This story is about the white fox who live in a perfect family even though she doesn't have a mother. But then her father found his love one that he brought to thier house. They didn't know about Arah the child of goddess and priest. She is half mortal and immortal. She has a golden blood of her mother and vision from her father. Unexpectedly her step mom was trying to kill her to own his fathers treasure but she cannot do that because of her immortality. Arah has a lot of secrets. His father know about her ability but her step mom and sisters doesn't know about her. The academy of immortals have known about Arah and they brought a letter to her. They agreed to let her study the abilities she have as the goddess of fox
The world is being threatened by the darkness. 50 years ago, the people in the valley of Torah are living in a paradise which they don't need to waste their time to work for their food supply. The god and goddess was actually decided to lived in the mortal realm and enjoyed its beauty. The god of underworld fell in love with the goddess of fox. Unexpectedly, the goddess of fox fell in love with immortal priest which lead the both of them in danger. They bare a child named Arah. She carries the golden blood of her mother and also her fathers visions.
The king of underworld Yvan, the suitor of goddess fox have known that the goddess and the priest was already planning to have marriage ceremony. Yvan was very angry with the news that he planned to attaked them at the marriage.
As the marriage begins, his spies entered and stop the marriage. The people trembled when they reavel their identity as the soldier of underworld. King Yvan entered and he hold the waist of the goddess, but the goddess can't move because she was paralyzed.
"To all people of Torah I don't want war. I came here to get my future wife as the queen of underworld. This priest is not enough for her and she is a goddess not a mortal."
The goddess fainted as the king carried her away and killed the priest.
Thier child was taken by the maid to hide her from the king of underworld.
After how many years, they didn't found the goddess.
Years passed and lady Arah was living by hiding her personality. But she didn't know about herself and her parents. She also didn't know where she came from.
Lady Arah was raised by a commoner. He knows everything about Arah. He just don't want her to know that she is a child of goddess until the exact age to find her mother.
coming soon