter guys? Do let me know your thoughts on the changing bonds and the effect that it may have on the dance.

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