
Chapter 12 - Dream a little dream of me.

120 AC

Third day of the First moon

Ulf Pov

As the sunlight crept in, I was awoken from my slumber. It felt great to have a proper night's sleep.

I poured water from the jug into the glass and gulped it down I a quick go. For some reason, my throat felt as dry as the sands of Dorne.

I noticed the jug that was on the bedside stand but as I tried chugging the water nothing came out of it.

The desire to have even a drop of water increased significantly. As I threw the jug down in anger it broke into hundreds of pieces and one piece came right back and pierced through my palm.

Fucking hell it hurt like hell.

The blood gushed out as I removed the piece which turned into dust immediately. The pieces that were present on the ground turned into dust as well.

I felt a sharp pain in my palm as If hundreds of insects were inside it currently. The cloth which I had tied up my wound had changed into a dark green mess with.

Am I tripping? I tried to think whether Daemon had mixed some Westerosi drugs into my food.

The blood started flowing through the cloth and It was a mixture of green and gold in color.

Due to the pain, my eyes started welling up. I had to find Gerardys only he could help me.

I ran outside the room and called for help, but the chatter of the servants was missing too. The air had become cold. It felt as If I was the only one present in the castle.

I rushed to Laena's room but there was no one there .

Just what the fuck is happening.

"Ulf where are you, my boy?".

I froze in place. The voice that belonged to the woman whom I had loved the most rang out.

The tears that I was holding back had finally come out.

"I am right here, mother. Where are you?", I cried out.

"Right here my boy", came her reply.

I rushed in the direction of her voice.

"She is dead", came the voice from inside me. "She died due to fucking illness and you know that", the voice rang out again.

"Shut the fuck up", I screamed out aloud.

As I opened the door of the courtyard I saw a woman who was wearing a black dress standing in the distance.

The silver blonde hair of the woman flowed freely in the wind.

Then as the woman turned around her face became visible.

I fell down on my knees. As her eyes gazed into mine I was transfixed. She was back. My mother was back.

She bent down and opened up her arms.

"Won't you give your mother a hug?", her melodious voice rang out.

Hearing that I immediately ran into her arms.

I hugged her as tightly as I could. I was worried that If I let go she would go away.

"I missed you, mama."

"I know you did my sweet boy, but..", she said gently.

"But what mama?", I asked her while I was still In her embrace.

"But you have become a bad boy Ulf", she said in a strict manner.

Before I could ask her my chest started feeling a bit tighter.

"The first bad thing that you did was that you killed me Ulf."

It took some time for me to process what she had said.

"Mama what are you….", before I could continue I could feel her grip tightening.

"I was suffering for more than a year and you did not do anything to save me, rather you celebrated my death by taming a dragon.", her voice turned hoarse as she spoke.

"Ughh", I grunted as I got out of her grip.

"You are not my mother", I screamt at the woman who was pretending to be my mother.

"Oh is that so?" the woman said as she started cackling.

She fell down as a black liquid covered her body. And when the liquid was swallowed up by the ground I saw her appearance.

She looked as thin as my mother was when she was sick.

"This is how I had suffered for a year, and now you as me what your sins are".

Her bony hands grabbed my ankles and she started pulling me towards herself. I tried kicking her away but I could not feel my legs at all.

Her laughter became louder and louder and I clutched my ears in pain. I closed my eyes.

"Wake up, wake up. Wake the fuck up Ulf", I said to myself.

"But you're not asleep boy".

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Laena Velaryon standing in front of me.

"My princess what … ughh".

Before I could say anything meaningful she fell upon me. Her hands were on my neck as she was choking me.

" You killed my boy, you killed my boy, you killed my boy...", she kept repeating like a mantra.

I did not fight it. It would be better If I die in this nightmare.

Her laughter rang out more loudly and the entire earth shook as she laughed.

I slowly lost my vision and the memories that I had with my mother began flashing in front of my eyes. It seems that death had come for me.

I was happy in a way that I could see mother again butt….. I had a regret. I would not be able to Silverwing again nor would I be able to embark on an adventure across Westeros.

But the old saying came into my mind, "Beggars cannot be choosers".

As I felt my life ebb away I just wanted to experience riding on Silverwing again.

"Leave him be".

The voice sounded like that of a woman but I had never heard it before.

And as I looked at Laena her face had turned into one of confusion and anger. But her hand still was on my neck.

"I said. LEAVE HIM BE". This time the voice of the woman became stronger and cracks started appearing on the ground while Laena was thrown away due to the wind crashing into her.

As the woman came in front of me I noticed her features. She was easily 6 feet tall with long silver hair that touched the ground as she walked. Her silver dress was shining brightly and as she looked back at me I noticed her deep silver eyes looking at me as If assessing whether I was uninjured.

After seeing that I was all right she turned her attention back to the monster.

"You should not be here", came the voice of the monster.

"If I see you ever again near the boy remember that I will burn everything you hold dear. Even the wall will not save you from my wrath."

The monster clicked his tongue before going disappearing.

Seeing the monster leave I fell down on my back taking in heavy breaths.

"Burn, wall what do you mean?", I asked the woman.

As she looked at me her eyes which were filled with hate had dissipated and in turn, It was filled with love. As she gently put my head on her lap I felt my wounds healing.

"No matter what happens I will always be there for you Ulf", the woman said before gently placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Also it is better to forget about nightmares isn't it?", Hearing her I just nodded weakly.

"But now it's time to wake up".

And just like that, I awoke with a start. My clothes were sticking to me. It seems that I must have sweat a lot.

What a nightmare.

Well It's better to forget about nightmares, isn't it?

Just like she said.

Huh? Who's she?

I racked my brains but could not think about the woman who had told me that.

But It was then that the ear-piercing scream of a woman rang out.

I had recognized the scream of the woman well enough since I had spent the majority of yesterday listening to her scream.

I ran straight into Laena's room and noticed Laenor comforting her while she was crying uncontrollably.

No no, no. Laenor you fucking idiot, Please tell me you did not tell her.

Hearing the screams even Daemon ran in.

Looking at Laena he immediately understood what had happened and looked close to stabbing Laenor there and then.

"Put him in the cells Ser Harwin", came the voice of Rhaenyra.

"For lying to Princess Laena"

A thousand words came into my mind but I could utter only one.


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